Well-Known Member
Technically not directly north. I'm in Siskiyou county, more NE.
Yaaaa. I go to Eureka for my collective.
Technically not directly north. I'm in Siskiyou county, more NE.
Yaaaa. I go to Eureka for my collective.
Sounds like a classic borderliner (not bipolar). All about extreme up and downs. Great sex and horrible fights being typical as well as being asshats (not reasonable). I have a theory that nearly every love song and love story is based on a borderline girl. They can give you the most love (which it really isn't) and the most pain. Don't fall for the wounded bird act, just run.I know it might sound desperate but she's the only one that really likes me for me.I haven't been successful with girls in like a year I just want this to work out. I'm not the greatest looking or skinniest guy lol but she finds me attractive. Like love is a strong word but damn I just don't know. I don't want to see her hurt herself. And she's hot as fuck! Way more hot than crazy. But she also cuts.... Which I hate it makes me cry
Yeah, update? Did she eat you?
Finshaggy is her new BF and she pimps him out to cross dressing mexicans.But besides that,they are doing well
now hold on a minute there.
we dont actually know how crazy this broad really is, nor how hot she might be.
theres also the issue of whether the OP can Hit-It and Quit-It like a real Playah.
the bitch may just be super Thirsty, i mean PARCHED, and runnin game on mah Homey just to get some attention.
whoah now Muchacho, i know what your sayin, but can a Playah finish?
thank you...
so, lets break this shit down:
bitch's crazy rating on a scale of 1-10, with ONE being the craziest, i mean Left-Eye crazy. burn a botha's house down crazy... = C (for crazy)
bitch's hotness on a scale of 1-10, with ten being "Daaaaaaaaamn!" = H (for hotness)
then simply do the math. C+H/2= her D number. (Doable) anything 5 or over is all good.
but then we gotta do some more math:
take that number and prepare your "intangibles" factors:
the broad's stoner level on a scale of 1-5. with 1 being "thinks Reefer Madness is a documentary" and 5 being "smokes more weed than snoop dogg" = W (for weed)
how many times has she touched your penis in the last month divided by 4. this give you the average expected Smiley Face Stickers factor. = S (for Smiley Face Stickers)
how many of your homies has she fucked? = B (for Bros with whom you are crossing swords)
her weight in pounds divided by her height in feet times two. = F (for fatty)
example: if she weighs 110 pounds and stand 5 foot 6, then it's 110/11=10 congrats, not a fatty! but if she weighs 150 pounds and stands 5 foot six it's 150/11= 13.63 then you will need prescription bifocal beergoggles.
so lets run the figures:
D+(WxS-Bx2) F/10= Q (her bangability Quotient)
this scorecard can help you not only with future hookups, but also can help you check the tapes on last weeks' game. you gotta stay sharp.
heres the scorecard from the chick i was dating in the early 90's:
D = 6 (slightly hotter than she was crazy, but she was VERY crazy, and EXTREMELY hot.)
W = 2 (she smoked weed now and again but wasnt really a pothead)
S = 2 (very low yes, but when i ran the score i had only known her for a month and she had already touched my penis half a dozen times so i disputed the call, but the rules are very strict.)
B = 0 (this one is a killer, but if she banged even a couple of your bros, shit can get ugly fast. fortunately none of my homies liked redheads)
F = 9.1 (yes. thats right. suck it. i did mention she was EXTREMELY HOT)
so: she scored an 11.82, and that gentlemen is an excellent score. until of course she took the crazy to new heights, started smoking meth, and ran off with a tweaker in a camaro.
Cest L'Vie Mon Frer
BAAAAHAHAHAHAHA my man fuckin said prescription bifocal beergoggles!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha what a fucking hero you are, sir.
(for Bros with whom you are crossing swords)
Southern CA for most of my life; Ventura county, more specifically.
I was mostly agreeing that age is relevant to this girl's actions. The actions of a 30yo woman, in this context, are more telling than an 18yo.
