Hello to anyone who has an idea on how to help me i cleaned my glass pipe with gas i cant get the taste or smell out of it

I was stupid enough to try and clean a piece with diesel when I was real young. I think I must have rinsed it out 20 times with iso before the taste dissipated.

It always had a strange mint taste afterwards….
Oh this is easy… get an old sock and put pipe in to the sock. Then find yourself a hammer and give it a good smash. You dont really need the sock but will be easier to toss without having to worry about picking up broken pieces. Shouldnt have to worry about tasting gasoline.
Oh this is easy… get an old sock and put pipe in to the sock. Then find yourself a hammer and give it a good smash. You dont really need the sock but will be easier to toss without having to worry about picking up broken pieces. Shouldnt have to worry about tasting gasoline.
Curious -- when faced with the decision to almost get high (smoke a bowl) and almost blow yourself up, one does not just buy cigars?