My guess is by baking the soil(wtf?) you killed anything beneficial to your plant, thereby starving it. Get some more seeds, some fresh, decent soil, and do it the simple, almost foolproof way. Drop seed in soil, cover seed with a bit more soil say1/2 inch or so, water. Your seed should pop and begin growing within a week or so, then give it plenty of light, but not hot light. You said red and blue lights are what you had, hopefully you didn't meant that literally, like red and blue party bulbs. Get some decent CFL bulbs to start, maybe the 42 watt ones. NO NUTES for at least the first three, even four weeks, or until the plant is a good 10-12 inches tall. Personally I don't rely on nutrients much, I only really use them if the plants seem to be lacking something, which with good soil, good lighting, and proper watering, they shouldn't be, at least for a while. Plenty of other things you can do to improve upon your last try, but these are the basics, try again.