Help a girl choosing quantum board/driver

Actually I didn't tell her to use cobs Bec that's what I use, I actually asked her had she gotten her boards up and running and how she liked them.
Then I see 20 guys giving bad advice with hopes of getting cyberlaid or some dumb shit. She's confused with everything being thrown at her so instead of giving her more useless information she doesn't understand just to try and keep contact with her like these posers here, I gave her a link to YouTube page and videos that actually explain all the things she's asking about not try to confuse her worse with fake knowledge. Fucking high school in this place lol
This is very fluid situation, it's evolving by the second and until we have the full details from the manufacturer that the OP stated they would get soon I suppose it' all conjecture but to suggest that 20 guys were giving bad advice is just balderdash.......
There were 19.....I Never give bad advice
Actually I didn't tell her to use cobs Bec that's what I use, I actually asked her had she gotten her boards up and running and how she liked them.
Then I see 20 guys giving bad advice with hopes of getting cyberlaid or some dumb shit. She's confused with everything being thrown at her so instead of giving her more useless information she doesn't understand just to try and keep contact with her like these posers here, I gave her a link to YouTube page and videos that actually explain all the things she's asking about not try to confuse her worse with fake knowledge. Fucking high school in this place lol.
BTW copy and pasting data sheets and pdf's shows you know how to copy and paste doesn't mean you actually know shit about anything, your trying to tell someone who doesn't understand these things on what to buy.
You idiots are gonna get the poor girl killed when she's trying to put together a light she doesn't understand anything about because no one took the time to listen and go oh wow she just said she doesn't understand most of this stuff, so you keep selling her on diy equipment that could easily kill her until she slows down and learns the basics of what these terms being used means and the dangers about working with electricity, then one of the drivers one of your suggested is a freaking open frame driver, you would never use an open frame driver any where near a grow op.
I'm truly hoping she has someone with knowledge to assembly her boards for her, make no doubt any power supply pushing the kinda volts we are can and will kill you if you don't know what your doing.
Excuse the fuck out of me for seeing a dangerous situation happening and addressing it instead of thinking about pussy like the rest of you.
What the fuck are you on about? ELG/HLG are IP65/67. Teaching someone simple maths and why voltage changes depending on current is instrumental in helping that person decide what driver to buy.

I don't see any advice coming from you. But you do seem to be a bit fixated on the OP's gender - why is that?

Seriously, most people know how to use Google and Youtube. They come here for direct answers. You're not offering anything other than commentary as a reflection of your own twisted values.
Or is it because you're not getting enough attention, did
@Prawn Connery i have the awnser for the question, what is the maximum voltage at maximum current ?

2.9v*24=69.6v(per led voltage are 2.8-2.9v)
Still doesn't sound right, but at face value I agree with Randomblame's suggestion.

Apparently if you run 500W over 4x4' you can yield over 2lb! I'm not entirely convinced of that myself, but I'm sure you'll get decent results :wink:
Or is it because you're not getting enough attention, did

Still doesn't sound right, but at face value I agree with Randomblame's suggestion.

Apparently if you run 500W over 4x4' you can yield over 2lb! I'm not entirely convinced of that myself, but I'm sure you'll get decent results :wink:

Seems the supplier simply takes the voltage numbers from sammy calculator. The drop down menu shows 2,8-2,9v for A1 bin but this values are calculated at nominal current of 65mA(between min./max. temps).

Below is a screenie with system estimations for 200 and 150mA max. @25, 50 and 85°C. At 200mA the A1 bin voltage clearly exeeds 3,0v, even at 85°C!
I drive same panels with HLG-320H-C2100A, at $68 a piece.(cdiweb) Two 336 boards with one driver, measures around 360 Watt on the meter at the outlet. (for each driver running 2 panels) Bright as hell. Make a fixture with 4 panels driven by 2 of these drivers, and you have a killer setup, in my opinion as good as a 1,000 mh/hps. Good luck!