Hello..pssst come look

Yesterday DRUGS killed more people than guns.

Yesterday ALCOHOL killed more people than guns.

Yesterday OBESITY killed more people than guns.

Yesterday SUICIDE killed more people than guns.

Yesterday Doctors killed more people than guns.

Yesterday texting and driving killed more people than guns.
We don’t have a gun problem. We have a MENTAL HEALTH, BIG PHARM & POLITICAL AGENDA problem. P.S. Any politician making a run on guns is an enemy of the state.
Did I mention alone in Chicago 47 people were shot by a gun..yes a gun. This weekend. For a city that has the strictest gun laws In the country. Imagine that.. Just keep adding to the list....
Which is why we have alcohol licensee laws.
Yes, Americans are a fat lot- especially in Trump states.
Yes and Guns are used in allot of suicides

If guns don't kill people, people kill people then lets take the guns off those people.

America has a gun problem, Its the worst in the 1st world by a large margin. It also has a far right wing problem. Not talking your avg Conservative, here im talking about the huge % of far right wing people who support and defend Trump and his ramblings.
He's mad,, as I am, that they did.. Why did a company that built itself of being American Made move overseas,,,, for cheaper labor? Greed? And new management.

It was cheaper to make overseas and ship back to the states.. Hell wasn't any taxes,,,'then'. It's not like that anymore.. Now china even has to ship to other countries like Thailand, that reship it to the States making costs rise.

This will lead to more people moving their companies back to the states and that will make even MORE jobs in the future...

That's a good thing about the trade wars.. Trump is the FIRST president that said enough... America first, and Fuck china.
Have you seen what happened to the Chinese stock markets when Trump started the 'trade wars'. Man did they drop hard.... China is in trouble.... A trade war they can never win...

We 'were' importing 600 billion dollars from them,, and they 200 billion from us under the Obama/Osmam BS presidency.. Not just him but others.. But way back they weren't doing 600 billion in trade. They were getting away with it long enough..Don't sound to fair of trade to me..

Thank god Trump is doing something about it.. Now that taxes are rising on china's exports to the States, it's not going to be cheaper to make there and ship here for sale.. We are their biggest consumers.

No other President has done that.. They all punked out of a fair trade deal....... Trump ain't scared......

I also got pissed that Harley started bending to be political correct BS and distanced itself from the Rebel Flag. One of my first Harleys was a bike called the Rebel. Complete with Confederate flags in the paint scheme. Damn I wish I still had her..

Times are changing that's for sure.. But me,, I'm a old dog and I still have flags flying over my house.. Both American and Confederate... And they Ain't coming down period.... And they will never get my guns either...............

They want your oil, not your guns.
Why did a company that built itself of being American Made move overseas,,,, for cheaper labor? Greed?

Maybe, but those are the same reasons Trump hires illegal immigrants at his properties, and the reasons why he has a known track record for not paying his contractors.

Has anyone received their tax rebate cheque for the US taxpayer dollars that have paid for the parts of the wall that have been built, or has Mexico not paid as promised yet?