Help me please! It's about a girl.

Where do you live? Or do you like em big?

Southern CA for most of my life; Ventura county, more specifically.

I was mostly agreeing that age is relevant to this girl's actions. The actions of a 30yo woman, in this context, are more telling than an 18yo.
Southern CA for most of my life; Ventura county, more specifically.

I was mostly agreeing that age is relevant to this girl's actions. The actions of a 30yo woman, in this context, are more telling than an 18yo.

Aw. Your location says you're one county north of Humboldt. That'd be right by me... Anyway, her age is the most important thing. If she's young, it explains her behavior even more. If she's like...30 or older...she will never balance out.
I know it might sound desperate but she's the only one that really likes me for me. :| I haven't been successful with girls in like a year I just want this to work out. I'm not the greatest looking or skinniest guy lol but she finds me attractive. Like love is a strong word but damn I just don't know. I don't want to see her hurt herself. And she's hot as fuck! Way more hot than crazy. But she also cuts.... Which I hate it makes me cry

Next time she says the word suicide dial 911 and hand her to the police, sounds cold but will save her life. No one should let a joke about suicide go by or this escalates and you end up being held hostage because now she's gonna kill herself AND YOUR THREE KIDS if you don't buy the damn BMW she wants!

Anyone who is (1) A danger to self, or (2) A danger to others, and/or (3) Gravely disabled, needs a 5150 (involuntary mental health hold) or a 5250 which is a judicially ordered involuntary psychiatric hold according to the LPS. So get her actual help.

Next focus on yourself. To attract beautiful, less crazy women (face it we are all crazy to some degree, menopause brought that conclusion with it), you have to bring something to the table. So get something going on in your life so you do not feel desperate even though you maybe alone. Because if you can't stand to be alone with you no one else will be able to.

nah homey, the hot/crazy scale , (your quick reference table for hookups) specifies a 5 or higher

if you can Hit-It and Quit-It like a true Playah, thats all you need.

the rest is determining possible long term relationships, and your personal standards determine whether you want to stay and play with this particular dame.

the formula is for standardization purposes, allowing you to compare objective numbers, observe personal trends, and spot weaknesses in your game.

if you usually bang hot chicks, one uggo with a sack of weed while youre wearing beergoggles can really fuck up your numbers, but by standardizing, and using accepted metrics youi can chart your progress, and not lose your spot on the roster because you got as little too wasted at reggae on the river and boned a hot/crazy 3, and allows for the examination of extenuating circumstances, where that same Hot/Crazy 3 (dubious hotness, and as crazy as a shithouse rat) can score a more respectable 5.7 - 6.3 (a duffel bag full of weed in the back of her suzuki samurai, never banged any of my Bros, not a fatty, touched my dick repeatedly and with malice aforethought) allowing for a wider latitude in scoring.

the system also properly weights the serious issues, turning an otherwise respectable hookup into a cautionary tale which can help you steer clear of such greivous errors in the future:

D = 6 (acceptably hot, not very crazy)
W = 1 (didnt smoke weed at all, shoulda been a warning...)
S = 7 (was all over my dick. ravenous for it)
B = 4 ( you see the problem....)
F = 11.3 (thick, but not quite a fatty, but i hadnt been batting well that season, and i was ready to swing at anything if it was near the strikezone)

netting her a Q-Score of 6.13 not up to my usual expectations, but thats cool.

i should have stuck to my self imposed handicap of 7 or higher. things went on a deathspiral quicker than shit.

i showed up at her house ready to deliver the requested Booty Call.
while i was banging her she got a call, and the answering machine got it.
it was one of my brothers sobbing that he loved her and wanted her back... i didnt even know she had dated my brother! Q-Score Ratchets down to 4.13!

needless to say i tried to disengage, but she had locked her ankles behind my back +2 Crazy , and ok... +1 Hot. Q-Score Clanks down to a critically low 2.63!!

she says, "i should get that. hand me the phone"... +4 Crazy, -1 Hot! Q-Score now -3.36!!! Punch Out!! Punch Out!!

Crash And Burn. Moral of the story, never compromise on your principles!]


So how's your brother doin'?
Aw. Your location says you're one county north of Humboldt. That'd be right by me... Anyway, her age is the most important thing. If she's young, it explains her behavior even more. If she's like...30 or older...she will never balance out.

Technically not directly north. I'm in Siskiyou county, more NE.