Heaven, Hell, and the Devil aren't real, but God is?

If we really are zipping around through the galaxy, while also spinning in orbit at a half million miles per hour, I would like to think that we each as individuals are grooving our own spiral record with our vibes, into some kind of space time platter.. like a cosmic vinyl, worthy of gods technics.

I just know we'll be able to play it back somehow, and that everything is recorded forever. The same place our dreams come from.

The past, present and future all swirling together to create what we perceive as reality, until the spark goes out and we die. And then, as long as we've given more positive energy than negative, we get to create it all again, whenever we want, and with whoever we want, including pets.

I find that belief system comforting.
the first humans(Adam and Eve) had Gods protection (so would never get cancer) in the garden of eden, but were told not to disobey Gods commandment, to multiply and replenish the earth, and do not eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, or we will be cursed and die

as the story goes the devil lied to and tricked the woman first, and said god wasn't telling them the truth and they definitely wont die. She then gave it to Adam. Now God is disappointed and like any parent with disobedient children, that don't listen, basically says your on your own now and got bannished from the garden of eden, and had to work the ground for food

All life on earth humans and animals, now suffer from the same condition, of losing Gods protection, and not listening to Gods simple commandment, but instead the nice easy lies of the devil

The question is do you believe the devils lies, or that the creator could know whats best for us, and that he exists
the jews saw the parting of the sea, yet they still prayed to a golden calf, when Moses was busy with God, in the mountain
so forget about seeing signs and wonders from heaven, its already happened, and most of the jews didnt take it seriously back then.

again with not trusting in God, see the pattern here

to suggest God exists but the devil isn't real is naive, it is the devil who was cast down to earth by God and is running the show as best he can from here, (wars, climate change/pollution, corporate greed, gun violence, the Roman Catholic church, sexual violence etc.etc.)

if you looking for God to appear in a hospital to save a cancer victim or kids in Ukraine, you'll be disappointed every time. As weird as it sounds, the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, is the one true god, if you pray to Buddha, or Mohammed you might be a really nice guy but as mentioned earlier, in
john 14:6 you must get to know the son, before being accepted by the father

Ultimately, God created humans and animals on day 6 and the animals are to be ruled over by humans. Animals are a gift and responsibility for men to steward, they aren’t equals to men and women in the eyes of God.

time for the Ramones
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I personally believe that there may or may not be a consciousness after death. Don't worry, be happy. Live life for today. The past is the past. I use meditation when my mind begins reliving the long traumatic episodes of my life. I cry when I need to because that can be cathartic too. Those you love who have suffered and died don't want you to suffer. They would want you to be happy and to remember the joy you had with each other. Help each other and avoid anyone that wants to manipulate you with "stories" or make you feel bad. That's all any of us can do.
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Just Be Here, Now.

It'll all work out if you let it... and you're not a selfish asshole who creates more negative energy than positive.
the first humans(Adam and Eve)Were they the first? What about a recent find in a cave in China of the 300,000 year old skull? Just one link:https://www.livescience.com/archaeo...in-china-may-come-from-vanished-human-lineage had Gods protection (so would never get cancer) in the garden of eden, but were told not to disobey Gods commandment, to multiply and replenish the earth, and do not eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, or we will be cursed and die

as the story goes the devil lied to and tricked the woman first, and said god wasn't telling them the truth and they definitely wont die.She then gave it to Adam. Now God is disappointed and like any parent with disobedient children, that don't listen, basically says your on your own now and got bannished from the garden of eden, and had to work the ground for food
If God is all powerful (omnipotent) and all knowing (omniscient) then he knew they would disobey before their creation. Why tempt them knowing full well that they would disobey? And they didnt have a clue that they were doing anything wrong by not doing what God said. They didnt know right from wrong before they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And any parent with disobedient children, that don't listen don't tell them that they are on the own now and banish them from the home. Or do you?

All life on earth humans and animals, now suffer from the same condition, of losing Gods protection, and not listening to Gods simple commandment, but instead the nice easy lies of the devil Because Adam and Eve screwed up (unknowingly) everyone for thousands of years must pay the price? And why the animals? Why must they suffer? I don't remember the bible saying they disobeyed God.

