Help landlord inspection

how about just collecting some boxes, taking your gear down the day before the inspection, box up the plants, tape it all shut, spray a lot of febreeze, then put it all back up when the guy leaves?
it wont harm them as much as cutting them down prematurely.
actually i dont think one day in a box will do any serious damage, just put them back on the same cycle you had them on and they ought to adjust pretty quickly
I dunno what state your in, or whats in your rental agreement: I would try and file worthless junk, just for the turn around time. even if it has no basis it still needs to be filed with the clerk and denied. its not hard to file a civil injunction, they might even have the forms at the county office. file the complaint, hand it to the property manager or land lord. and don't say anything.

file under religious sacrament, or a racial basis anything to make him do some paper work.

the worse that could happen is you still have to cut early, and they would hate your guts, and want to kick you out, but it would look really bad if they did after you just filed a complaint first. kinda funny actually.

in the end you will need to find a better place to set up shop.
Don't febreeze the room with the plants in it not gonna be good for plants to get. Citrus based air sprays.

ewww the landlord will pick him off after the baseless claim. Nice legal diversion though. Sounding like he is across the pond though.

#Hypothetical :-)
Inspection day plants in bathroom with girlfriend who is taking long bath/shower during inspection.
Leave gear up and find a few tomato plants or some sheet and stick them in and/or tell the Landy that you are growing shiitake and oyster mushrooms, making coin off the local foodie market.

Also have renters insurance with fire damage handy to toss in his/her hand if needed. Also go over your agreement and make sure they can't pick you off for anything related to indoor growing which I have not seen a lease yet with you cant grow indoor plants in it yet.

Me I just rub elbows with all the maint people and underlings to get inside scoop and avoid those things all together..
Want to inspect the furnace??... Here is the receipt for the filter I just put in it and checked fire alarms for ya too.. ;-P
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Here what you should have done If have a friend with a car call him up and ask him to come over make sure he is 420 friendly when the day comes tell your friend you will give him some money if you can keep your plants in his car while the inspection happens he does not need to drive anywhere just park outside this way seems the most possible way hopefully the inspection went good though.