Well-Known Member
be accountable for what you post or dont post it bro. talk the talk and walk the walk...if you're "willing to bet" then lets do it
be accountable for what you post or dont post it bro. talk the talk and walk the walk...if you're "willing to bet" then lets do it
You understand we are at war right? Our countries vulnerable is being picked apart by foreign trolls thanks to Trump giving the Russians our polling data, and god only knows what he gave to the Saudi's besides the nuke transfer he is doing (which oddly enough was something Flynn was setting up illegally).Haha man yall are on a roll tonight. Never wanted the south to rise again. Nothing wrong with being proud of where you came from. The south is a beautiful place to live. Don't know why all the hate and don't know when it became so wrong with being from the south. lol you guys are clowns...all of you...comes from the admins all the way down I see. No wonder people leave this site daily
Boy? Yeah, figured that word would eventually get used.
You understand we are at war right? Our countries vulnerable is being picked apart by foreign trolls thanks to Trump giving the Russians our polling data, and god only knows what he gave to the Saudi's besides the nuke transfer he is doing (which oddly enough was something Flynn was setting up illegally).
Only right wingers are snowflakesYeah in child, kid, pip squeak, etc. but let me guess you clowns are gonna say that was racist lol bunch of snowflakes. He’s def not acting like a “man” just a little boy so I called him accordingly. Keep smelling your own farts people
If I spit in your mouth can we call it a kiss?Ahh I forgot only right wingers commit mass murders and only right wingers are I get and who's playing the victim? . I just simply called this guy out on his stupid bet and now crickets....
I said "boy" and you could hears the gasps for miles hahahahaha if boy offends you then yes, you are the biggest snowflake of all the snowflakes out there.
You don’t have to say itOkay and what does that have to do with what I posted?? Never said I supported Trump so thanks for the quick google info though
I was pointing it out to get you to understand this is not necessarily about Trump, or any political side. Disinformation and dramatization of every event is being used on a massive scale online to radicalize people that are unable to understand what they are reading is all bullshit. Either you get it or you don't. If you don't and are not a troll account, please understand that this is not normal.Okay and what does that have to do with what I posted?? Never said I supported Trump so thanks for the quick google info though
This kind of stuff just feeds right into it. A lot of trolling goes on both sides of any issue, because the foreign bot and hate trolls are making it so nobody can talk about anything because people talk like you do in the above post and everyone loses their shit because they have to deal with trolls trolling and it gets hard to know who is a person and is sucked into the propaganda and who is not.Ahh I forgot only right wingers commit mass murders and only right wingers are I get and who's playing the victim? . I just simply called this guy out on his stupid bet and now crickets....
I said "boy" and you could hears the gasps for miles hahahahaha if boy offends you then yes, you are the biggest snowflake of all the snowflakes out there.
They will say anything to insult you from wherr you are from to etc...I will agree with you there....trolls are the problem. That is absolutely right. But, go back and READ all of my posts the past two days. I have not once supported Trump, hell I didn't vote for the guy, but I did vote. I have simply tried to show these clowns when they were wrong and have posted quotes and links when asked to prove my points. My biggest problem was saying I was born in the south....since that post it has turned into basically I'm an uneducated its pretty funny if you ask me. I own guns yes, but I agree we need more gun control and stated that previously. Im not right leaning or left leaning....i believe extreme right and extreme left are both part of the problem. I have been bashed about every post since i admitted being from the south and now you all will say im playing the victim blah blah blah. but people who can actually read what was posted can see the truth. yall have a good day, I'm gonna retire from the political side.
Yesterday DRUGS killed more people than guns.
Yesterday ALCOHOL killed more people than guns.
Yesterday OBESITY killed more people than guns.
Yesterday SUICIDE killed more people than guns.
Yesterday Doctors killed more people than guns.
Yesterday texting and driving killed more people than guns.
We don’t have a gun problem. We have a MENTAL HEALTH, BIG PHARM & POLITICAL AGENDA problem. P.S. Any politician making a run on guns is an enemy of the state.
Did I mention alone in Chicago 47 people were shot by a gun..yes a gun. This weekend. For a city that has the strictest gun laws In the country. Imagine that.. Just keep adding to the list....
They will say anything to insult you from wherr you are from to etc...
My msg to violent lefties is GTFO of america if you hate it so much. I will support my/ our country bc i live here. If there is an issue i have then i could be an advocat to change it. Violence and acting like a titty baby bitch mouth isnt the answer.
I was raised differently i guess..i dont assult people for their political beliefs. No matter how much i disagreed with a president i wouldnt assult other people for it..ffs
I surely would not hope death on anyone like some posters here..thats crazy ass shit.
Thats classified as hate..the thing you supposedly are against. The world can change, the bs news media has to stop. No one argues about fake news bc they know god damn good and well it is fake for the most part
but you can join the military at 18. 17 with parent consent.I'm going to have to disagree in this.
Its too easy.
18 is way too young for someone to go into Walmart and purchase guns/ammo.
Its too easy.
The age should be raised to 21 minimally with a cooling off period of 7 days.
Its too easy.
No one should be able to light up a school, store or other venue within a few minutes of gun purchase.
Its too easy.
Now we have more dead because IT WAS TOO EASY TO GET.