Help!!! