Well-Known Member
thanks for the recipe @Rasta Roy !!LOL

Yeah, liquid kelp is pretty harmless, you could probably triple the recommended ratio and still not burn your plants. I prefer dry kelp because it has more benefits and way more bang for your buck. If you have a gallon of liquid kelp fertilizer, it probably has a cup of kelp in it, and cost you more than a five pound box of kelp meal.
If I was making a ten gallon tea with those ingredients I would do;
1 cup of alfalfa meal
1/2 cup of liquid fish feet
I would do 1/2 cup of dry kelp or 1 cup of liquid
4 cups of ewc
1/4 cup of bat Guano if not diluting tea after brewing, 1/2 cup if you are
1/2 cup of molasses or whatever your simple sugar source