Heisenbeans Genetics

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Homie Da Clown

Well-Known Member
Lol ya u do.. U just dont know me by this name... I was a mod before you was..
And i know exactly how demon feels about you, cause he told me, as he sent me this link for your thread just 30 mins ago..
Im willing to hold my opinions as long as you come thru on this thread the way you say you will..
But any shady shit, any!!
And the smell of thcfarmer will never outrun you...
We just want truth and honesty bro with vendors..
Nothing makes me salty(er) than a scamming ass vendor..


Well-Known Member
Lol ya u do.. U just dont know me by this name... I was a mod before you was..
And i know exactly how demon feels about you, cause he told me, as he sent me this link for your thread just 30 mins ago..
Im willing to hold my opinions as long as you come thru on this thread the way you say you will..
But any shady shit, any!!
And the smell of thcfarmer will never outrun you...
We just want truth and honesty bro with vendors..
Nothing makes me salty(er) than a scamming ass vendor..
I have always likes demon.i even had his back when logic was asking me about the whole buducate shit.i can post screen shots man.even in the staff lounge when logic brought it up to the rest of us after he got rid of demon.
Trust me i have seen enough to know I dont wanna be part of that shit anymore.
The last message i had with logic was so fucked up i dint even wanna go into details but that's it for me.i sent him my resignation message and asked to removed from the staff and forum.


Well-Known Member
far as Im concerned, you did the right thing by leaving Heisen, same reason Texas Kid left a few yrs ago, or so he said. No details, but if Texas Kid split cause of shenanigans, I'd say you following suit is spot on. I wouldn't be intimidated in the least bit. Kinda looks like one of the two that was on ya the other day, jmo. so far you've did exactly as you said, and I think thats what got their goat, they wanted to be slingers over there at the pharmer, and yet here you are, new venture. MIght even be jealousy, but again, just an observation.


Well-Known Member
Hey slim shady, its ppl like me that keep these threads honest! Just cause you beleive everything you read on the net, doesn't mean we al do..
Now im sure you think you know everything, but i can assure you, you don't..
I got your slim shady swinging. Why dont you just take your clown ass homie elsewhere . Dont you have some ball sacks to to bounce off your chin somewhere, like some circus trick or something. I here tea bagging is nice. You should try that.

I bet you're the sword swallowing specialist.


Well-Known Member
Dude, they just cant stand you went elsewhere and are doing what you want to do, plus Im bettin they a lil spooked of your knowledge of the cesspool over at the other spot. You gotta love the internet threats though, in this day and age, I must say, lol. They are gonna keep an eye on you, tell em to keep an eye on your brown eye.


Well-Known Member
I find it hilariously hilarious that logic has any room to talk about anything. I'd bet it's also safe to say hes the kinda person who rapes his wife when she says no. And Idgaf who tells him that. Screenshot it for all i care. Why even post about his lyin thieving piece of shit waste of a human being. His mom should've swallowed him. And I bet he was conceived through anal sex.

Homie Da Clown

Well-Known Member
I got your slim shady swinging. Why dont you just take your clown ass homie elsewhere . Dont you have some ball sacks to to bounce off your chin somewhere, like some circus trick or something. I here tea bagging is nice. You should try that.

I bet you're the sword swallowing specialist.
I say you shouldn't be a sheep on the net and you sling gay slurs at me..
Wtf are you special?
Where did gay even come into the conversations?
Or is that your go too when your hurt?
If the name slim shady upset you that bad, we gonna have relationship problems moving forward...
Hopefully you can rebuild your tin shell and move forward..
My goal is only to represent the members that are curious to the authenticity of said genetics...
If that is not you, then by all means step aside, and i promise to not harm your ego by calling you nicknames...

Homie Da Clown

Well-Known Member
This is the gods honest truth.i never backstabbed anyone and wouldn't throw anyone under the bus that didn't have it coming to em.

Here is what I said about demon after logic called him a traitor.

View attachment 4230469

View attachment 4230470

So yeah there u have it.i never intended for any of that to go down like that.and I never liked that bullshit post.
And now you should know who i am!

Homie Da Clown

Well-Known Member
Dude, they just cant stand you went elsewhere and are doing what you want to do, plus Im bettin they a lil spooked of your knowledge of the cesspool over at the other spot. You gotta love the internet threats though, in this day and age, I must say, lol. They are gonna keep an eye on you, tell em to keep an eye on your brown eye.
I can promise you im not from the farm lil brother..
I fear no ones success..
Materfact im all about everyone having success and not losing hundreds on bogus genetics..
I can be an alli or the devils advocate..
All i care about is truth....


Well-Known Member
I say you shouldn't be a sheep on the net and you sling gay slurs at me..
Wtf are you special?
Where did gay even come into the conversations?
Or is that your go too when your hurt?
If the name slim shady upset you that bad, we gonna have relationship problems moving forward...
Hopefully you can rebuild your tin shell and move forward..
My goal is only to represent the members that are curious to the authenticity of said genetics...
If that is not you, then by all means step aside, and i promise to not harm your ego by calling you nicknames...
I never posted the word gay once. I guess if the shoe fits. Lace er up. And March. I'm not hurt at all. You're basically irrelevant. You're kinda like the basic bitch that Amari King talks about. Go make me sammich.

Homie Da Clown

Well-Known Member
I never posted the word gay once. I guess if the shoe fits. Lace er up. And March. I'm not hurt at all. You're basically irrelevant. You're kinda like the basic bitch that Amari King talks about. Go make me sammich.
Lol.. Ya..
No brother, i was calling out your lack of class in your rebuttle..
It just seems that the more ignorant a person is, coupled with thier lack of grammer, usually comes out as some gay barage about sucking a dick, followed up with the noun, bitch...
Its the same regurgitated acronym used in high school bathrooms across the country..
So hopefully you can tone down your aggressiveness moving forward...
Might even throw a slight bit of humor in just to show that a soldier like you didnt fall apart all over being called slim shady.


Well-Known Member
startin to think Heisen is a rock star, his groupies have followed him over here and never let up, like groupies do. Its kinda funny, but scary at the same time Heisen has the power over these guys, they gotta follow around and hang on his nutsack, trying to mouth. or out him or something, Im not sure yet. He's done everything he said or is doing it. But the groupies just keep hangin onto that nutsack. Like watchin a trainwreck, lol
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