Well-Known Member
Yes you do know...I told you alreadyHayduke, I don't know if your daughter is "glad (her) dad smokes" but I celebrate her working with special needs students. Do you proffer that just because you are a stoner; you believe she has a 4.08 GPA and works with retards?[/FONT]
No I "proffer" that because I am proud of her...she is well adjusted in spite of being raised by her weird Dad (and dangerously close to being attacked by 6 very evil looking Marajewjuanna plants)...and I don't "believe" she has a 4.08 and works with tards I just got her report card; and she is the president of our local chapter of an international program called "Best Buddies" that pairs regular ed kids with special needs kids.
Do you think that Stoners just make shit up all the time??? I find Stoners to be more trustworthy than the average parasite