Heisenbeans Genetics

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ppl are going to hate no matter what! I really enjoyed the fact i thought this thread was past all that!!

I've got an amazing idea! just hear me out! if you don't like Heisen, don't want his gear, then just get the fuck outta here, the guys that are here. want his shit, you not changing anyone's mind, just fucking get lost man, shit giving me a god dam headache! I mean fuck!
It will be interesting how ol chap will handle herm reports if any start to come in.I see he already made greenthumbs shit his pants over the alleged gg seeding.shit happens during some ppls grows,not everyone is gonna have a journal to cull out the 'weak' growers.
I don't understand why Gu doesn't just run another 10 pack of beans and pick a male...a new male for chucking. That's essentially what he did with the stardawg male. I mean, it was given to him by a dispensary, but it's not like they did a 200 plant pheno hunt to get it. Is it just laziness? I'm wondering.

It seems he can't be bothered to do much. During the S1 fiasco, the whole entire thing could have been avoided if he had run one pack...ONE PACK... or even one seed. But, after paying someone thousands of dollars to get those seeds, he couldn't even be bothered to run one pack, and during all this time, chucking with the stardawg male, he hasn't even bothered to run anything else to find another male keeper. It makes you scratch your head.

Personally, I think his stardawg male is lacking, which is why there's such a high probability of getting really bad phenos in any one of his packs. The probability is so high, and I'm saying this based on observing the results of many others who have run his gear, that I decided to trade all my packs away rather than waste space in my garden to get some of his fluffy mids. Don't get me wrong, some people have got some real fire, but you get some real turds that go along with those.

As soon as Heisen announced his new project and started this thread, Gu said he was going to start selling fems. Has anything happened with that? I don't think so. If he had any initiative, he would take some of those elite clones he has access to and S1 them. Or, use one his own supposed excellent crosses. But that would require actually running at least one pack of beans and finding a keeper.

I guess he doesn't need to because he keeps advertising and making sales, apparently enough to satisfy him. But it shows he couldn't give two shits about doing something real with his company, he just wants to collect money.
He sold Florida fems,befor triple H went on his seed campaign.. just saying.
Things get lost in the wash.that was collaboration with another breeder.

& gu should have definitely been growing out his stuff & finding his own pheno/cultivars to play with..
News to me as well but when You buy from big seed banks and not direct from the breeder You could be getting beans that have been on the shelf for a long long time unless it's a new offering
Yeah, I remember reading somewhere that BOG was actually telling people not to buy his seeds from European seed companies because they were old. I don't think I'd be too happy if I was seedsman or one of those who had paid good money for those to resell.
I wasn't trying to give u any flak just my oponions on Your takes which I understand Your points . I am not locked into any single company for any product in life just like I like variety in women I like variety in my seed vault. If I like a product I will be a repeat customer. Like I said my next big grow will be Gens South Beach in one tent and Heisens gear in another and I will try my best on both grows
Brah......Heisenbeans for life.
This is how I roll.......
Yeah, I remember reading somewhere that BOG was actually telling people not to buy his seeds from European seed companies because they were old. I don't think I'd be too happy if I was seedsman or one of those who had paid good money for those to resell.
A thread with 3685 posts about a product that doesnt yet exist, is in fact hype.
Not hating, just pointing out the obvious. I am sure it will be worth the wait.
It will be interesting how ol chap will handle herm reports if any start to come in.I see he already made greenthumbs shit his pants over the alleged gg seeding.shit happens during some ppls grows,not everyone is gonna have a journal to cull out the 'weak' growers.
it was actually quite the opposite! I was already shitting my pants bc I know what light leaks can do, heisen is the one who said not to worry! if you gunna bring my name into it, plz get the story straight!
ppl are going to hate no matter what! I really enjoyed the fact i thought this thread was past all that!!

I've got an amazing idea! just hear me out! if you don't like Heisen, don't want his gear, then just get the fuck outta here, the guys that are here. want his shit, you not changing anyone's mind, just fucking get lost man, shit giving me a god dam headache! I mean fuck!
People always scream "hater" when they here something they don't like...
Like @Gu~ right..

People are speaking they minds,nobody has said don't buy these seeds

It's always a 2 way street.
People always scream "hater" when they here something they don't like...
Like @Gu~ right..

People are speaking they minds,nobody has said don't buy these seeds

It's always a 2 way street.
oh believe me gu has his haters, everyone does! and I'll say the same thing I said a year ago, which is what I just said! I used to stand up for gu as well! have u noticed I left the thread? I did post a pic few days ago there bc i still have my keepers of jp, sadly may be getting rid of them soon, but once it was getting to the point that it did, I just left, will never become a hater myself, and if I am hating on it, I'm not going to fill up that persons thread with bullshit! as to the reason I left the GPS thread! am I making sense?
A thread with 3685 posts about a product that doesnt yet exist, is in fact hype.
Not hating, just pointing out the obvious. I am sure it will be worth the wait.
See, I have to disagree with you there. The product does exist. We have seen many photos and videos of the product being made. It just hasn't been sent out yet. That's what a lot of these posts are about, the videos that heisen makes, showing his product being produced. This is no different from a seed company that has already been selling seeds, showing their new up-and-coming cross or whatever that's going to drop at whatever date. That wouldn't be called hype. But, since heisen hasn't sold a pack yet, you guys are claiming this is all hype.
what I consider the haters, are the ppl who show up in the thread they hate, just to start shit, and stir the shit pot!

