Hello..pssst come look

I'm awaiting the story of a white man being denied a loan at a black own bank such as One United Bank due to color of skin
Or to meet the white man who was unable to use his vet loan from fighting in WW2 to afford to get land and a home for $10,000 that today would be about $400,000 because they would not sell to them because they were white.
I'm not complaining, it doesn't bother me. I don't really care why someone doesn't like me, be it my race or otherwise. "Name calling" turns racist when racially charged names are used. There are lots of other names other than "white", "honkey", "gringo" or "bolillo" you could use to get your point across, but you and others here think it's more hurtful to use those. That's just another tool in the racists tool belt.

True enough it can be hurtful, shit even scary given the place/situation you are in. But ultimately white men have been in charge of our country fully until about 50 years ago when they had to relent and start allowing non-white males to not be as institutionally sanctioned suppressed. And it has been building since then to where now we are in a situation where racists feel it is ok to come out and rip kids from their parents and start killing people again. And the trolls are out with a big push to pretend that racism doesn't exist.
That went right over your head didn’t it?? Lol
I think it went over your head

Trump is racist. No amount of bullshite from white power twerps like you will ever change that. More Americans think he is racist than thought George Wallace was racist

He also hires the very people he claims are taking jobs from Americans. He is a hypocrite and a racist

Abandon just plain ignored your “bUt tRuMp IsNt rAcIsT!!!!!!!” because trump is racist
You both are just broken records. Every thread, same posts. Over and over. It’s pretty comical how far AC has his head up UB’s ass.