Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical


This one is probably my favorite tho, as far as being doable, and cheap, and still function as I want it to.

I forgot to put tubs on the floor too, but you get the idea.

I figure each one of these chambers would be about 4 ft long, and almost 2 ft wide.

so figure it will fit in a 15x8 ft area no problem... and chambers could be made shorter for a different sized area.

i put 2 orange res's in this one... but youd really only need one res,

but 2 would come in handy if you had 2 stages of plants, so you get kind of a perpetual harvest.

Tubs on the floor could also hold earlier clones that still need root development before being able to fully utilize the aero chambers setup

if you had the space and had the money, this setup would probably out yeild just about anything else using only 6 lights.

so you figure heath is getting 42oz off a 600 watt light.

here we have 6 of those, so, 3600 watts...

and you figure his chamber isnt hp aero, so you are up to over 3 lbs per light, so at least 18 lbs if you did this setup.

as far as the sprayers in the middle chambers go, you can run the feed lines up on the ceiling outside the grow room and then have them drop down into the chambers vertically, and be attached to sprayer T's, suspended in mid air in between oposing walls.

id do an air tight panda wrap room around all this stuff, and then have co2 and a portable ac, and just keep the air in the grow room, and the portible ac dehumidifies it all, and then you dont have to vent and worry about smell, or worry about c02 escaping.

You figure 18+lbs, in a 14x20 ft room...

and then figure we could add another row of plant sites instead of just the 4 or however many heath uses.

If you have a panda ceiling, then the plant will grow across the roof over the light, which is fine.

so extra plant sites, plus if you put tubs on the ground around the rooms to hold even more plants...

your talking prob 24lbs or more...

off 6 600w bulbs.... every 8 weeks.

This would have to be the most efficient way to grow if electricity is an issue.

edit: i put the 2 res's in the corners in the wrong spot, youd want to put them up by the door probably so you could put this in a smaller room, and not need a walk way all the way around the back to get to the res's
well, if you read the last 20 pages of this thread, you will see that many other people are trying to take heaths concept and debate how to improve it.

or pretend i just came out of nowhere, its cool
Sherribery. I was trying to gently steer you toward something so you would not continue to hijack this thread with your cool new design. That didn't work so I will be more direct. Perhaps you should open a new thread for those interested in what you have to say. This thread is about Heath Robinson's system. Thanks!
well, where do i start.
i have the bits and pieces to build heaths mini vertical, and i had the coco bag vertical idea that i posted on here but what i really want is to have a vertical system that uses no medium at all.
that leaves me with nft or aeroponics, i had this idea to build something like this:

i dont know what to use to make them out of but was thinking of polycarbonate sheets and use fish tank sealant to glue them together at the seams to water tighten them.

it is kind of based on the grow wall. i just want to be able to move them around on the wheels.

i also was thinking that it would be great if i could get an aeroponic sprinkler system in there instead of drip feeding. that way, i would have no medium to get rid of.
oh and i would be using 8 or 9 walls around one 600 watt light, even though i have have space to use more lights.

any thoughts of how to move forward on this would be appreciated.

hey fools...

long before you ever showed up... back on page 65, 50 posts ago...

we had a discussion going about aero chambers and what heaths input on them was since hes the master of this.

then you little peons who think you are his little chihulahula guard dogs start giving me shit because i took a while to respond because ive been so busy...

so .... how bout you quit hijacking a thread ....

where the rest of us are trying to invent things and get eachothers opinions, and you are to busy worrying about whos band wagon you are going to pledge alegience



or ?????

and realize, this isnt about teams, we dont need your help because youve already proven your ignorance by attempting to correct us into thinking stinkbuds system is aero... when its not.

read and learn...

ask heath questions...

ask me or anyone else here questions...

or shut up.

but dont tell me to not post on a thread about a discussion that is older than your existence to this thread, i just went through the hassle of siting it because it appears you are all too stupid to even understand what im tlaking about and the discussion that was going on before you showed up.

in other words... grow a brain and some class before you start telling people who know a whole lot more about this stuff than you... what to do, and where to post.

if heath wants me to leave, and doesnt want to comment on our ideas in attempts to improve his system further...

hes welcome to ask me to leave, but my questions and ideas are sincere...

