Heisenbeans Genetics

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both, outdoor, greenhouse, indoor organics, and working on indoor hydro, I'm supposed to running indoor organcis, and greenhouse! but doing all the same design in both!

but I can finally get to run my comparison between my sips and hydro! plus dudes buying me all the books from the Jeff guys that I always wanted! like teaming with microbes, and fungi! all that shit! it's really exciting and like a dream come true, I've just been hurting I haven't worked a job in years!
He'll yeah man, sounds like you've got an awesome opportunity there. Run with it man, so great for you. If you need to start a CO branch let me know. Lol. Be a dream job for me as well. Always wished I could have a ranch/farm like my uncle and grow stuff for a living. But a cannabis farmer, with a boss sounds like that, dang....oh the joys. He offer a 401K? lmfao...
You can do it. Put in the hard work it’ll make you feel better after time and help knock your exhausted ass out after a few months out in the sun.

Indoor hemp man I don’t know the situation but I don’t see the benefit or value in that at all lol.

For the green house you should plan a much bigger version idk the size of said green houses but imagine 500-1000gal sip ponds
it's only in preperation for the real pot! we should legalize sometime this year! next at the latest!!! his quality doesn't even matter! it's all about extracts! dude has like 40 totes filled with moldy bud, apparently what ever method their using it doesn't matter of its covered in mold! had me scratching my head for sure!
it's only in preperation for the real pot! we should legalize sometime this year! next at the latest!!! his quality doesn't even matter! it's all about extracts! dude has like 40 totes filled with moldy bud, apparently what ever method their using it doesn't matter of its covered in mold! had me scratching my head for sure!
Idk this says a lot about a guy one would assume he’s extracting cbd from this hemp. Using moldy starting material is a no go in my book.
Idk this says a lot about a guy one would assume he’s extracting cbd from this hemp. Using moldy starting material is a no go in my book.
that's what I said! I went to see his farm to see something to put me to Shame, but I had to refrain from laughing at him! last year he was giving hundreds of clones from the government or state idk, and he just had to plant them and keep then alive, this year he had to keep them alive over the winter. when I got there everything was infested with aphids, and all the bud from last harvest was full of mold! it's bad man! so I'm doing what I can got tons of lace wings and sprays, so I can take a few good cuts! then I'm going to kill everything and start fresh! so we will see how this year turns out! thankfully the greenhouses and stuff are all brand new, and the only bug infested area, won't be used at all! I just need to save some his high cbd genetics! then Ill go clone crazy! that's why I'm running the sips, to get the mothers as big as I can!
that's what I said! I went to see his farm to see something to put me to Shame, but I had to refrain from laughing at him! last year he was giving hundreds of clones from the government or state idk, and he just had to plant them and keep then alive, this year he had to keep them alive over the winter. when I got there everything was infested with aphids, and all the bud from last harvest was full of mold! it's bad man! so I'm doing what I can got tons of lace wings and sprays, so I can take a few good cuts! then I'm going to kill everything and start fresh! so we will see how this year turns out! thankfully the greenhouses and stuff are all brand new, and the only bug infested area, won't be used at all! I just need to save some his high cbd genetics! then Ill go clone crazy! that's why I'm running the sips, to get the mothers as big as I can!
If he’s legal he should be cool with you taking photo journals of this along the way would be cool to watch along.
If he’s legal he should be cool with you taking photo journals of this along the way would be cool to watch along.
yea I can do that. I go back Tuesday I'll get a few, man, the area is bad now! but give me a few months! dude issue is he's a farmer, his family has owned a dairy and hay farm for generations, I don't know shit about farming! but I know bud, he don't know shit about bud! but he got money!
Any thoughts on a macxpp or macxad cross?
Definitely gotta do a Mac alien cross fuck thatd be delicious...coma inducing as well
35 friggin crosses to choose from:wall:
I know I just looked at my list...15 of them...I just can't help myself...it's bad

EDIT: also brobro slow down you're gonna over work yourself lol remember yourself
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no man, I know some basics, but dude knows my situation about being hurt, and how lazy I am, basically said he doesn't care, said that's what we have Mexicans for lmfao, kinda fucked up, but he's got a point! he just wants me to control it! keep his genetics alive and make him a fuck ton of sips! I made 2! after that I explained for the cost of making them, and the fact he wants like 2 thousand of them, and more over time, we need to get with some kinda company that can roll them out using some kinda machines! then he starts talking shit about patenting the design and I showed him like 4 others that are already being sold, his response was but they aren't the same! so fuck if I know, and I don't care about that shit I just wanna grow! so I may be shrinking down my grow soon for just personal, like 2 or 3 big girls at a time, less work and I won't need to sell bud if I'm legal and killing it! just need to cover my personal smoke!

Big long sub-irrigated raised beds would be the way to go.
There was no nudity , now pornhub cake farts well... Now as sure as watching a car wreck search engines are smoking
Pornhub cake farts???
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