Help MAYBE!?? Progress report!


Active Member
Ok so I already posted this in the Grow Journal but have not received hardly any responses at all. Am I doing something wrong? Should I be posting somewhere else? I am just trying to find out from some seasoned vets how my plants are doing. I just transplanted 2 days ago and they are growing like crazy. They are 12 days old and were overwatered before I transplanted them. (thats why I transplanted) So how are they doing? Also here is the link to my grow journal

And here are the latest pics of my babies taken today day 12 of their grow.



Active Member
Thank you guys! I am so happy to hear that. So it is not bad that they are so dense yet so small? They are only 12 days along. I really hope these turn out well since this is my first grow. THANKS AGAIN SO MUCH FOR ALL THE COMMENTS!:joint::hump::peace:


Active Member
Sorry I have been so busy lately with the shop and taking care of my babies. Not to mention that the snakes had to eat this weekend. But anywho here are the most recent pics of the babies. They are now 26 days old and still in veg mode. Is this tooo long? How long should veg be on bagseeds under CFL's? Also There are plenty of healthy green leaves on my plant but the older bigger fan leaves keep getting what lookjs like nute burn then they slowly die until I cut them off when they look close to death. Is this normal? Should I cut them off earlier? Anyone know what this could be? Well here is what you have all been waiting on. THE PICS!!

This is the largest of the 3 small babies. I dont have pics of the other 2 Remember all these girls are the same age!

This is baby number four it is the 2nd largest.

This and the rest of the pics following are of the largest of my girls and my personal favorite! I hope she stays a she and doesn't turn out to be a he!

Hope Yall are enjoying this. I know I am. Plus any help you guys could give me would be greatly appreciated!:peace::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
they look good man i wouldnt change anything ur doin. fuckin bushy thats awesome..what kind of lights u usin???


Active Member
I am using CFL's right now but I will be adding a 150W HPS as well as some T8 HO Flourescents when I set them into flowering. The CFL's I am using right now are the 150W rated They are actually like 46W 2600 lumens off of each of them. I am running four of those 2 100W rated 36W actuall bulbs that put off 2000 lumens each. Glad to hear that everyone likes them. I really hope they all come out female. I have been keeping the temp at 70-75 and the humidity at about 60-65% someone said this helps make fmeales so I guess we will see.


Active Member
No one else has any input? No advice on my yellowing leaf prob? Thanx for all the help so far. You guys are great.:leaf:


Active Member
Well I am both topping and LSTing my plants they are now a month old and I just moved them into their new growing area. It is a 3x3 closet and I am lighting them with a 400W HPS. They are still in veg mode. How much longer should they be in veg mode? These are just bag seeeds BTW. Also the room stays hotter now about 79-88 degrees is this bad? They don't seem to be having any adverse reactions I transplanted them the same day that I put them in the new room. I was expecting to see a noticeable growth spurt after repotting and adding better light but I really haven't noticed a huge difference. What do you guys think? Sorry about the quality of the photos I am still waiting to get my camera back! GRRRR!!!



Active Member
Well here is an update. Not much has changed since my last update a few days ago. The plants have filled in a little more but I had a small PH problem and a Mg deficiency but I am taking care of that tonight. So mostly I am just updating because I took a few pictures that I thought were better. So with no further adeuax here are the pics!!



Active Member
Ok so I have a crazy weird question but for some reason I am really worried about it. My plants are so short that I am worried I have made them too short? Could this be? Toward the bottom of the plant the nodes are no more than a half inch apart. Toward the top the spacing gets wider but really no more thasn an inch between nodes. Is this ok? The main stalk of the plant is about as big around as my index finger. And it is barely a month old. Does all bag seed grow like this? THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL YOUR CONTINUED HELP!!


Active Member
WoW! So I am getting really excited. I hope all my work pays off and I get some nice girls out of this. I can not wait to put these girls into 12/12 and find out how many sex to female. Any tips as to how I could tell early?


Active Member
dude that's awesome growth. you want short and dense, that's what its all about. I'm excited to see these flower.