Heaven, Hell, and the Devil aren't real, but God is?

I never understood the fear of death or the need people have for an afterlife. Obviously the experience of death will be exactly what it was like before we were born: you do not exist. This life is what we have and when it’s over that’s it.
I almost died 3 lives.. you seriously dont feel shit no dreams no nothing just wake up if you make it
"The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power. My Mother had taught me to seek all truth in the Bible; therefore I devoted the next few months to the study of this work." - Nikola Tesla

Would we even have computers with a vast network to discuss these topics.. if it wasn't for the "powers from god" and the visions that came to Tesla?
i dont think i know everything, you asked for where it was written in the bible, so i googled it, for you

Well thanks for that but it does nothing to support your assertion that it had anything to do with preventing infection as they had no idea why people got sick from infections. A broken limb or stab wound has an obvious origin and possible fix but diseases were all a mystery. Experimentation with herbs and the medicines of the day could help with some things but rarely had effect with things like plague, leprosy, smallpox etc that could sweep through populations killing thousands.

Things like that made prayer a last ditch effort that never really helped either.

Your god will answer most prayers but most often the answer is no.
Would we even have computers with a vast network to discuss these topics.. if it wasn't for the "powers from god" and the visions that came to Tesla?

Tesla lost so not a great example. Too bad tho as he had better ideas. Like Beta was better than VHS but it lost too.

Eureka! I have the answer. It's proof that god works in mysterious ways ergo there must be a god. labrat.gif

Dammit. Was really all about money after all. spin.gif
i am also a sinner, like you, and have failed to uphold the ten commandments, i just pray for forgiveness and put my trust in gods word.

Isaiah 1:16-20 - NIRV - So wash your hands. Make yourselves clean. (written in 740 to 701 BC)

Numbers 5 1-25 also talks about Quarantining sick people outside the camp of Israel, until they are healed,
(written 520BC)

during the 1348 plague the brilliant doctors of the time simply thought it was bad air that made people sick,
its the doctors and scientists that are playing catch up with God not the other way round, as you suggest

Are you a preacher? Because you sound just like some preachers I've heard that use a verse from the bible to make their point, taking the verse out of the original context, counting on the congregation to not read that verse or prior verses. In your case you quoted only part of a verse. Isaiah 1:16-20 from the KJV:
16 Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;
17 Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.
18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

I see nothing regarding surgery or anything medical at all. I won't even look at what you posted from Numbers.
Somehow I must of missed that when I read the bible cover-to-cover in my late teens. Must have got lost between all the incest, genocide, mass murder, betrayal, intimidation, torture and suicide. The juicy bits.

It took man to figure out that slavery was wrong. Sad.

It took man to figure out that misogyny is wrong. Woman used to be and in many places still are silenced. They've only been permitted to vote for a hundred years. Sad.

If you believe in a god, which one? Specifically! My concern for religion is that it is being used as a wedge to judge one another. If your god doesn't like what I'm doing, let them tell me, not you. As history illustrates, I suspect that today's religions will become the future's mythologies.

My wish for humanity is to believe what you want but don't expect others to see it your way. Also, I'm a huge fan of personal responsibility - so when I do wrong to another, I make amends with them and don't seek forgiveness from someone imaginary. I also make a concerted effort not to repeat the wrong.
I am a non believer. The urge to believe in God is something that exists in the human brain. Along with violence hate and many other traits. I had some good dogs and the rainbow bridge sounds nice. But what about all the coyotes and fox I killed. That may not work out well for me. I guess the best I can hope for is purgatory.
I am a non believer. The urge to believe in God is something that exists in the human brain. Along with violence hate and many other traits. I had some good dogs and the rainbow bridge sounds nice. But what about all the coyotes and fox I killed. That may not work out well for me. I guess the best I can hope for is purgatory.

I would argue the urge to believe in god is not an inherited trait of humans. Group thought, fear, a sense of belonging, a need for direction in life and making excuses are all human traits the religious puppet masters figured out 2000 years ago and have exploited these traits to manipulate mankind ever sense.

These cult leaders know what they’re doing and are some of the most selfish humans to walk the earth, Catholics are expected to give at least 10% of their salaries, for what, to cover up sex crimes? Sure it’s a tax free donation but why should any church be tax exempt, totally bogus, but all that tax free money can buy all the right people to keep the hoax alive.
Are you a preacher? Because you sound just like some preachers I've heard that use a verse from the bible to make their point, taking the verse out of the original context, counting on the congregation to not read that verse or prior verses.

I've been to a poor country where the congregation was prohibited from owning ancient texts, let alone the ability to read it if they could. Control is the point. It's seems like predatory opportunism on the less fortunate. Producing fear for a buck and selling a product you can't cash in on till you're dead.