as I've said if you have no interest in heisen's gear, then you have no business here, and that's what makes a person a hater!

that'smy opinion on the matter!
regardless I'm tired of beating this dead horse! yall have fun, I'll check back in later when everyone gets tired and let's the bs rest!:
oh believe me gu has his haters, everyone does! and I'll say the same thing I said a year ago, which is what I just said! I used to stand up for gu as well! have u noticed I left the thread? I did post a pic few days ago there bc i still have my keepers of jp, sadly may be getting rid of them soon, but once it was getting to the point that it did, I just left, will never become a hater myself, and if I am hating on it, I'm not going to fill up that persons thread with bullshit! as to the reason I left the GPS thread! am I making sense?
I was still on the fence about Gu a while back, still willing to maybe run his stuff. But, what lost me for good, was when someone asked him about the credit card fraud thing, and his response was "That's what you get for buying drugs with a credit card." That was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. How completely unprofessional.

And, when I saw that heisen was willing to chop a whole room full of GPS plants because of all Gu's bullshit (awesome), there was no going back.
I was still on the fence about Gu a while back, still willing to maybe run his stuff. But, what lost me for good, was when someone asked him about the credit card fraud thing, and his response was "That's what you get for buying drugs with a credit card." That was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. How completely unprofessional.

And, when I saw that heisen was willing to chop a whole room full of GPS plants because of all Gu's bullshit (awesome), there was no going back.
I stuck with him through all the s1 bs the cc bs and the other crap Going on, and still tried to defend him through that as well, the day I jumped ship was when I get that email after winning his contest! the fact the my honest un biased opinion pissed him off! and I just said fuck it. got too much drama in my life, for the life of me I can't even figure out why I deal with it here!
Yeah, I always assume any issues are my own doing unless there is a whole slew of folks reporting issues.

No one wants to take responsibility for mistakes anymore, it's always gotta be someone else's fault.
There are probably less than 5 percent elite growers which I bet is where the seed breeders come from 20 percent competent growers and the rest are pin the tail on the donkey growers Personally after more grows that I can count or even remember I might just be
A thread with 3685 posts about a product that doesnt yet exist, is in fact hype.
Not hating, just pointing out the obvious. I am sure it will be worth the wait.
actually if you read this thread it's a bunch of people talkin shit and having fun between Heisens updates without much trolling after Heisen got assailed by the usual types early on , been a pretty cool social club . Hell I even told these dudes how the old lady bearclawed me after a failed shocker attempt so in that spirit let us go drama free
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oh believe me gu has his haters, everyone does! and I'll say the same thing I said a year ago, which is what I just said! I used to stand up for gu as well! have u noticed I left the thread? I did post a pic few days ago there bc i still have my keepers of jp, sadly may be getting rid of them soon, but once it was getting to the point that it did, I just left, will never become a hater myself, and if I am hating on it, I'm not going to fill up that persons thread with bullshit! as to the reason I left the GPS thread! am I making sense?
I'm talking about how he did not like when you gave him your honest opinion..
what I consider the haters, are the ppl who show up in the thread they hate, just to start shit, and stir the shit pot!

as I've said if you have no interest in heisen's gear, then you have no business here, and that's what makes a person a hater!

that'smy opinion on the matter!
Im with you on this one. We are here because we like what heisen is doing and we're stoked for his gear. He's doing shit right and if people can't get behind that then kick fuckin rocks with your baby ass.
oh believe me gu has his haters, everyone does! and I'll say the same thing I said a year ago, which is what I just said! I used to stand up for gu as well! have u noticed I left the thread? I did post a pic few days ago there bc i still have my keepers of jp, sadly may be getting rid of them soon, but once it was getting to the point that it did, I just left, will never become a hater myself, and if I am hating on it, I'm not going to fill up that persons thread with bullshit! as to the reason I left the GPS thread! am I making sense?
Those S1's GPS put out back in early April last year were so "hyped up". Then to be such a major disappointment for the ones that purchased those seeds turned many away from GPS, but also brought a lot of attention and eventually opened a huge "can a worms" for breeders across the country. Heisen is doing a good thing and it will piss a bunch of people off when their customers are running over to "Heisenbeans" Genetic X Crosses. I'm sure he can handle it.
Can they? lol
, when I saw that heisen was willing to chop a whole room full of GPS plants because of all Gu's bullshit (awesome), there was no going back.

He’s not chopping.LOL He said he’s going to make frosty the snowman all jealous after the special liqud fert.
“Frosty as fuk” I think the term was.
Dude, you're claiming the hype thing? Heisen is doing exactly what he said he would do, there is no similarity whatsoever between him and Gu. Not only is Heisen doing what he said he would do, he's doing it all with complete transparency, documenting every step of the way with narrated videos and photos. Show me another seed company that's doing that. We are all excited, sitting here waiting for beans, because we know that he is going to do exactly what he said he was going to do. We're getting close to the first drop finish line now.

I mean, the whole idea of "there aren't even any beans yet what the hell are you guys all excited about?" Is really just bogus. We know there are going to be beans. And we know that those beans are going to be fire. You don't think that heisen is going to pull through? That's fine, believe whatever you want. In the meantime I'm getting on the list because there's no doubt in my mind he's going to be successful. Hugely successful.
Don't misconstrue what I said for anything more than exactly what was said. If it offended u, good.
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