Help figuring out best method with a 400 watt hps please help/ grow journal


Active Member
Another question for anyone viewing when should I lollipop the jack the other I don't see a need to do but the jack is getting so bushy I'm thinking I should lollipop


New Member
you should flower now unless you plan to use supplemental lighting. that is going to stretch like a monster when u flip and your 400w hps wont be able to penetrate the canopy to get at the lower growth so there is no need to spend time and money growing shit that will get no light. 2.5' - 3' is about the effective penetration you an expect with one 400w hps so why grow a 4' bush?


Active Member
Thanks I am preparing my room now this weekend is a little busy so I will wait until after Christmas to flip. But I had originally thought that a 4 ft bush would be at least 2 oz's but the more I research I've seen people who had journals showing 3 foot girls that yielded 3 1/2 if I get that I'll be one happy guy. Btw I just ordered the 400 watt hps bay light it has a clear reflector so I will have it on the smaller plants and have the jack have one 400 watt to herself


Active Member
So my caregiver came over and he has an aero cloner so we lollipoped the jack for clones. I also decided to supercrop her four biggest colas. So it looks like I will veg her until New Years or until she recovers. I put up a new picture every 3 days to show her progress I'm excited to see what happens. Btw we took 8 clones 4 for me 4 for him I'm loving jack so I wanted to make sure I always have her around.


New Member
right on... i cut the lower shit the day i 12/12. some people dont but i believe the plant will put more growth into colas if ya do. i bushed a plant out a lot like that and i ended up with about 11 or 12 dinky colas. that grow i got about 4oz from the bushed out bag seed and a g13 labs sour ak.i was running two 150w hps in 2 gallon dwc buckets. i stressed the fuck out of the bagseed... it was a clone from a plant i threw in the dumpster for a hot summer day when i got all paranoid. vegged the clone ripped her stalk bad super cropping.... bushed her out... had some root shit going on before i bought some benes. i still pulled over an oz off her and about 2 off the sour ak.... i dont have a scale so...

now i am running 8 dream lotus, hoping for 4 fem... in 5 gallon dwc with 400w mh/hps. i wrapped my buckets with 3 layers of reflectix insulation from home depot and duct tape.... helps the 20 oz ice bottls keep shit frosty. ive found 4 plants with 4 colas is what i like. the super cropping will just make your lower shit bush out more. which can be good it looks like your canopy is a little round and the lower colas growing up will make for better light distribution across an even canopy.


Active Member
I have one 5 gallon dwc (the jack) eventually I want 3 more at least I love what they can do. But sadly I am broke and the rest are in coco but I do have 2 small 6 site 6 quart dwc containers. I went with coco because it is similar to hydro. I already learned a lot about hydro. So your words are not wasted lol.... FUCKING IPAD for some reason it keeps coming Upside down I flip it and try to fix it but it doesn't load on my post until I submit the post. I don't know what else I can do.


Active Member
My caregiver just got some new clones... Plush berry kush, super silver haze, blueberry, cheese, train wreck and master kush and because of the new light coming in I will be taking one of each except for train wreck and master kush I don't wanna over load the light so the new plan will be to veg the clones for 2 weeks and then put them under the new 400 watt with the older clone I have and the sad looking plant I will have the lights fairly close to each other so I can get a wingspan from both and have a total of 8 plants under both lights... If the plants end up small its okay its just adding to the harvest anyway but I will have a great variety. The seedlings will stay for now vegging but whatever clones/seeds stay smaller will veg longer in my boxes so I may end up with only 6 plants but I will have a total of 12 plants I just have to figure out a way to make it work. I was thinking of experimenting with 12/12 from 2 week old seedlings because I'd rather have the clones veg longer then the bag seed. So I may end up vegging the clones for 4 weeks give or take depending on the room I have. The good thing is the clones won't be ready for two weeks so I have time.


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So I think I will switch them over on Saturday it's my day off and seems better then waiting till New Years also the jack seems not stressed at all after all the chopping


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Ok so I just switched them today because I realized today is the end of 7 weeks. So I figured it would probably put me around 9 weeks when she starts flowering and another 9 weeks or so of flowering. I just tracked the new light it will be here around the 8th which would make it right around the time of flowering. I just measured them today the jack is 28" wide and 18" tall I fed her a gallon and a half yesterday and she already drank up at least 2 liters of it. I also have been giving her CO2 tablets in her reservior every 3-4 days. Her roots are almost fill the 5 gallon bucket! The bagseed is 20" tall and looking better everyday. New pictures to come Friday possibly Saturday.


Active Member
Today ill start off with bagseed and the headband cloneimage.jpg maybe I measured wrong the other day because the bagseed is still 20" but its getting bushier the clone is 11" tall
Now for the seedlings the Kali is the one to the left and is 6 days younger (19th) but has already caught up (male possibly or growing strong?) I guess I'll find out the other 3 bagseeds sprouted the 13th. I have them sitting in maybe a 1/2"-1" of water.
Now for my pride and joy (ppms at a little over 1200 ph at a perfect 5.8) measuring at a solid 19" tall x 30" wide the beautiful JACK HERER(the crowd goes wild) lol



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A quick picture of the room seeing as I don't think I have posted it yet also it has a humidity of 40% roughly and is 76 degrees hopefully the other light will only push it up to 80


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I still am using the mh bulb mostly because I want to make sure they are female before I switch to hps am I hurting growth by doing this? Also the clone will probably be taken out and vegged for 2 possibly 3 more weeks but I need this other light in so I can switch it to my box, I have a tester clone that I currently have in that I got well rooted but was already maybe 2-3 weeks flowering its been flowering since mid November the hairs are just Turning orange now so it will get another 10-12 days then the clone will go in there to veg until I need it for something else or it outgrows it to bad there is only 2 23 watt cfls in there. I haven't put up pics in embarrassment for how small she is but it was a good test run to see what that box can do but I'll put it this way ill be LUCKY to get an 1/8.