Help needed

hi evry1, just like to say thankyou ever so much for all the support and help that i needed at a desperate time. I havent been back on for a while as i have been paying alot more attention to my lovely ladies. Firstly it was underwatering that was the problem and also nute burn. I watered them streight away and the day after they were back to normal again :) its been 2 weeks tomorrow since they were really bad, i have never had this problem since that... so then i have attached some photos again but this time i have a problem of browning middle leaves and small amount of it on higher leaves although its mainly only 1 plant. Since the underwatering i have only fed with plain water and after a week or so i started to introduce a very weak nute feed to prevent and deficiencies. I have also red stems. Just take a look at the pics anyway guys because i could go on forever lmao. Sorry for the long threads i will get better and make them shorter :) 2012-09-04 11.03.42.jpg2012-08-30 18.25.37.jpg2012-08-30 19.25.28.jpg2012-09-04 11.04.16.jpg2012-09-04 11.11.51.jpg
I have always ph'd the runoff water and i was getting 7.0 there abouts... i sprayed leaves with nitrozyme 5ml/ 1litre last week but seemed to make the leaves even more yellow.


Well-Known Member
Here's a chart that somebody else put up, I can't take credit for it, but it has helped me out.
To me, I think you should listen to warrior, and stick to water only for a bit. You seem to be trying to force nutes at it.
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Well-Known Member
Here's a chart that somebody else put up, I can't take credit for it, but it has helped me out.
To me, I think you should listen to warrior, and stick to water only for a bit. You seem to be trying to force nutes at it.
Shame it don't show what a healthy leaf looks like ;)


Well-Known Member
do you have any ideas on the browning and red stems?
Damn dude! Foothills and Warrior BOTH suggested water only for a while, and you have said twice that after you mist with that stuff the discoloration gets worse...... QUIT misting and just give them some water for a while!
sorry chucky that message about spraying them shudnt be ther it was to another post be put it on here by mistake it was from the time before when i misted them i havent done it since.