Help! Leafs dying

I'm considering dwc for next round.
How much overall would you say the dwc system cost you?
Not including lights or anything, just the specifics for dwc
All it is is air pumps and air lines and air stones and buckets. The 4 outlet air pumps I like, Active Air I think, are like $30. Walmart has 2 outlet pumps for $12. Air stones are $1-2, $10 will buy a lot of air line. Then a net pot stuck in the lid or buy a nice bucket topper at the hydro store for $5 or so. Oh yeah. some net pot and rocks, yeah shit adds up.
shiiit bro ,im facing the same shit right now ..

any advise ?

and how bad was the harvest ?

what i did is flushing my soil and adjusting my PH for now ,but i think i did that a bit late as some leaves are in late stage of this problem .

is it still smoke able for you @AndromedaM31 ?