help me out take a look


Well-Known Member
yeah it could be drooping from the transplant but it has been drooping also... heres a lil trick....1st though let me answer yes mist em mist every day 2 times per day if you dont have to worry bout misting with those lights... and no misting wont make the leaves droop more... now heres the trick:
every time you mist gently cup your hand (like a "c") over the top of the plant and gently lift up on the leaves (all of em) kind of like petting the plant. You can even hold the leaves there (up) for a little bit but dont be forceful... that seems to stimulate them also but Id still move the fan off, the fan isnt supposed to blow right pn the plants anyway, your just supposed to move the air.

79 temp isnt bad though


Well-Known Member
i know if i turned the smaller fan on too so i have both fans on it would be a lower temp in there .
so ill just move the plant over someso it wont hit it really
and now that i changed to a bigger pot i know i wont have to water as much
and ok ill mist them and try that trick and dont worry about forcing them anywhere i dont even like to barly touch them never mind forcing them lol :0)
ya i just have that small fan sometimes hiting it so it could help get a stronger stem.
ya and i heard a temp from 75 to 85 is ideal for the plants
and the leafs are looking kinda dry i should mist hopfully that "c" works
thanks ill put a pic up of what its in now and what it looks like im going to mist and take the pic


Well-Known Member
sweet...... yeah if the leaves are looking dry mist em, if you had a humidifier you wouldnt need to but specially in the winter I like to mist a lot so everything stays moist, I like moist...anyway back to plants...I dont have a humidifire either dont really need one though I have a spray bottle and I like to folliar feed also. You dont need to have a fan on to strengthen stem you can also take your index finger and middle finger and gently put the stem between em and shake it a little that w3ay every time you check on it... woks the same lotta ppl suggest fans for bigger grows or if they dont have the time to shake em a lil.... up to but in the winter a fan is gonna dry it out more.


Well-Known Member
ow ok i left the box fan off and stayed with the big an on
i did what u said with the "c" when do u think that will start to show if it does?
and ill try with the shaking too
heres some pics top view and top view when its in the box
side view when in the box which sence i dont have the fan on ill recenter it again for the max lightage hit
and i got side pics of all four sides so u know what it looks like alround
wht ya think?



Well-Known Member
lookin good gettin some big fan leafs out now... prob gonna start takin off 1 node per 1-2 days... that has to be one of the most purple stems I have seen in a while (its fine just purple).
You should start to see a change in the droop in about 3 days of no fan, misting 2-3 times per day, and "petting" the plants... might try holding it up there a lil longer when you do it, did you notice the leaves staying there for a sec then slowly droopig again or just straight to drooping.... the idea is to almost get them to point in and upward direction when doing this...thats why you get them wet 1st, if they are too dry they could break.... Btw dont know if u smoke cigs or not or use tobacco products but plants hate niccotene so if you do, wash ur hands with antibacterial soap 1st.


Well-Known Member
nope i dont do drugs.
i only smoke trees and i cant even do that right now cuase of court.
ok ill leave the fan box off for those days like u said and ill keep on trying the "c"
ya and some of them slowly went down but some went down a little bit faster then the other but i see what ur talking about thanks on that.
and about the purple stem thing is that a complament is it good or is that a bad thing something to watch out for?and ya those leaves are geting bigger now with the new bigger pot i hope it gets better.and i hope that droop goes away ill be happy.
keep the comments comin.
u know something i never really looked at that they are really purple really.
but is that good?in humans that normally mean we are lacking alot of air is that the same for them?


Well-Known Member
nah... like I said its normal...Ive had some pretty purple stems in bag seed myself (than any other strain), dont know why they are more purple but I know its common and nothin to worry about...usually goes away within a month....not a good or bad thing.


Well-Known Member
ow ok just making sure
and that"c" training is working i did some today and i did it a little better this time and it made them stick up more :0)
right now i have both fans off its around 76 degrees in there so its not bad
and i shock the stem toady too and im already starting to see a new set if leafs coming out so thats great.prolly cuase of the transplant too more room to move and grow.and i dont need to water :0)so this gives me time to fil up both gallons of some tap water and let it sit over night.and 1 of the 2 seeds in the toilet paper cracked open today
so i dont know if i want to put into the soil or aerogarden?i have 3 in the AG now im just going to put in the soil to have another one it seems to grow quicker in the soil for me so when it starts sproutin i could put it in the box too


Well-Known Member
cool... glad everything is goin good... tp isnt the best way to germ though IMO, there are better faster methods, next time you r gettin rdy to germ le tme know.


Well-Known Member
hey let me know now ill remember
and plus someone is sending me some hydro seeds an annother kind too
and i had the lights off yesterday night
and when i woke up today i looked the leafs are starting to stand up more
i think they are recovering from the transplant i did
they are looking better ill take a pic and post in a sec


Well-Known Member
ba they arnt over watered i transplanted them the other day
and before hey were in real small pots and they used to get dry real quick so i had to water them some everyday they got big and then one day they slowed down and the leaves started drooping so i transplanted it the other day and now the leaves are coming back up and growing faster again
trust i do the finger test everytime


Well-Known Member
trust it works for me
todays pic i did the soil is dry and when i put my finger like a inch down its dry to but not as much on top so im leaveing it alot till tomarrow
with this bigger pot sence i transplanted it to it i have been waterig alot less
the first pic was from last night and the others were from today not long ago
i could see alot better differance between them
thats all


Well-Known Member
yeah... lookin a lot better than a few days ago...and some new growth get ready for the ride...
for better germing:
get a heat mat one for aquariums or reptiles.... put paper towels (not tp tp falls apart too easy) put paper towel in botton of tupperware container (1 sheet is fine... kind of smash it in the bottom of the container, and get paper towel wet not soaking just wet, put seeds on paper towel and cover with another 2 paper towels pushing down on them a little so the soak up some water from the other paper towel, put plastic wrap over top of container and hold with rubber band, put lid on tight put on heat mat and check 3 times per day.... I can normally get tap root to show within 8-12 hrs, seedbank seeds within 2 days dont know why there is a difference but I seem to have 1.


Well-Known Member
today is day 9
and dark i have 2 fans 1 in the grow box a pc one and i have a big fan at the door of the closet that blows in there and in the box the stem now is hard i cant bend really and i aint going to try that hard eiher lol
and another thing i have a new sprout today too :0)
yay more fun now.
now for that new sprout i have to think of what im going to do with it?
theres a few things i was thinking of u guys could help me pic one.
#1: take and LST it around the pot a couple times so ill get more colas ans whatnot.
#2: start it on a 12/12 cycle right now to see where it will lead .
i seen someone else did the straight to 12/12 and looks ok.
i just want to try these 2 diff things so if dont work out for me i dont care just trying.
and whatever u guys pic "hopefully soon" the next sprout will be the other thing so nomatter what im going to be doing both ,just want to know what i should start with now. thanks.hit me up