Uncle Ben
Well-Known Member
disagree with UB and you're a gay nazi now?
90% of UB's supporters can barely spell the half baked responses they concoct. Fucking brainless morons who are looking for the lazy way to grow. Can't be bothered to germ in sterile paper towels at the correct temp and gently place in medium? Shove it in soil! It's best don't ya know! Can't be bothered to monitor and assess plants development and needs? Get a big tub and mix everything you need in at once before the seeds arive! Don't want to prune? Don't! It pisses the plant off! Don't want to flush? Fuck it. 99% of people cant taste it! Anyone notice a theme from the old Uncle? His patronising, all knowing tone is a bluff for the fact that he takes the easy way out.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it doesn't work well for him and others..... I'm saying it's not the only way and in amongst the wise old sages(that he doesn't own and borders on pirating due to the glory he basks in as a result of repeating them) is a lot of made up bullshit like "4 inches AT LEAST" and "Pro's do it like this......". Last week I was stood in a multi award winning, commercial, food producing greenhouse the size of several football fields. They were not germinating seeds like UB says........ Why? Because he made that bit up! The pros use machines and WHEN/IF they do do it by hand they sprout seeds en masse in a commercial scale seed sprouter and then plant. That's IF they use soil. Fruiting plants like ours are grown on a commercial scale, almost exclusively, in hydro....... Huge vats of the elements that compose nutrients being drip fed by computers directly into the water lines to specific areas of the greenhouses........ In equally significant ways, the organic soil greenhouses I have visited use methods that differ vastly from the Uncle's. As I asked before? What pros UB? Let us see them.
So when the trusted old Uncle reposts his crock of shit germing advice saying, all arrogant and condescending-like "for the hundredth fucking time......" you can read "I am repeating a lie for the hundredth fucking time". The Uncle is bringing nothing new in the things he says which are true and good...... the rest..... well..... people have been growing plants for years and years.......
There are plenty of ways to grow weed, germ seeds and live your life. Anyone of them could be the best for you? Who knows? Only you can tell! Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Heck, no doubt I'm wrong about plenty of shit! You probably are too! But Uncle Ben is right all the time! Likely story....... Got anymore Uncle?
Your angry, childish rants suggests a young man with a very low sense of self esteem.