Hello to anyone who has an idea on how to help me i cleaned my glass pipe with gas i cant get the taste or smell out of it

One I never thought of last night...perhaps 35% food grade h202 soak?
I don't know, but it's a very heavy oxidizer.
decent thought FF, but a bit too dangerous for us layman
"Anything above a concentration of 30% is very dangerous. Above 60% is suicidal in ill-equipped scenarios."
theres some reactions youd need a vent hood for...even if it's residual organic compounds i wouldnt recommend it
decent thought FF, but a bit too dangerous for us layman
"Anything above a concentration of 30% is very dangerous. Above 60% is suicidal in ill-equipped scenarios."
theres some reactions youd need a vent hood for...even if it's residual organic compounds i wouldnt recommend it
I hear ya, but I use it when I harvest outdoor for budwashing...no problems just be sensible...people open blast bho ffs lol.
I hear ya, but I use it when I harvest outdoor for budwashing...no problems just be sensible...people open blast bho ffs lol.
that doesnt include v.o.c's so that sounds safe, but i was on the topic of "washed my bowl out with gas, send help"
you should do a tutorial for budwashing
I watched a video on Google the best and easiest way to clean a glass pipe. It said to use course salt and rubbing alcohol. I couldn't find any rubbing alcohol. I compromised and used gasoline. That was a huge mistake. What can I do to get the taste and smell of gas out of my pipe?
Bro i think thats dangerous
I watched a video on Google the best and easiest way to clean a glass pipe. It said to use course salt and rubbing alcohol. I couldn't find any rubbing alcohol. I compromised and used gasoline. That was a huge mistake. What can I do to get the taste and smell of gas out of my pipe?
Maybe you have a rolling paper for backup? Fattys really help. After all this is what we're here for - rollitup :joint:
I clean my pipes with 90% ISO alcohol. Find a plastic jar with a tight fitting lid which is just larger than said pipe. Soak for a few days, then, clean up any holdouts with pipe cleaner or cotton swab. I alternate the pipes I use, as one is always in the jar soaking. Don't forget to dry out the pipe before U lite!!!
I watched a video on Google the best and easiest way to clean a glass pipe. It said to use course salt and rubbing alcohol. I couldn't find any rubbing alcohol. I compromised and used gasoline. That was a huge mistake. What can I do to get the taste and smell of gas out of my pipe?
Oh man
I now have visions of you trying to light you glass pipe, after soaking it in petrol ..and *BOOM* instant Cheech and Chong comedy sketch ;)
I'd recommend Isopropyl (factor 1), you can get it from the chemist. Just say you use it to clean tape machine heads nd need the highest purity :)

All these other recommendations got me thinking. I bet a 3% solution of H2So4 (hydrogen peroxide), again from the chemist, might work wonders too. That 'bubbling' effect H2So4 has, might loosen stubborn pipe gunk :)


H2SO4 is sulfuric acid. H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide.
I watched a video on Google the best and easiest way to clean a glass pipe. It said to use course salt and rubbing alcohol. I couldn't find any rubbing alcohol. I compromised and used gasoline. That was a huge mistake. What can I do to get the taste and smell of gas out of my pipe?
Hey no problem. Gargle with wd40 first