Help me get someone off coke or advice


Hey, I came here to get some advice from some experienced people. My family member is having troubles with cocaine, he has sold multiple items, told me he/she was going to quit multiple times, and still is doing it. They are not in the same city as me, and I cannot tell if they are lying to me. When we meet up I always ask him/her, and they say they are "cutting down". No idea what to do, they are always depressed, and I hassle them all the time. I know rehab is a great idea, I just want some suggestions first. They do about 2g's at a time they have money (im not sure just estimate) small time user compared to addicts.

Thanks for reading all posts are welcomed
Please be constructive with your criticism
If he doesn't want to quit, trying to make him will only strain if not end your relationship. If he does want to quit, you can help him into inpatient rehab and/or give him a place to stay away from his sources for a predetermined and unchangeable amount of time. Obviously, the second can be a serious risk and a major undertaking for you that could include such drastic actions as locking him to a bedpost- only if he agrees to that sort of thing before starting.
Nothing you say to him can cause him to quit. If he wants to keep using then thats the bottom line. You can cry, scream, make threats and none of it really matters.

I hate to say it but the only way I was able to kick heroin and stop using coke was to get locked up for 3 months. Years later and I haven't touched it since. and I have no desire to either.

If you come from a family that has money then maybe you can send him to one of those expensive rehabs for a couple months. But even then its not a guarantee he will stay clean once he gets out.

Either he will hit rock bottom and end up on the streets or he will get locked up in jail.
have to just let it run its coarse ,
they will get sick and tired of being sick and tired after a while
Let them drug them selves into a miserable pit. They need to fall hard before they realize .It will get dirty regardless.
you could videotape him at his worst, then show him the video when he´s at his best.
yeah hes got to scrape the barrel before he can float to the top, let him destroy his life , and when he does be there to help him get it back IF he wants to get off it
You need to understand why he/she is using to START with.
Perhaps our Hero at hand is self medicating ... as to escape THE
. Clearly, you need to realize ... that This addiction could
only be a small problem in comparison to what is hidden.

Once you address these issues ... You need to realize that for an addict
to stay clean .... many factors must be changed.
Most old contacts severed. Social circle ... replaced.
In this, long relation ..... you have no chance to impact.
Perhaps a friendly ear .... at the darkest hour.
AND this is going to get much harder ..... for YOU.

Good luck.
I have lost 3 family members to cocaine and/or heroin.
There are 3 things that will make them quit.

1) they want to quit
2) jail or prison
3) death

I'm about to lose a 4th family member, my little cousin. She's heavily into heroin.
It's sad. I try to talk to her, it only makes the situation worse.
If he's only doing about 2gs. Buy him 4gs-7gs and make him do it all. That way he will get sick and then he will have a bad time and memory instead of the goodtimes he's enjoying now. It's about 60% effective. That's a pretty high number as far as relapses go.
If he's only doing about 2gs. Buy him 4gs-7gs and make him do it all. That way he will get sick and then he will have a bad time and memory instead of the goodtimes he's enjoying now. It's about 60% effective. That's a pretty high number as far as relapses go.

Sorry bud but yeah right, maybe with cigarettes?
Yeah right my ass. There is a rehab that does this and has Docs there incase of od. They have a 60% rehabilitation rate.
a rehab hooks people up with 7g's of coke? ................damn I wanna go to rehab!

Hahahaha but dude, it would sure change the image of coke from a fairy dust you can never get hold of enough to an unfriendly poison. Maybe that change of perspective is what gives the %60?

How about catching them on a period where they are off heroin for a while and then giving them a psychedelic like LSD? Maybe that would raise some inspiration?

The woman activist in the UK, working to legalize lsd for theraputic use was on that track because LSD inspired her to quit alcohol from 1 dose in her 30`s.
I had a little problem with coke a few years ago and one day i just woke up and said thats it and smoked a fatty blunt and quit cold turkey...ive done it a few times since but only like a one night party deal i will never go 2 days in a row again
Am I the only one upset by this guy coming to our site and asking about a heavy narcotic (cocaine) because we have EXPERIANCE.
I find it very upsetting that this guy is putting a marijuana community in the same class as COCAINE...WTF??? Sorry about your relatives problems bro but this is not really the place to be asking about this matter... I feel offended... Perfect example of sterotyping.....