Heisenbeans Genetics

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You have to go back before 9/11. When the military went afghanistan , the military took over the "poppy" fields. The Taliban were actually burning the fields before. Look up Pat Tillman.By that time, everyone was already hooked on opiates,from Drs prescribing massive amounts in the 90's. They had a "bumper" crop this year I read. It's a "supply and demand" thing. $$$
I agree I seen the documentary and I believe it 100% They seen how the first opioid epidemic went back in the 80s and capitalize on it with pills. And now the Ron you can’t tell me those mass amounts of it isn’t from the Middle East? Look at it like I said before with weed make it illegal until you can cash in why would pills/opioids be any different
no not all of it is coming from south american. I hear many soldiers coming back from affieland can get it back the good pure shit. Still not sure why they would cut already good stuff with fentanyl, but crazier things have happened. I hear a lot more bout pills then heroin, albeit they are bangin em too.
They brought it back from Nam in caskets. They always find a way. This goes back to Enron. Deal on a gas pipe line from the Caspian Sea to India through Affieland. I researched 9/11 and found out all this.
You military guys should know this.
no not all of it is coming from south american. I hear many soldiers coming back from affieland can get it back the good pure shit. Still not sure why they would cut already good stuff with fentanyl, but crazier things have happened. I hear a lot more bout pills then heroin, albeit they are bangin em too.
I wasn’t saying all of it there’s always going to be other ways.i agree about the fentanyl not sure either but around these parts it’s both they go hand in hand.
They brought it back from Nam in caskets. They always find a way. This goes back to Enron. Deal on a gas pipe line from the Caspian Sea to India through Affieland. I researched 9/11 and found out all this.
You military guys should know this.
American Gangster? Lol wasn’t that how they did it in the movie? I’m interested in the Enron will have to do some digging
bro.. Ive lost many, many ppl to dope.. used to be a junky before I quit cold turkey a few years back.. that crack about the narcan safety net.. idk man. I suppose they could just order more body bags
I'm mixed on it- I know it can be good- but I also know it's not encouraging people to quit- i'm not trying to be a smart ass- I have had problems myself, and was really in love with the girl I mentioned above- i really didn't want her to die... and I feel almost insulted that you think i'm being insensitive to addicts... i'm not trying to say "fuck the addicts, they should never have started".. narcan can absolutely be a saver, but in my experience it doesn't seem that it would have changed the outcome in the long run- i'm sorry if it seems that i'm being an asshole- i'm sorry for any pain you have gone through- and i'm sorry if I seem like an opinionated jerk- it wasn't my intention to offend anybody or degrade anybody who may be in the middle of it-
no not all of it is coming from south american. I hear many soldiers coming back from affieland can get it back the good pure shit. Still not sure why they would cut already good stuff with fentanyl, but crazier things have happened. I hear a lot more bout pills then heroin, albeit they are bangin em too.
Imagine it has to do with stomping the product, fentanyl is something like 50x+ stronger than heroin.
American Gangster? Lol wasn’t that how they did it in the movie? I’m interested in the Enron will have to do some digging
Enron built a 3 Billion dollar "natural gas" power plant in India. They needed the gas from the Caspian Sea and had to arrange a deal with Pakistan, Afghanistan, need to run a pipeline through those countries. They had a deal with the Taliban and days before 9/11, Talaban said, "screw you" and kept Enrons invested money(stockholders). Yes, dig into it, interesting.There is "bad" shit that follows big deals like this, from child abduction to organ harvesting and slavery.
H is for Heisen? :eyesmoke:

OK guys, since you seem to be "H" experts, I have some questions.
I've never done it and never will, so please excuse my ignorance...
(Someone close to me is struggling.)

How long does it take to become addicted to the point where you get physically ill without it? (dope sick)
I've noticed that smoking does not seem to have the same effect as injection, so does the pace of addiction depend on the method of delivery?

Wow, this is a buzz kill.
Feel free to PM me. I'm not really as mean as I seem... 8)
H is for Heisen? :eyesmoke:

OK guys, since you seem to be "H" experts, I have some questions.
I've never done it and never will, so please excuse my ignorance...
(Someone close to me is struggling.)

How long does it take to become addicted to the point where you get physically ill without it? (dope sick)
I've noticed that smoking does not seem to have the same effect as injection, so does the pace of addiction depend on the method of delivery?

Wow, this is a buzz kill.
Feel free to PM me. I'm not really as mean as I seem... 8)
Depends on the drug. If it's pure h it won't take long for the body to become dependant on it. Stronger drugs like opana (oxymorphone) and fent are way stronger and the body can become dependant fairly quick.

The mind is another thing. A small percentage can use and the body become dependant but the mind not be and they can stop.

Drugs work on the same part.of the brain has the reward center. Over time drugs actually rewire the brain.

I was precribed a lot of opiates in the military and by the VA when I got out. I quit cold turkey. It was rough. Feeling like the flu. Cold sweats and muscle aches. Restless legs.

Tell your friend to get help. I wouldn't suggest methadone. An outpatient program that use Suboxone or other buprenorphine medicine has the highest rate of success. I know a number of people that went that route. Suboxone is a partial aginist. You can't od on it. It has a ceiling after so much. After the patient has become adjusted they don't get high. It keeps withdrawal at bay. During that time the patient goes through counseling and other things needed. After a year or so time the patient is then weined off the suboxone.

Some think it's just replacing one drug with another. In a way it is and in a way it isn't. It stabilizes the patient long enough to get conseling and learn how to avoid triggers and deal with life without getting high.

Studies show it to be the most effective and successful way to quit.
Depends on the drug. If it's pure h it won't take long for the body to become dependant on it. Stronger drugs like opana (oxymorphone) and fent are way stronger and the body can become dependant fairly quick.

The mind is another thing. A small percentage can use and the body become dependant but the mind not be and they can stop.

Drugs work on the same part.of the brain has the reward center. Over time drugs actually rewire the brain.

I was precribed a lot of opiates in the military and by the VA when I got out. I quit cold turkey. It was rough. Feeling like the flu. Cold sweats and muscle aches. Restless legs.

Tell your friend to get help. I wouldn't suggest methadone. An outpatient program that use Suboxone or other buprenorphine medicine has the highest rate of success. I know a number of people that went that route. Suboxone is a partial aginist. You can't od on it. It has a ceiling after so much. After the patient has become adjusted they don't get high. It keeps withdrawal at bay. During that time the patient goes through counseling and other things needed. After a year or so time the patient is then weined off the suboxone.

Some think it's just replacing one drug with another. In a way it is and in a way it isn't. It stabilizes the patient long enough to get conseling and learn how to avoid triggers and deal with life without getting high.

Studies show it to be the most effective and successful way to quit.
I agree with everything you said except the part where you cant OD on subs. Yes you can 100% I've done it. Sub is worse than pain pills. Its jus a substitute honestly. It helps alot of people. But more people abuse it than pain pills these days around here. They are up to almost 50 bucks a pill.
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