Help! I dont want sally to die.


My personal opinion, cuz this isnt my first grow, i agree with the tiger bloom. its basicly three weeks into flower and isnt getting shit for phosphrous cuz i have never had this poblem and always used miracle grow time release soil with no added nutes and been successful. this is my first organic grow and first time using fox farm products; and soil without nutes already in them.


Weed Modifier
I can't tell what is supposed to be an example of deficiency and what's an examle of an overdose from that pic. Also, thos damn guides never helped me much anyways.

All I'm saying is I use OF, BB and dry fertilizer and my plants aren't burned. The BB is .01-.3- .7 and my dry fert in the soil is 5-8-4 and i've fed BB @2 tablespoons per gallon every watering and never had burning occur. If you read the label it says it's safe for every watering and you can even soak roots in it, I have given it to small seedlings too. The BB is not an all purpose fertilizer these recommended dosages are recommended to be used in conjunction with tiger bloom. If I didn't just use the last of that bottle I would put 2 cups in a gallon of water and feed it to my clone because I don't think it's very powerful at all. I'm not trying to argue with you I'm just saying.
very good point!
and i am not here to op is not using tiger bloom/bb? well then i would have to say it is a def not an overdose!!! but ph also has to be within range to become available to the plant, so no matter how much more he gives them will not help if ph is not adjusted! so if op is not using the tiger bloom...maybe he should. still would not hurt to flush with ph adjusted water then give proper dose of nutes/ adjusted ph . being in the bloom phase he is going to need a better nutrient with a more balanced 10-30-20/ 1-3-2 however one looks at these ratios.

and you got nutes in the soil so it works for you, now newgro needs this too.... since he has none in the soil.
the tiger bloom is a 2-8-4/bb... wouldn't this be a better balance for flowering?

we are all here to help and im trying to figure it out know to help?


what causes that? i have her in a room lined and over laped with block IR and sealed with foil tape. small opening in the bottom and exaust fan at the top. its air tight so fresh air is forced in by the suction of the fan which moves 80 cubic foot per minute.


Newbie here, but let me add my 2-cents as I also use FFBB. Directions state 4 tablespoons per gal every other watering for general feeding or 1/2 cup per gal every other watering for heavy feeding. I personally use 3 tablespoons per gal with good results. The main thing is to check your ph AFTER you mix the bb with water as it will drop your ph drastically. I use distilled water that ph's around 7-7.2 and the bb will drop the ph to 5.5.

I can't tell what is supposed to be an example of deficiency and what's an examle of an overdose from that pic. Also, thos damn guides never helped me much anyways.

All I'm saying is I use OF, BB and dry fertilizer and my plants aren't burned. The BB is .01-.3- .7 and my dry fert in the soil is 5-8-4 and i've fed BB @2 tablespoons per gallon every watering and never had burning occur. If you read the label it says it's safe for every watering and you can even soak roots in it, I have given it to small seedlings too. The BB is not an all purpose fertilizer these recommended dosages are recommended to be used in conjunction with tiger bloom. If I didn't just use the last of that bottle I would put 2 cups in a gallon of water and feed it to my clone because I don't think it's very powerful at all. I'm not trying to argue with you I'm just saying.


did not know it droped the waters ph after adding BB. I use aged tap water. should i switch to distiled?
I hate to give out that kind of advise as I am new to this, but I personally don't trust all the chemicals ect in tap water. I have used distilled water from seed and am having great sucess so far. I did not have a ph meter to start and I use the FF trio of ferts and had nute burn after the second dose and possible ph lockout. I knew that distilled water is a constant 7-7.2 ph so I assumed that would be close enough. When I finally got a ph meter(Hanna) and checked the water after adding the FF nutes it read 5.4 and reads between 5.4 -5.6 almost every time. I use ph- up to bring the ph back to 6.5 before I water the plants.
Like I said I am new to this, but glad to help if I can.

Edit: Edit due to unclear or misleading info.

I rechecked the pH of tap water after adding FF nutes and here is what I found.
PH meter; Hanna HI98106
Calibrated; To 7.0 using Hanna HI7007 Buffer solution.
Water; Tap water, pH. 7.2

Adding 3 teaspoons of FF Tiger Bloom to 1 gal. water brought water pH. down to 5.9.
Adding 4 tablespoons of FF Big Bloom to 1 gal. water made no change in pH.
Adding 3 teaspoons of FF Grow Big to 1 gal. water brought water pH. down to 6.5.

Obviously, if you use more than the recommended amount of Tiger Bloom or Grow Big for general feeding the pH. will be much lower.



My ph is obviously high. This was just taken after the watering last night of plain ol water. I hthink its a P def. but heres my setup. Im ordering some tiger bloom for sure.
Sally is a Femminised Purpple Haze from The Attitude. G 13 Labs was the bank it came from. I fimmed it at six nodes and completes 3 weeks of flower at 8 a.m. tommarow. My 12/12 is from 8pm to 8am for temp reasons.


I made a one quart, one tablespoon batch of BB(the labeled directions) and checked the ph and it checked in the lower 7s. So i really think its a P def.


Well-Known Member
im sure you need to flush. FF stuff really builds up salts quickly. ive noticed when im using FF to flush a couple times during a grow for less problems
THis looks like a pH problem.. From using tap water to water your plants. Bring the water down to 6.5 for soil. SOme nutes might have gotten locked out b/c of this.


I know how to flush, but does all the nutes flush with the salts? if so when do i water with nutes again since the soil will be saturated. What ph should the water be that i flush with?6.8?


newgro are you running co2? I ask because running too high of co2 will make your leaves crispy by the veins and work its way out. I have had a cap ppm3 fail on my twice and all my plants did this.. turned out i was running 2kppm plus c02 for a week and wasnt aware. I call it co2 burn now. just a thought.. good luck!


No CO2 suplementing here. Just ffof soil and bb. Shes in that sealed room even that i made from block IR and sanitized before i started. Im flushing today with ph balanced water. I will post results. Thanks everyone for their input.


New Member
I would say your plants are not worth keeping alive... They have serious NPK problems or a disease... I am thinking a disease...


Are u serious. did u see the pics? its only been on 12/12 for 3 weeks and has amazing budage going on. Smell is overwhelming and i paid for the femminized seed. So im flushing and will post the results. Also changing to Shultz 10-50-10 at the rate of 1/16th of a teaspoon per gallon of distilled water.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't listen to him, they are worth keeping alive if you can. From what I can see it might be nute lock out due to the PH. It will only take in certain nutes, and reject others.. I would just water straight PHed water for 2 - 3 weeks. My guess is there is enough nutrients in the soil right now.