Heisenbeans Genetics

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and we'll that was like 15 years ago, give or take lol, it's not easily seen, so I don't really stress over it, plus it's a dam good laugh! young and dumb man!
well that's part of the story! original was 15 in boot camp for bad kids, got an old lady initials! broke up before I even got out! was done with a needle thread, and ink from a pen! lmfap

first cover up was a banner, came out horrible! next night I'm around 19 years old, got piss poor drunk! buddy had a gun, woke up next morning with Saran Wrap cutting off circulation to my foot!

shit was purple, not long after shit was infected fucking disgusting! and I've never gotten it taken care of, alot of memories behind it!
I was kid, and it wasn't a bad as it sounds, but that's also part why it looked so bad! didn't lose my foot or anything! but was a lesson learned! few lessons actually, don't let someone tat you when drunk, fresh needle or not! also learned Tats need to breath! not be smothered by Saran Wrap and cutting off circulation! also don't tat a tat the day after, just bc u don't like it! lmfao
gunna be some fire in these crosses that's for dam sure!

with as much absolute fucking fire, in every one of them genetics! it's impossible to not get some cup winners in there! I hope some of you legal guys will enter some cannabis cups! bc you can't even buy some of these genetics!
Sunset sherbert is straight fire, really starting to love that plant. Starting to frost up and smells just like a frozen citrus kinda push up pop or some shit. Like a fruit salad kind of.
The banana cookies sunset cross is gonna be the sell out queen.
Ive got the gps cross, out of 11 only 1 lived! and so far well its garbage!

edit; never mind I'm thinking of the sundae driver cross!

really tho, I've had issues with most his beans, out of about 7 packs, didn't get 100% out of none! 2 packs got 1 or zero! now I may makes mistakes, but come on, it ain't that dam hard to pop some beans! I'll take blame for like 30% the rest are just garbage!
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I'm just now reading y'alls argument over thermal runaway. I didn't think thermal runaway was even possible in series as when one goes out that's it you break the circuit(open circuit)?
Taken straight from the led gardener. The guy knows his shit

Wiring LEDs in Parallel Parallel wiring is most often used when working with constant voltage drivers. A lot of people are now using constant voltage drivers and wiring up their COBs in parallel, since the drivers are usually cheaper and people are more comfortable working with low voltages like 36V, as opposed to high-voltage series circuits that can be 200V+. One drawback is the fact that wiring COBs in parallel does make them vulnerable to thermal runaway. Thermal runaway refers to the process that occurs when a COB heats up, causing it to draw more current, which heats it up further, drawing even more current, and this loop continues until it destroys itself. Unless you implement something like a resistor to limit the maximum current, there’s nothing stopping the COBs from pulling as much current as the driver will provide if the COBs go into thermal runaway, or the voltage output of the driver rises. That being said, in my own testing, current levels have always stabilized at reasonable drive currents and I have only seen thermal runaway occur at very high currents that nobody is going to run at (3+ amps per COB!).
You should have pulled up gromau's explanation of this he does a better job of explaining this than that other dude does.
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