Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

In theory ec measurements shouldn't change that much between manufactures. Ppm conversions can vary largely due to what conversion factor they use. I recommend you use ec to compare with others. That said, I wouldn't try to put much effort in trying to match some1 elses ec. The point of taking measurements are whether YOUR nutrient's ec have gone up or down relative to the day before. Cheers
This chart shows that EC/PPM meters vary from brand to brand http://www.cannaversity.com/cannaversity/idx.php/22/041/article/Charts-to-convert-ppmECCF.html so does this mean that an EC of 1.0 on your meter may be different to mine?

This has been on my mind since the time I began to grow would you be able to clear this up for me please.

EC and CF are the same worldwide and regardless of meter manufacture.

I always use EC as it avoids possible confusion which happens when quoting ppm. As sparat1k has mentioned different manufacturers use different conversion factors on their ppm meters .


Oh I almost forgot... When building your vertical systems how do you decide the distance between the section of plants & the bulb? The plants need to be within a sweet spot range without getting burnt so how do you know where the sweet spot is? Im guessing you used a light-meter...? Right?
Hello Heath,

Been lurking your threads for a while now...

Not trying to hyjack...
Big fan of your systems. I am 3 grow Soiler finishing up my last cycle and switching to Hydro. I have been considering a new vertical flower room set up for my 3x3x7 using a modified aerotower set up. But the more I read the more I like the idea of your hybrid ebb/flow. If you or anyone reading this would like to give an opinion on which way I should go please check out my thread:

I still have about 40 days of 12/12 before harvest. Then I will be ripping out the old and building the new. Thanks.
Heath, good to see you are still alive and well.:smile:
hope life is treating you well.
the info in this thread is second to none!
just building room for my new vert, its a v-scrog, with the waterfarms, hope to get fotos up here next week.
Peace and love
Ok so I am rethinking the Aero Tower. Biggest concern with AERO is the clogging of the misters. Also cleaning and sterilizing between grows. The more I read and SEE the pics! on Heath Robinson's tube set ups I have come up with a new SIMPLE design based on HEATHs. I call mine the 2 X 7 Grow Luge ! (my space is 2' x 2' x 7' vertical)

The Dams will be the biggest challenge I think for me. For cost reasons this will be all 4 inch PVC (available at the local HDDP) not the soil tube that Heath uses. My guess is that if I pre assemble each tube with dams I should be able to find and set the correct hight and angle of the dam for optimum water level... then as long as I keep a level on the pipe while setting it up outside the booth - and when I mount it inside there should be no need for adjusting the dam... am I right? - or missing something.

I thought I would also use a 350 GPH pump with a BYPASS to adjust flow... overkill? Would a 230 GPH work better and add less heat to my RES ? (16 gallon rubbermaid - 12- 14 gallons of water)

Any reason to add bubbles to the RES or is this just overkill considering the water flow oxenization... guessing the later considering Heaths grows... or does my smaller scale effect this ya think?

i use 2" net pots to grow cuttings in and wondered if there would be any difference in yield if i used the 2" instead of the 3".
the only way to find out is to do it and see for yourself IMO.

im going to be using 2" net pots in a mini vertical using drainpipe just to get an idea of what to expect yield wise.

ok, i changed my mind at the last minute and went for a smaller version of the flooded vertical that is a diameter of just under 4ft, i will be transferring my clones from my 2" net pots to 3" to go into the vertical. it can be tough work pushing some of these fittings together heath, damn, im knackered...haha.


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ok, i changed my mind at the last minute and went for a smaller version of the flooded vertical that is a diameter of just under 4ft, i will be transferring my clones from my 2" net pots to 3" to go into the vertical. it can be tough work pushing some of these fittings together heath, damn, im knackered...haha.

Your doing good so far nice & neat keep it up but dont rush it.
well ive done it, ive built a mini vertical system in a tiny closet, it houses 40 plants and will start a run with some rather unfortunately delapidated clones tommorow. I'll post pics tommorow too, but it's a 4 layer system built with 4' pvc, 10 plants per layer, verticle 600w hps in a cooltube powered by a 450 cfm vortex extractor fan and a 700 gph pump.
More tommorow.
ok, i changed my mind at the last minute and went for a smaller version of the flooded vertical that is a diameter of just under 4ft, i will be transferring my clones from my 2" net pots to 3" to go into the vertical. it can be tough work pushing some of these fittings together heath, damn, im knackered...haha.
try using silicon grease they'll go together easily, and it helps the seals become more watertight.you should be able to get it where you bought the pipes
pics of my mini cascade vertical hydro.


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Thank you so much for putting in the effort in educating the rest of us Heith, a true gent! I know this is an ancient thread, but if you happen to stumble by I would love to know how you deal with the obscene amount of clones needed. You said you cloned from the vert 1 week into 12/12. Do clones veg fine if cut taken in early 12/12? Also, if it's a true 7 weeker strain you're keeping clones/veg for 7-1=6 weeks before 12/12. Is it a problem keeping them from stretching for that much time? Could you elaborate on your strategy for this as # of clones is the biggest minus imo?

Demosthenese, wicked closet btw!
ok, i changed my mind at the last minute and went for a smaller version of the flooded vertical that is a diameter of just under 4ft, i will be transferring my clones from my 2" net pots to 3" to go into the vertical. it can be tough work pushing some of these fittings together heath, damn, im knackered...haha.

im off and running now.


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What type of connector did you use to attach the water source pipe to the system...? Was it some sort of pipe gland?

Could you take a few more pics please cause you got it going on her he he.

it is a plastic 90 degree elbow joint with screw type washers that screw on over the connecting pipe.

it has screw caps at both ends of the elbow joint, the other screw tight is inside the stop end of the 4" pipe, i just tightened them up by hand, didnt have to use any plumbing tape or adhesive to water tight it.

the noise and vibration from the 2000 liter pumps made me paranoid of the neighbors hearing so i turned them off and used 2x 1000 liter per hour pumps with garden hosepipe fed into the first hole on the top tube and the third tube down, it seems to be working but i wish i had the big boys running for maximum oxygen and fast flow rate.


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it is a plastic 90 degree elbow joint with screw type washers that screw on over the connecting pipe.

it has screw caps at both ends of the elbow joint, the other screw tight is inside the stop end of the 4" pipe, i just tightened them up by hand, didnt have to use any plumbing tape or adhesive to water tight it.

the noise and vibration from the 2000 liter pumps made me paranoid of the neighbors hearing so i turned them off and used 2x 1000 liter per hour pumps with garden hosepipe fed into the first hole on the top tube and the third tube down, it seems to be working but i wish i had the big boys running for maximum oxygen and fast flow rate.

I can see where youve joined the 2 x water supply pipes but what is the additional garden hose for tucked in the net pot? I can see 2 x pumps & 3 garden hoses, whats the job of that third one?