im not here to bash heath... what hes done is awesome...

and just as hes made improvements to our cause to grow plants...

now im trying to do the same.

does that make sense lizard boy?
sherriberry: How about heaths system x2 stacked on top of each other? 5 pounds every 2 months with 2 600 watters. I am in the middle of building one, the only real difference is mine has ez-cone tips inside so you clone in the system. When the roots are good, pull the spray bars out and use it just like heaths setup. I left one side out to be able to get in the system thou. I am not doing anything that hasn't been proven so i am somewhat confident it will work.
medimary, thanks bro

laughing duck...

yeah, i think it will work for sure.

But, if it were me, i would honestly just do this....

i would get one or 2 large (this is what i use) the big 4 ft rubbermaids,a nd put 2 inch netpots all across the top of the lid, it will hold about 100 of them each.

put an H of pvc and ez clone sprayers in there on top of a 500gph pump, and fill it about 5 inches deep with water with very light nutes, and let them rip

think of it like a giant easy cloner... but you dont need the lid over them...

just use t5 lights, and get the 4 ft 8 bay lights, and just run 4 or even less lights until they give root, then turn all 8 lights on and watch the plants rip. Youll have long long roots in a week from when they first give root.

2 inch netpots are the way to go imho, the plants love them, and they are cheap and you can fit tons of clones into a small area.

so, with 2 tubs, thats 200+ clones every 2 weeks..

reason i say this is... complete your room... make it the circle, i think you will kick yourself if you dont.

Use the 2 inch netpots in the pipes instead of the 4 inchers like heath does.

dont mess with sprayers, way to much hassle i think, it will be leak city

as far as putting 2 on top of eachother, i think the reason most dont is because of ceiling height limitations.

if you got the room, i say go for it.

even if you cant double the 4 rows to 8, but maye get 5 or 6, its still well worth it.

At that point, just do mulitiple circles, and dont forget to upgrade to a 1000 watt towards the end of budding if you can...

id only do the 2 600's if you can add the 2 or more extra plant rows

i wouldnt get rid of the circle shape tho, otherwise you are undoing what heath has done... the water tumbling after each level is KEY to keeping oxygen in the water.

and by getting rid of one side of the circle, you undo your extra rows up top, and make it less efficient, know what i mean?

goodluck, let us know how it turns out however you go.
the solution ive been looking for...

saw these tonight at home depot, they will work, i will cut large holes in the top and bottoms of them and just stack them 4 high, plus set them on some sort of platform so that gravity brings the water down from the bottom container to the res

cut 1 or 2 holes on the flap for 2 inch netpots, and face that inward towards the light obviously.

I checked for leak possibility, and there is none, the way the sti in eachother, the water will stay inside them even with the tops and bottoms carved out to make it one vertical chamber.



I found another site too that has hopper style tubs that stack, only problem is they dont have the lid over the hopper side... so the other bin itself is the lid, on top... but on the hopper opening, there is no lid, so it would be a lot more labor intensive, but they have even wider and longer hoppers than the one i just linked above.



once i get some of these going i will create a thread and let you guys know how it goes.

I wish i could inspect the bottom pictured tubs in a store, but they are only online, and their headquarters appears to be in maimi FL.

... good an excuse for a vacation.

in the meantime, i wont bother anyone on this thread anymore, ill talk about this elsewhere i guess :)
Sherryberry, what are you trying to achieve with your setup? I want to help, maybe we could start a thread about vertical designs.

if you had the space and had the money, this setup would probably out yeild just about anything else using only 6 lights.

so you figure heath is getting 42oz off a 600 watt light.

here we have 6 of those, so, 3600 watts...

and you figure his chamber isnt hp aero, so you are up to over 3 lbs per light, so at least 18 lbs if you did this setup.

as far as the sprayers in the middle chambers go, you can run the feed lines up on the ceiling outside the grow room and then have them drop down into the chambers vertically, and be attached to sprayer T's, suspended in mid air in between oposing walls.

id do an air tight panda wrap room around all this stuff, and then have co2 and a portable ac, and just keep the air in the grow room, and the portible ac dehumidifies it all, and then you dont have to vent and worry about smell, or worry about c02 escaping.

You figure 18+lbs, in a 14x20 ft room...

and then figure we could add another row of plant sites instead of just the 4 or however many heath uses.

If you have a panda ceiling, then the plant will grow across the roof over the light, which is fine.

so extra plant sites, plus if you put tubs on the ground around the rooms to hold even more plants...

your talking prob 24lbs or more...

off 6 600w bulbs.... every 8 weeks.

This would have to be the most efficient way to grow if electricity is an issue.

edit: i put the 2 res's in the corners in the wrong spot, youd want to put them up by the door probably so you could put this in a smaller room, and not need a walk way all the way around the back to get to the res's

Hello, sherriberry. First off, I like your design, and ideas I've read so far.

But, I'm not sure and could be very wrong here, but I think that one of the main points of Heath's system is to be able to get such a HUGE yield from just ONE light... I mean, I'm running four 400W HPS lights in my flower room (not to mention the two 400W MH lights I use for VEG, so six 400W lights total), and I get no where near what he does with one 600watter.. Of course, my system is no where near as elaborate, and I'm not really concerned with this.. However, i would SO LOVE to produce that much weed with one 600W light. That's such a minimal amount of electricity to use, and I would be less stressed out about the worry of using "too much" power to stay inconspicuous... Ya know??

Having said that, I may be taking your idea the wrong way... You may be saying that using more lights increases the yield, and that's a good thing? :-) yeah??? In that aspect, you are correct. I'm sitting here thinking that if I could use just two 600W lights and incorporate a system like heath or you have suggested and get 80oz's a harvest, it just might be worth the time and effort to switch over to something like you two have shown here.

Thanks for your posts. Your ideas are intriguing.

Heath - your system flat out kicks some major ass, buddy!!!

Hello, sherriberry. First off, I like your design, and ideas I've read so far.

But, I'm not sure and could be very wrong here, but I think that one of the main points of Heath's system is to be able to get such a HUGE yield from just ONE light... I mean, I'm running four 400W HPS lights in my flower room, and I get no where near what he does with one 600watter.. Of course, my system is no where near as elaborate, and I'm not really concerned with this.. However, i would SO LOVE to produce that much weed with one 600W light. That's such a minimal amount of electricity to use, and I would be less stressed out about the worry of using "too much" power to stay inconspicuous... Ya know??

Having said that, I may be taking your idea the wrong way... You may be saying that using more lights increases the yield, and that's a good thing? :-) yeah??? In that aspect, you are correct. I'm sitting here thinking that if I could use just two 600W lights and incorporate a system like heath or you have suggested and get 80oz's a harvest, it just might be worth the time and effort to switch over to something like you two have shown here.

Thanks for your posts. Your ideas are intriguing.

Heath - your system flat out kicks some major ass, buddy!!!


correct, heaths purpose is to get a ton from one light.

my purpose is to get more from one light.

Anyone who knows about high pressure aero knows it makes bigger roots, and bigger roots mean more absorbtion, and thus bigger yeilds per plant.

Now, diagram above is simply showing that... you could do 6 of these in x amount of space.

so, yes, huge yeilds from one light.

6x huge yeild from 6 lights.

hopefully that makes sense.
Sherryberry, what are you trying to achieve with your setup? I want to help, maybe we could start a thread about vertical designs.

yeah, my mind moves a mile a minute.

believe it or not, im still on my first grow ... ever... and during that grow, ive hand built 4 different setups, and just figuring everythign out.

ive gone from knowing nothing, to knowing more than most people on this forum it seems like.

track down the masters, and ask them a billion questions, and have a good grasp on physiscs.

the chemestry part is my next step.. physics comes very natural to me.

in the next few months i hope to be mixing my own nutes from scratch.

im going to keep looking for vertical stacked tubs, and make sure that there is nothing better out there.

I still dont like how thin those tubs are with the lids on them...

i like the width of the second tubs i linked, but dont like the absense of a lid.

at the rate ive been going, ill have an idea that makes this look stone age by next week

i have another invention (unless they already got them)

but basically something to get the vertical cord and light to kind of swing around ina circle a bit...

this keeps all leaves getting light because the light is slightly moving.

ill have a batcave i california one day, and put up photos that people think are computer animated :)