help please

so I just tryed cloning. I use the root gel an put in rockwool after soaking them em. I put the cuttings in the rockwool an.a hr later every one is drooping besides 1. is thos normal or are they dieing already.. rhanks
Sometimes they droop and then they die.
Sometimes they don't droop and then they die.
Sometimes they don't die or droop but don't root.
Sometimes they droop, seem like they are dead, root, droop and then die.
I've actually never heard of anyone who has successfully rooted any plant at anytime in the history of plant propagation anywhere in the world so don't worry if it doesn't work for you.
just keep them in a nice humid environment and spray them twice a day and they should perk right up. also try doing an 18/6 light cycle, the 24hr lighting is a myth and is usually only used when you cant keep the root zone above 75 degrees. also, make sure the lights arent too close for the first 3-4 days, lights that are too close too early can cause droop as well.
No this is NOT normal.the things that cause droop from the begining .To much heat(do not exceed 75 F.DO NOT.Next is not enough water at the stem.This normally is not the problem and the next one is what i speculate your problem is Humidity is to low.
There are dozens of different ways of cloning.The best thing is to understand what makes a clone clone.Those things can be separated into temperature,moisture,humidity and a soft light.
Temperature should remain stable at around 75 F with no fluctuation.Why?The cutting cannot handle the stress of to high or low a temperature it must be stable.The only thing that keeps the cutting alive is humidity and the energy stored within the clones nodes branch's leafs.If the rock wool cube is too wet the roots will not pop out of the stem.The cutting will sit healthy some times for weeks but not throw a root.Then die after it runs out of stored energy to maintain its own life.The rock wool or what ever should be kept MOIST not wet. and should be allowed to dry down.On rock wool cubes and root riots you will visually see them turn a lighter shade of white on the top of the rock wool or a light brown on the top of the root riots ONLY at this time should there be moisture added to the media.THEN ONLY LIGHTLY with a light spray untill you see them change back to the darker color. The roots will spring from the stem in search of more moisture this way.Never let your media(rock wool cubes or root riots)set in direct water.Next issue to understand is humidity .Because you have a stem and a somewhat live plant but it has NO ROOTS to suck up moisture with.It MUST have a high humidity climate around the cutting.This is best done with the use of a humidity dome this will keep the cutting from drooping wilting and dieing.
a soft light .If your cycle is on your mother plants in veg at 18/6 then put your cuttings in at that light cycle if you are 24/0 then put them in at that light cycle.You want very little light just a soft light suspended above the plants a foot or two.
This is how i do it and i lose very few clones..almost none.Light suspended about prop tray and humidity dome about 1.5 ft.Heat mat under tray with temperature probe stuck into about a half inch of water in the bottom of the tray with temp set at 75 F.Constant room temp set at 75 F. A rack that is made for the prop tray so the (root riots in my case) sit suspended above the water in the bottom of the tray.The humidity from the water in the tray with the tray heated to 75 will maintain humidity in the dome and not let the media sit directly in the water.water is added to the media with a spray bottle after it is noticed that the media is getting lighter in color.The humidity domes are cleaned and every thing is sterile before i even start and the humidity domes are cleaned and sterilized about every other day or so.Roots in around 10 days or sooner is normal. Even hard to clone strains give up the roots if you do it this way.Good luck to you and hope this helps.