Help!! found hunting seat near my grow!


Well-Known Member
Why don't you just talk with your neighbor, mention that you saw a tree stand on your property and ask if he would happen to know anything about it, or have seen anyone setting up. You can even play the card that you are worried that someone unknown might be hunting on your property, and you don't want to end up as accidental jerky.

If it is his, who knows, he might not be against you growing, and really just wants to find him some kill.
If it isn't his, remove the stand, leave a sign saying that hunting on private property which isn't yours, is illegal, and they can be prosecuted worse than you can for cannabis. You can't just hunt anywhere, especially around houses. Innocent individuals get shot and killed every year due to similar circumstances.
It is NOT his neighbors! I'll bet an 1/8th. It's some city slickers who heard hunting was good and who probably has a game cam or three tied to trees nearby. Again if it is the OP property simply dismantle it and heap it by the nearest road. Leave a note where it was telling where they might find it if they are fast enough.


Well-Known Member
do hunters hunt at night? i dont wanna stumble into this guy with a gun!
Im definitely going back at night with something covering my face, and grabbing the plants.
If you do go back, go in the early evening. Just wear camo and an orange vest and take along your hunting rifle - plausible deniability :cool:


Well-Known Member
Was his seat set-up,ready to hunt?If it was just laying there,be a good neighbor,return it to see how he reacts,if somethings up you'll know.I don't know ya'lls relationship but even if strangers,hes a hunter im sure he'll be friendly.He might want some compensation for using his prop:).


Well-Known Member
Wasn't it a thread on here somebody made that said somebody was growing 2 plants on their property but they didn't want to just rip it up because they grew too.
Could be the same guy who said he was gonna leave a note lol


Well-Known Member
Was his seat set-up,ready to hunt?If it was just laying there,be a good neighbor,return it to see how he reacts,if somethings up you'll know.I don't know ya'lls relationship but even if strangers,hes a hunter im sure he'll be friendly.He might want some compensation for using his prop:).
The hunter might be friendly? If it is the OP property SCREW the hunter. Don't EVEN be nice getting rid of the bastard. Doing so shows weakness and invites him back unspoken.
where i live, we have private property that backs up to township owned property that is allowed to be hunted on. it should always be the hunters responsibility to know where he can and can't hunt, but some people are lazy and some might just have made an honest mistake. property lines and ownerships change over time, and they can be hard to keep up with which is why you should do extra research. but this idea to just trash the stand is going to far. first off, it might be the farmer who lives on the adjacent property, who knows. if thats the case, i highly doubt stealing or trashing he stand will help that relationship. even if its somebody elses, it could be solved by confronting them nicely if you see them back there and explaining to them that its your property and you don't want them hunting there if thats how you feel. you could also leave a note saying the same thing. the majority of hunters are pretty good guys and would apologize and move the setup right away. now if you let them know and they still disregard your wishes then i wouldn't be against getting rid of the stand, but only then.


Well-Known Member
ok ok,

First off, im 99% sure its the farmers hunting seat on my property, its pretty dense woods and hes the only son of a bitch that hunts around here, not to mention like i said before ive seen these stands of his near his field before while dirtbiking..So its most likely his, lets get that clear.

Secondly! i just put a beanie on and a bandana around my face, ran out there shaking like you wouldent believe, and choped my plants up and put them in garbage bags, i left the buckets and the rootball and some stalk thats it, but i hid them scatterd really well.
Can i get arrested for some stalk and a rootball?!!!

this is where i stand as of now, im still very paranoid and very scared. i do like the idea of contacting the hunter and asking him why his stand is on my property, and playing it cool like im not connected to the plants.


Well-Known Member
Very few, if any, of you posters lives in hunting country or know a lot of hunters. Your posts reflect that.
I live in hunting country - 150 acres of mixed woods and grasslands - but I don't get your point. I grow in the middle of property to reduce the risks of hunters wandering into my grow chasing a deer. In OPs situation (personally, I would never grow at the edge or off my property), I would just dress up like a hunter, throw everything into a tarp, tie it and drag it off. Just make sure you have your "Cannabis Tags", lol.
did you at least save the buds man? again i applaud your approach to staying out of trouble but it takes alot for the cops to be able to come and search your house, and how would they know it was you? even in this day and age of shrinking civil liberties, there is still a need for probable cause.


Well-Known Member
did you at least save the buds man? again i applaud your approach to staying out of trouble but it takes alot for the cops to be able to come and search your house, and how would they know it was you? even in this day and age of shrinking civil liberties, there is still a need for probable cause.
there in the garbage bags in the barn, i was gonna chuck them somwhere on the side of the road on my way to work today, they were 4 weeks into flowering. Is it worth having that kind of evidence on my property?
go get them man! i'm just offering my opinion here but again, there is no evidence to support that anybody knows anything, you are just getting yourself all worked up. if you are that on edge, why not take the buds to a buddies house and leave them there for a few days so that you can calm down?


Well-Known Member
well, i'm not 70 but i havent been arrested yet either so... its hard to read people through posts on a computer but it seems to me like the OP is young and this may be one of, if not his first grows and he is just super nervous, which there is nothing wrong with but don't let the paranoia train go off the tracks lol! hunting season has either started or will start soon in alot of areas so i don't get why its a big surprise to find a deer stand in the woods? when he thinks the person put it up to scare him i would say that paranoia has got the best of him! people put stands next to trails for a reason. the reason is deer as well as people follow them! like i said, cation is a good thing but don't let it drive you crazy!
I am a lifelong hunter. Started smoking in 1963, growing in 1964 but hunting since before I can even remember. Give in to the paranoia in such cases. No kidding about that deer stand? Hunters scouting around now? Halfway right. We scout every single day, in one way or the other. Other hunters chime in.

I'm always looking for game and its signs - I'm always looking for that "perfect" place for a grow next year. So while I'm scouting for game I'm scouting for grow sites. If YOU can get there walking I promise you I can. Carrying a TC Contender in .30 Herret, a pair of old real binocs and a pipe with my goodies. Think about all that.

Not your property? No surprises and no sniveling if it goes. You gambled and you lost. Be mad and unhappy and then get over it.

Now, as to the "only 2 plants". Experienced guerrillas - how many of us plant every single seed in one patch and then hope for the best? If I find one plant I immediately look for the others. Not to rip but to assess if there are booby traps or simply some armed Jose living out there where he was ordered to be. Grow or we kill your family in MX. Think that doesn't happen?


Active Member
I have a real problem with people like you who just think anybodys property is fair game for a grow. What do you say to this farmer if he is the one who gets busted for YOUR plants?


Well-Known Member
He's right to be paranoid. Hunters find grows every year and turn them in or rip them off. I'm betting the perch isn't the farmers. Why would he go to all that trouble when he can shoot one close to his house?
not married i take it..............its nice to get away