Hello..pssst come look

but you can join the military at 18. 17 with parent consent.
In most cases you will get a gun depending on you MOS , AFSC or NEC

With parental consent a gun in the military where you ass is going to get kicked if you can't take apart and put together a gun blindfolded.

I believe you have to learn some skill before they let you shoot.

Anyone here a Vet who can attest to when exactly the military allows you to shoot?
I will agree with you there....trolls are the problem. That is absolutely right. But, go back and READ all of my posts the past two days. I have not once supported Trump, hell I didn't vote for the guy, but I did vote. I have simply tried to show these clowns when they were wrong and have posted quotes and links when asked to prove my points. My biggest problem was saying I was born in the south....since that post it has turned into basically I'm an uneducated white..lol its pretty funny if you ask me. I own guns yes, but I agree we need more gun control and stated that previously. Im not right leaning or left leaning....i believe extreme right and extreme left are both part of the problem. I have been bashed about every post since i admitted being from the south and now you all will say im playing the victim blah blah blah. but people who can actually read what was posted can see the truth. yall have a good day, I'm gonna retire from the political side.
I think the best bet is just ignore the people that are trolling you. If you look back I never said anything negative about you I don't think. The diablo666 I might have because he was posting garbage numbers like they were truth. If your a real person, there is no reason you shouldn't add your thoughts here. Just understand that the trolling does get out of hand and people have knee jerk reactions when they read things and took it wrong, or people start trolling, then the trolling comes back hard. When that happens hit ignore for a few days/weeks.
Much violence from the left..has nothing to do eith trolls really..this is an excuse to act violent. They promote hate nonstop and lie in hopes the lies are said enough theywill stick.
They want their right to freedom of speech. But will beat your ass, if you try to speak.
I know many dems...many are afraid to say theh are dems bc the dems are so fucking violent and act so stupid. Maybe its all a long term goal to ruin the party idk
People are assholes. Many assholes want to be able to act like assholes so they will actively take stances against whatever group they are around. Where you are at, maybe that means that the people that make it knows they are Democrats are just doing to pick a fight. It has nothing to do with their political party, and everything to do with them being an asshole. Just like most vocal assholes who happen to be Republicans in more liberal neighborhoods.
I'm going to have to disagree in this.

Its too easy.

18 is way too young for someone to go into Walmart and purchase guns/ammo.

Its too easy.

The age should be raised to 21 minimally with a cooling off period of 7 days.

Its too easy.

No one should be able to light up a school, store or other venue within a few minutes of gun purchase.

Its too easy.

Now we have more dead because IT WAS WAY TOO EASY TO GET.
Its not an easy purchase tho..go to walmart and try to purchase its hours of waiting for them to run checks. 7hrs i waited i think..it was mostly due to the gunshow in town that weekend
Its not an easy purchase tho..go to walmart and try to purchase its hours of waiting for them to run checks. 7hrs i waited i think..it was mostly due to the gunshow in town that weekend

I'm licensed to carry by the State of Georgia. I can walk in most anywhere, show my license, buy anything I want and walk out in less than 5 minutes. No background check required.
I'm licensed to carry by the State of Georgia. I can walk in most anywhere, show my license, buy anything I want and walk out in less than 5 minutes. No background check required.
Thats without a gun license..i was buying a mossburg to shoot critters on my land. I dont have a license. I got land that had a resident there..a fking badger! Lol
Much violence from the left..has nothing to do eith trolls really..this is an excuse to act violent. They promote hate nonstop and lie in hopes the lies are said enough theywill stick.
They want their right to freedom of speech. But will beat your ass, if you try to speak.
I know many dems...many are afraid to say theh are dems bc the dems are so fucking violent and act so stupid. Maybe its all a long term goal to ruin the party idk
Do you think anyone buys that load of horse shit?
With parental consent a gun in the military where you ass is going to get kicked if you can't take apart and put together a gun blindfolded.

I believe you have to learn some skill before they let you shoot.

Anyone here a Vet who can attest to when exactly the military allows you to shoot?
fair point
Do you think anyone buys that load of horse shit?
You dont bc you have no logic
Look at youtube bruh ppl like you are all in the violent left groups.
You’re so fucking dumb

Background checks are instant
The process of purchasing a firearm in Colorado all depends on how long the background check takes. Some background checks can be as quick as 15 minutes. Depending on the time of year and the quantity of background checks that are being processed, some may take as long as 2 weeks or even more.
“If you hit ‘em I’ll pay your legal fees!”

“Back in the good old days he’d be carried out of here on a stretcher!”

“Maybe the second amendment people can do something... terrible day “

“Shoot’em!” “Only in the south folks!”

“Jews are paying criminals and rapists to INVADE us!!!!!”

But yeah it’s the left encouraging violence


Dia, you are the dumbest person posting in this section now
“If you hit ‘em I’ll pay your legal fees!”

“Back in the good old days he’d be carried out of here on a stretcher!”

“Maybe the second amendment people can do something... terrible day “

“Shoot’em!” “Only in the south folks!”

“Jews are paying criminals and rapists to INVADE us!!!!!”

But yeah it’s the left encouraging violence


Dia, you are the dumbest person posting in this section now
I consider the source
So you are not violent buck? Sure talk a big game like you are.

And for the record..im pretty sure almost positive this politics forum was to discuss marijuana and politics hence the site. But you dont like friendly discussions. You turned this into a shit show of verbal vomit and a hate group. This site would get alot of hits based on marijuana and politics. Instead you created this lol. Epic failure on you and rolli.
The drunkard with a mushy brain due to drinking is calling me dumb hehehe. Thays what i mean by source lol
All those calls to political violence I quoted earlier are from trump

Try to find anything even remotely close from any Democratic Party member, much less leader

Dumb lump
So you are not violent buck? Sure talk a big game like you are.

And for the record..im pretty sure almost positive this politics forum was to discuss marijuana and politics hence the site. But you dont like friendly discussions. You turned this into a shit show of verbal vomit and a hate group. This site would get alot of hits based on marijuana and politics. Instead you created this lol. Epic failure on you and rolli.
Tell me how to go about having a nice conversation with neo nazis who want to “ethnically cleanse” my family and think they have no right to exist

Walk me through that one you fucking lump