My uncle was a missionary in Bolivia for over 25 years and remains a preacher into his 80s. He's expressed how wonderful it'd be if the rapture happened during his lifetime. We all die in that scenario - what a horrific thought process. Judgement and cruelty for others that don't believe seems to be a trend for many.
Well after hitting my vape I am going to change my mind. I now believe in God and his name is big boom and he is the creator of all matter. Yes we evolved to a point above the animals. But not very far considering the current violence and hate in the world.
the point i was making is quite simple, that before man had developed the knowledge, of bacteria and viruses, with modern technology like microscopes the bible clearly taught gods people that in order to be clean you needed to wash your hands. Seems obvious to me that the message was that if you don't wash your hands you would be unclean and you could get sick, or make others sick if preparing food or whatever, not by bad air or the alignment of the planets as the early doctors assumed.
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the point i was making is quite simple, that before man had developed the knowledge, of bacteria and viruses, with modern technology like microscopes the bible clearly taught gods people that in order to be clean you needed to wash your hands. Seems obvious to me that the message was that if you don't wash your hands you would be unclean and you could get sick, or make others sick if preparing food or whatever, not by bad air or the alignment of the planets as the early doctors assumed.

IMO it is a specious assertion to give your ancient texts credit for advancement of medical knowledge. If it's true, why did it take so long?

Having just gone through a pandemic, it is contestable that bad air doesn't contribute to making one ill.

Here's a little longer timeline of surgeries that took place before your reference book was written. I'm not here to try to change your mind, but rather present some information you may not have been aware of or sought out.

Timeline of surgery and surgical procedures
  • c. 31,000 years ago first known amputation. Lived on for another 6-9 yrs.
  • c. 5000 BCE. Second known practice of Trepanation in Ensisheim in France.
  • c. 3300 BCE. Trepanation, broken bones, wounds in Indus Valley civilization.
  • c. 2613–2494 BCE. A jaw found in an Egyptian Fourth Dynasty tomb shows the marks of an operation to drain a pus-filled abscess under the first molar.[30]
  • 1754 BCE. The Code of Hammurabi.
  • 1600 BCE. The Edwin Smith Papyrus from Egypt described 48 cases of injuries, fractures, wounds, dislocations, and tumors, with treatment and prognosis including closing wounds with sutures, using honey and moldy bread as antiseptics, stopping bleeding with raw meat, and immobilization for head and spinal cord injuries, reserving magic as a last resort; it contained detailed anatomical observations but showed no understanding of organ functions, along with the earliest known reference to breast cancer.
  • 1550 BCE. The Ebers Papyrus from Egypt listed over 800 drugs and prescriptions.
  • 1250 BCE. Asklepios and his sons Podaleirius and Machaon were reported by Homer as battlefield surgeons.[30] He also reported arrowheads cut out; styptics; administration of sedatives and bandaging of wounds with wool.[30]
Before I found god.. when I would step in dog shit.. it would ruin my day, and anyone around would laugh and make fun. I didn't understand why shit like that happens, and even asked god to damn it. Now if it happens, I realize that god is just testing me, and also has the ultimate sense of humor! I laugh too when it happens now, and keep a smile on my face. I love and thank god for that shit! I now know that every shit test that is thrown at me makes me stronger spiritually, especially if I respond instead of react in an ungodly way. God literally gives me super warrior shit powers, and people will run if I start chasing them. When you fear nothing but god, and are covered in shit, it's like you have a protective bubble around you. No one will fuck with you. NO one!
There is no seperation between Duality and non duality. There is only conscious observation of experience. Right now you are observing and experiencing duality and non duality in the same moment.

As a non dual entity there is no seperation between anything. Within the non dual we are all god because there is no seperation between you and God. The opinion on what God is or is not when offered by a view which is only aware of duality is pointless because god can only be experienced from a non dual perspective. If there is no seperation then there is no measurement, no high and mighty or powerful. These concepts do not exists with a non dual perspective because a measurement is a tool of seperation.

And here is my point. If we experience something which seems god like does not originate from some other higher being it originates from you because you are non dual and you are god. You can manifest these experiences intentionally or by accident. Because everything you see around you is you. And although it feels impossible your ability to influence reality is limitless
its pretty simple if the Atheists are right then we can pretty much just do whatever the hell we want and there is no consequences, if the believers, and also the bible (highest selling book of all time) is right, then we need to repent of our sins, or suffer Gods judgement.

if your a person that thinks religion causes wars and is full of pedophiles, then your right, but religions, like the catholic church and most of the other mainstream denominations, and reading the word of God are two different things.

Jesus didn't start any church called the seventh day Adventists, or Jehovah's witnesses, he came to earth to spread the good news about forgiveness of sins and bring people back to worshiping the one true God in their life, to stop worshipping idols, that have no power to help you.

if you turn on your Tv and hear Creflo O'Dollar, or Kenneth Copeland, asking for Money, i dont recall that in the bible either, to donate Money. Jesus wants you to be a good parent to your kids, and if your neighbor needs a hand you lend it, if someone hits you turn the other check, dont hit them back, Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, he wants you to come to him for for salvation, healing, rest, and fulfillment.
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