Heisenbeans Genetics

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It's not cool to pull and edit someone's post from the past just to get others to restart a fight.
If you have an opinion just say it.
Very sorry. My intent was to point to the humor I thought was there.

Edit: Most certainly not intended to start/fan a fight. I put a couple folks on ignore so I wouldn't have to see all the sniping. I'm still not caught up on this thread but it started to feel like what happens at times on the GPS thread :-(
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Very sorry. My intent was to point to the humor I thought was there.

Edit: Most certainly not intended to start/fan a fight. I put a couple folks on ignore so I wouldn't have to see all the sniping. I'm still not caught up on this thread but it started to feel like what happens at times on the GPS thread :-(
Dude, don't worry about it. Hell I thought it was funny and I'm assuming if Heisen was offended he'd be the first to let you know, lol.
I use hydroton but set my water low so I can get enough rocks around the stem in a 6 inch net pot

I have my water set low as well and I use 8" cups that fit down in a 5 gal bucket as well as my tote tote tops. I just used a dremmel and cut 8" circles in the tops. The roots push the plants out of the media or fall over. The big white driveway rocks work great in propping the plants upright. I had a jack herer in my very first run go wild on me. Stretched a whole lot more than I thought it would. It was clear out of the 8" net pot by the roots.
I ended up getting almost 2 lbs off her though in just 1 tote but swallowed up a smaller plant beside her.
I have my water set low as well and I use 8" cups that fit down in a 5 gal bucket as well as my tote tote tops. I just used a dremmel and cut 8" circles in the tops. The roots push the plants out of the media or fall over. The big white driveway rocks work great in propping the plants upright. I had a jack herer in my very first run go wild on me. Stretched a whole lot more than I thought it would. It was clear out of the 8" net pot by the roots.
I ended up getting almost 2 lbs off her though in just 1 tote but swallowed up a smaller plant beside her.
Just put a tomatoe cage around the bucket and strap it up.i use scrogs so never have an issue but if I didnt scrog I would just use cages tied to the buckets
@Heisenbeans will you be announcing once the jetfuelog s1s are on sale? I know it's probably at least going to be 2 to 3 more months, but just want to know will we get a heads up?
Yes I will be updating everytime I have seeds ready to go. I'm reversing jet fuel now and have a few cuts waiting on roots. I also have the jet fuel mom in the reverse room with 1 main branch I've been hitting with east coast pollen so the seeds that come off her will be ready in less than 8 weeks. I'll send them out for free to whoever wants them
Yes I will be updating everytime I have seeds ready to go. I'm reversing jet fuel now and have a few cuts waiting on roots. I also have the jet fuel mom in the reverse room with 1 main branch I've been hitting with east coast pollen so the seeds that come off her will be ready in less than 8 weeks. I'll send them out for free to whoever wants them
I've got extra room to run some things! just let me know!
I've got extra room to run some things! just let me know!
Yeah man I'll be sending out alot of freebies. This is not my source of income. I'm doing this because I got sick of all these weak ass lying ass breeders with 0 disclosure on what they are actually putting out. I remember how it was not having any access to anything worth a shit. Always a crap shoot trying to get a good cross of anything that was what it was supposed to be and not watered down f2s and shit. Breeders popping one pack of seeds and using the first female our of 10 as a star keeper.
Naw shit is gonna be right over this way.
Yeah man I'll be sending out alot of freebies. This is not my source of income. I'm doing this because I got sick of all these weak ass lying ass breeders with 0 disclosure on what they are actually putting out. I remember how it was not having any access to anything worth a shit. Always a crap shoot trying to get a good cross of anything that was what it was supposed to be and not watered down f2s and shit. Breeders popping one pack of seeds and using the first female our of 10 as a star keeper.
Naw shit is gonna be right over this way.
I have to admit the day we first spoke, about my jelly pie, I really thought you were just hating and being a dick, but I must say. I didn't know genetics could get this good! thanks again man!
Yes I will be updating everytime I have seeds ready to go. I'm reversing jet fuel now and have a few cuts waiting on roots. I also have the jet fuel mom in the reverse room with 1 main branch I've been hitting with east coast pollen so the seeds that come off her will be ready in less than 8 weeks. I'll send them out for free to whoever wants them
You already know I’m down and got rooms opening up in about 7-9weeks of course they’ll get there start is the new seed area where I can watch them better before becoming part of the perpetual
hello I tried to apply as a tester on your site and it didn't go through after all my info was entered im so sad. is it a site glitch? I wanted to run your gear and put up my first grow journal of 2019. hope you read this and can help heisenbeans .
hello I tried to apply as a tester on your site and it didn't go through after all my info was entered im so sad. is it a site glitch? I wanted to run your gear and put up my first grow journal of 2019. hope you read this and can help heisenbeans .
i would message him directly and maybe include links to some grow journals or an IG account with some reference pics. probably your best bet.
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