Help sex this plant !!!!!


Well-Known Member
im just fuckin with ya, my eyes are not very good dont kill it make sure you know what it is, it looks very young to me bro. peace.


Well-Known Member
man those are wierd looking cabbages!!!
Abit young to see sex i'm thinking
Did they say how old it was on the internet ?
Or what strain of cabbage ?
Just watch it moths like cabbage :eyesmoke:
Don't use nutes until like 30 days into the grow. Your plants arent ready for steroids yet bro lol. Also...It's way to early to tell sex of the plant.

AND IF ITS AN AUTO, This thread is pointless then. All Autos are feminized...they dont even have a Veg stage of the grow, it goes from Seed > Sprout > FLOWERING.

Auto's take about 80-90 days from seed to harvest. So you've got a while to go buddy...

Also, if its bagseed, what makes you think it's an auto?

Most Auto Strains need to be purchased as seeds from seed banks, i highly doubt one just popped up in your bag..

Change that shitty soil, Read more on CFL growing.

I mean damn dude, those plants look like they've gone through hell and they arent even that big yet...You'd have better luck with miracle grow, than with soil thats been drained of its natural nutes over 5 years...

Sorry if this is coming off as harsh to ya homie, just trying to relay my knowledge.


New Member
This was just a trial run before i get my autos all my other plants are doing well the mutant is due to high ph in soil i just wanted to know what soil to start auto seedlings with before you use the fox farm ocean blend and i have 250 watts of 6500k and 150 watts of 2700k and will be switching to more 2700k i just wanted to see how random old seeds would do with old soil and was surprised cause my other plants are really healthy
Definitely change out your soil with some new stuff, easy stuff to get and dirt cheap (:) quite literally). Also when you take a pic, please take the pic closer to the plant.


Staff member
its a random pic on the internet but the soil youve been using for 5 years?

lol. way to give yourself away

you need to be in 12/12 for a bout a week or two before sex shows id say that plant is MAYBE 2-3 weeks old


New Member
lol i know right what soil do you guys recommend i have 5 buckets i think they are 3 gallon do the males grow taller at first? or does it stay consistent between sex ill keep you guys posted and upload a pic