No matter how crazy or hot, B should be a multiplier with the value -1.
Doesn't matter though, a real bro/homie would tell you to run if she's too crazy.
Next time she says the word suicide dial 911 and hand her to the police, sounds cold but will save her life. No one should let a joke about suicide go by or this escalates and you end up being held hostage because now she's gonna kill herself AND YOUR THREE KIDS if you don't buy the damn BMW she wants!
Anyone who is (1) A danger to self, or (2) A danger to others, and/or (3) Gravely disabled, needs a 5150 (involuntary mental health hold) or a 5250 which is a judicially ordered involuntary psychiatric hold according to the LPS. So get her actual help.
Next focus on yourself. To attract beautiful, less crazy women (face it we are all crazy to some degree, menopause brought that conclusion with it), you have to bring something to the table. So get something going on in your life so you do not feel desperate even though you maybe alone. Because if you can't stand to be alone with you no one else will be able to.
So how's your brother doin'?
that means he lives in Oxnard, surrounded by onion fields, or in camarillo, downwind of the mushroom farm and the mental hospital.
i kid homie, ventura is my home away from home. i used to climb thge sand dunes off point Mugu every saturday
I don't believe he stated she had a mental illness, just a bit crazy. Thinking back on it man, my ex is like, exactly this way. She was a monstrous attention whore, no offense to all you ladies out there on RIU, she would tell me how she wants to die blah blah blah all the time and act like she was going to kill herself, similar to what someone else already posted about their "fucking joke" of a male friend, she attempted suicide 3 times, all fails. She seems to like talking about it too, like seeing my fuckin reaction and all it would do is make me sick/worried 24/7, fucking bitch had me trippin for almost a year before I realized I was strung. I was her bitch captain save-a-hoe , and trust me OP, the pussy is nice at first, but after 3 months or so gtfo, its not even worth it, sometimes chicks like that are better for one night stands, or FWB. If you can find a girl, that is a friend, whom is down to fuck, that bitch is all you will ever need, lmao. No joke, a bud inhaling goth chick who is crazy for my dick and hates the drama of a relationship? Doesn't get much better than that.right but people who are suicidal are SICK you clearly are not. the way OP makes her sound like she has an mental illness.
No offense sunni but he said usually there, and I definitely agree, anyone talking about suicide at all should be helped. At least enough to get to the bottom of the problem, and if its for attention than so be it, however if it is for deeper reasons and they arent fuckin with ya then by all means help them out as much as you possibly can. My ex would say shit like im keeping her alive and stuff like that, imagine trying to break up with someone like that, lol. (she was not actually suicidal, found that out the long/hard way....one time she said the reason she just up and dissapeared for a day was because she tried to kill herself, of course I am all over that shit and feel like a douchebag for being even slightly upset in the first place, come to find out she was just cheating on me xD )right tell that to my 5 people i knew and exboyfriend oh wait you cant cause their dead cause they killed themselves.
...while i agree some people are just drama queens and kings and are all talk, and yes there are the people who act happy and end up killing themselves, i think people who talk about killing themselves really need help because they will do it. there have been studies done saying they are less likely to commit suicide if they say they wanna die or kill themselves, but i think that study needs to be redone because its becoming more clear to me that generally they will kill themselves..just my .02 cents though...
i mean no disrespect joe suicide is a touchy subject for me right now
sounds liek pretty much every girl everSorry I had nowhere to turn to, this girl I really am interested in and really makes a connection with me always talks about how she'd be better off dead and how everyone hates her and shed be happier dead. And then other times she's super happy and the best person everI swear she's bipolar or something. And when I try to tell her not to she gets mad saying why don't I want her happy and shit
she smokes bud too! I do t get t she says shed rather die than get high but I bet tomorrow she will wanna get stoned and love life, I am planning to fuck her hard haha. Yeah but wtf do I do she hates when I try reasoning with her.