The question is do you believe the devils lies, or that the creator could know whats best for us, and that he exists
the jews saw the parting of the sea, yet they still prayed to a golden calf, when Moses was busy with God, in the mountain
so forget about seeing signs and wonders from heaven, its already happened, and most of the jews didnt take it seriously back then.
Allowing, even condoning genocide, slavery, raping and pillaging. Signs and wonders from heaven?

again with not trusting in God, see the pattern here

to suggest God exists but the devil isn't real is naive, it is the devil who was cast down to earth by God and is running the show as best he can from here, (wars, climate change/pollution, corporate greed, gun violence, the Roman Catholic church, sexual violence etc.etc.) Why does an all powerful god allow this? Why not just put and end to it?

if you looking for God to appear in a hospital to save a cancer victim or kids in Ukraine, you'll be disappointed every time. Jesus said ask and you will receive. Guess not huh? As weird as it sounds, the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, is the one true god, if you pray to Buddha, or Mohammed you might be a really nice guy but as mentioned earlier, in
john 14:6 you must get to know the son, before being accepted by the father Another confusing thing. The trinity. When did YHWH become the one true god? What about the gods before him? See oldworldgods.com

Ultimately, God created humans and animals on day 6 and the animals are to be ruled over by humans. Animals are a gift and responsibility for men to steward, they aren’t equals to men and women in the eyes of God.
There are two different creation stories in Genesis 1 and 2. Why the discrepancy between the two? The bible is supposed to be the inspired word of God. Why would a perfect being allow a book with discrepancies?

time for the Ramones

I was told to believe this stuff as a child by my parents, neighbors, preachers and even school teachers. Where I was born had a lot to do with what religion I believed in. Im sure those born in other parts of the world are raised to believe the religion of their country and parents. Even within the Christian faith there are supposedly 3000 different denominations. Who is right? Is it even Christianity?
I guess my point is that the older I get and the more I study this stuff the more confused I get.

If our eternal destiny is based on how or what we believe then why is it so confusing? Why isn't it crystal clear? And don't say the bible makes it crystal clear. Read it with a critical thinking mind and see how clear it is. Don't pick and choose which verses make your point.
That’s how I got to shoot out into space and experience everything that could ever exist. Or I died idk

The only two things that ever allowed me to escape Earth's gravity and " shoot me out into space , were mushrooms and the original Thai sticks that my pals brought back from Nam ( I missed that f'ing draft by one number .....two of my closet friends drew numbers one and two ) .
In 1973, I was #5.

If Nixon hadn't shitcanned the draft, my ass was gone... to Canada. That war killed the only older neighboor kid who didn't treat me like shit, as my 3 older brothers did.

We got lucky , missing that nightmare ( tons of respect for those who weren't as fortunate....very dark days !) . That memorial in D.C. is crushing....heart wrenching.....and brought me to my knees !
We got lucky , missing that nightmare ( tons of respect for those who weren't as fortunate....very dark days !) . That memorial in D.C. is crushing....heart wrenching.....and brought me to my knees !
To use a quote from the AOL crowd from the '90s, Me too!

Just reading your post has got me crying thinking about the Memorial... but I'm an old fuck, I can cry looking at a fucking McDonald's commercials these days. o_O

When you've held your emotions in for so long, sometimes you just got let them out.
Isn't that the truth! With the decreasing testosterone that comes with old age, I can cry at a fucking McDonald's commercial these days. :o
dam these, sniff sniff, chinese movies i been watching on netflix get me every time, sniff sniff, whats up with that i normally dont care in movies
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listen to my brother he knows some stuff, give him a chance, he makes some good points
anyone spot Benny Hinn in this i couldnt find it
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Reason comes before all of it. Due to our innate desire to know. There is a reason for humans to believe in god. There is no god for humans to believe in reason. Reasons, we find because no other way would make sense, the point of establishing reason. An explanation, because there is a question, our desire to know. The reason. The reasons get more complex with time, over the ages, first god, a word for the first, the beginning, invent new words, concepts, the devil, hell, eternal damnation if you leave the church and try to overthrow the establishment and steal from the rich, to expand the reasons, need more reasons to explain things, develop science, to help prove these reasons, learn new reasons why things work the way they do, cancel old reasons that don't work, and so on... all for a reason...