Heisenbeans Genetics

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Some people are really lazy.I make my own,but I'd buy some from Heisen to compare to mine. Eh, I'm nearly out too.

This is what i use. Two bottles from Amazon 250ppm I dilute down and use a spray bottle. I've only had 1 plant not reverse for me. And that was my fault. Bc I mixed it way too diluted. But two bottles shipped is like 15 bucks. You can make about 5 gallons per bottle. But I nvr make that much. I use 2 full droppers per spray bottle. Which has about 32oz of water.
This is what i use. Two bottles from Amazon 250ppm I dilute down and use a spray bottle. I've only had 1 plant not reverse for me. And that was my fault. Bc I mixed it way too diluted. But two bottles shipped is like 15 bucks. You can make about 5 gallons per bottle. But I nvr make that much. I use 2 full droppers per spray bottle. Which has about 32oz of water.

Yea I get the silver mountain brand and dilute it down also. I've made like 2 batches with the distilled water,silver plate,and 9v battery pack. Waiting on it is like watching paint dry. I really don't need gallons.
Digging your approach, I’m in. Website looks nice, grows look killer.

Has price been determined for your packs yet, will we be be able to buy direct from ya or gotta go thru a bank?

Any eta time on first drop for us, my wallets burning. I know u mentioned 8 weeks, is that for testers or 1st real drop eta, thx and best of luck to you man
rustled jimmies og, has a nice ring to it. might even win the cannabis jock cup with it

he can tell youre never gonna buy his beans, why waste time answering your questions...

get off his jock peeps. the methods he is explaining are tried and true. and accepted widely amongst breeders.

supposedly matt riots reversal spray is good stuff. get it on riot seeds website

Wanna see my seed collection?
And actually those methods are not tried and true. Every breeder I have shown that video to says wtf. Water doesnt kill pollen, what happens when it rains outside? Pollen can be washed out of air by rain but its not being killed, when it dries out it is right back in the air riding thermal currents and the slightest breeze.
My questions were asked to determine if these s1s were going to be reliable for my breeding purposes. They aren't and in fact he is doing some of the same shit he ranted about gu doing, selling seeds he cant guarantee are what they say they are. After a seed run i can wipe a finger across the top of my 1000 w hps thats been sitting there for 6 weeks and it will be viable. The fact is these methods are not tried and true and thats why people have questions. I got this trust me doesn't count for shit in this game and plenty have been around long enough to see this shit happen over and over. Dont hate on people with questions because you dont care if what you buy is reliably what it is supposed to be and dont complain later if it isnt.
The glue miseducation was classic. That shits been run up and down for most of a decade so please educate me on the glue like jw aint my boy and we dont know wtf we are talking about.
Wanna see my seed collection?
And actually those methods are not tried and true. Every breeder I have shown that video to says wtf. Water doesnt kill pollen, what happens when it rains outside? Pollen can be washed out of air by rain but its not being killed, when it dries out it is right back in the air riding thermal currents and the slightest breeze.
My questions were asked to determine if these s1s were going to be reliable for my breeding purposes. They aren't and in fact he is doing some of the same shit he ranted about gu doing, selling seeds he cant guarantee are what they say they are. After a seed run i can wipe a finger across the top of my 1000 w hps thats been sitting there for 6 weeks and it will be viable. The fact is these methods are not tried and true and thats why people have questions. I got this trust me doesn't count for shit in this game and plenty have been around long enough to see this shit happen over and over. Dont hate on people with questions because you dont care if what you buy is reliably what it is supposed to be and dont complain later if it isnt.
The glue miseducation was classic. That shits been run up and down for most of a decade so please educate me on the glue like jw aint my boy and we dont know wtf we are talking about.
Uh, water definitely destroys pollen viability. I learned that shit in elementary school when we were learning about corn and farming etc...
These cats have a business based on mixing pollen in water to pollinate..

Look up the firman pollen website look at their precision pollenation instructions...

Water kills pollen is stoner math.
In fact an old school method from old school breeders is to mix pollen in a jar with water then applying it to moms for precision pollination.

Fuck do I know we got canna jesus on deck? Thats your freebie for today... If you put your ego away you might learn some shit from all these old timers scratching their head going wtf is this guy doing.
Wanna see my seed collection?
And actually those methods are not tried and true. Every breeder I have shown that video to says wtf. Water doesnt kill pollen, what happens when it rains outside? Pollen can be washed out of air by rain but its not being killed, when it dries out it is right back in the air riding thermal currents and the slightest breeze.
My questions were asked to determine if these s1s were going to be reliable for my breeding purposes. They aren't and in fact he is doing some of the same shit he ranted about gu doing, selling seeds he cant guarantee are what they say they are. After a seed run i can wipe a finger across the top of my 1000 w hps thats been sitting there for 6 weeks and it will be viable. The fact is these methods are not tried and true and thats why people have questions. I got this trust me doesn't count for shit in this game and plenty have been around long enough to see this shit happen over and over. Dont hate on people with questions because you dont care if what you buy is reliably what it is supposed to be and dont complain later if it isnt.
The glue miseducation was classic. That shits been run up and down for most of a decade so please educate me on the glue like jw aint my boy and we dont know wtf we are talking about.
Dude your ignorant as hell. Rain kills pollen,
You rolled in here with some sort of agenda to make out like that gorilla bubble is something special Haha. You begged the mods to shut your other thread down and they gave it to you cause everyone was about to run you out cause of all the garbage you was selling. Take that bullshit back to icmag homie.
Precision Pollination Mixing Instructions



  • All instructions are for an application rate of 15 gallons of water per acre.
  • All instructions are based on using 45 gallons of water per tank (3 acres coverage).
  • Only initiate these procedures when prepared to spray

Supplies Needed Per Tank:

  • 45 Grams “Pure” Firman Pollen
  • One 5 gallon bucket
  • One packed WSU Suspension Mix
  • One 2-quart wide mouth plastic or glass container (tight sealing to avoid spillage during shaking)


  • Empty suspension mix into 5-gallon bucket. Add 2 gallons water and stir until mix is dissolved.
  • Place 2 cups dissolved mix into wide mouth container. Add 45 grams of fine-screened “pure” pollen. Mix well by sealing and shaking container.
  • Add pollen mixture to remaining 2 gallons of suspension mixture. Stir to mix.
  • Pour entire mixture into 43-gallons of fresh water in sprayer tank. This mix will be enough for 3 acres.
  • Once mixed, apply in less than 2 hours, to ensure pollen viability.

Additional Information

  • Driving every row is one full rate application per acre.
  • Driving every other row would cover 6 acres per tank. Allowing for two applications per acre.
  • Two applications may be beneficial for extended bloom periods
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