10,874 people who were killed in 2018 by drunk drivingcrashes involving a driver with an illegal BAC (.08 or greater).
A guy gets fired from his job. He has no idea what he's going to tell his wife. He goes to a bar, gets shitfaced, tries to drive home and slams into a car with 3 teenagers in it on their way home from a football game killing all 4 of them.
A woman's husband leaves her for her best friend. She pops a couple of pills, goes to a bar to have a drink and by God show him he's not the only game in town. She strikes out and goes home, only to run off the road and die.
A 20 year old incel racist that loves Trump's rhetoric about how it's Mexicans that ruined his life buys a weapon of war legally, drives 10 hours to a border town in Texas to a busy shopping store filled with women and children and opens fire killing 22 and wounding 40.
To compare the first two to the last is...well...stupid on a level incomprehensible.
In fact, it makes you less than human.
Comparing accidents to intentional, planned, deliberate mass murder makes you below the level of a worm. In fact, beneath that.
Someday, you're going to fall victim to something, anything, somewhere at some point...and I sincerely hope it is devastating. In fact, I hope you don't die from it. I hope you're crippled and live out the rest of your life in absolute agony and pain.
And I'm going to point at you and laugh, you complete waste of life.
Edit to add: 39,328 died from guns in 2018.