HELP!! Plant drooping really bad and possibly dying! *pics* +


Well-Known Member
Hey guys this is my plant, she's 12 days old I believe.
She is drooping REALLY bad, the new foilage that is growing is actually bent down and touching the older foilage and it's really depressing to see her looking so sad.
Anyhow, what is wrong?!?! and how can I fix her?

Temp during off: 68-72F
Temp during lights on: 79-83F
Humidity: 45-60%
x2 42 Watt CFLs on 18/6
Fan going in the grow room
Gets watered whenever she feels dry, which is usually every two days. (She goes two full days without water, and then gets watered, goes two full days without, etc)

Too me she looks overwatered, but I haven't been.




Well-Known Member
uhh they look damn healthy haha if they droop anymore id suggest laying off the water alittle bit. other than that... looks like a fine little plant =)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know, but the two CFLs I have right now should be enough light for vegetative growth, but I know I need more and a different light spectrum when I switch to flowering, but we'll cross that bridge when I get there.


Well-Known Member
what kind of soil is that? whats your ph? it looks alright to me. take more pics that show the *severe problem* you see. i think your worrying over nothing. too much *care* can kill a plant just as surely as not enough. smoke a bowl and leave her(hopefully) be,. check back on her tommorow and see if it looks any worse, i bet it wont. best of luck


Well-Known Member
MG Soil unfortunately, and as for the PH of the water its around 6.5 and I don't know the PH of the soil.

strain stalker

New Member
...what type of soil/ soilless mix are you using? ...if any problem with this plant, it maybe a little overwatered. A good rule to go by is....
(1) Water plant w/ ph balanced h2o
(2) Count the days it takes for plant to start to wilt before you water again.
(3) Once they wilt, water and take a mental note of how long it took between waterings
(4) ...your objective is to water just before they begin to wilt. This allow air to the roots....VERY IMPORTANT for an optimum yield! ..

...a plant is waaaaaaay happier underwatered then overwatered.....


Well-Known Member
By any chance is the drooping occuring towards lights out? It's normal for the plants to be a tad droopy when they wake up (lights on), perk up after a bit, and gradually droop again towards nighttime (lights off). She looks fine. Here's a pic of a plant with a real droop issue - she was in shock. (Did survive, btw.):-P



Well-Known Member
Yeah, damn... That's a drooping problem I'd be shitting my pants if my plant looked like that.

Maybe I am just worrying about it too much.. I will cut back on the water and see what happens. Thanks guys.


plants is ok, sometimes baby indicas look a little droopy cuz of the fat leaves, i had a little og kush plant that looked the same way. i was worried but just made sure not to overwater and she was fine.


Well-Known Member
I was so tempted to put like "omg, your plant is dying, it looks horrible! you've got a serious problem on your hands! kill this plant and start over!!!!! it will never recover!!!........j/k"
and then put what i posted on my first reply to this thread. lol:lol::bigjoint:;-)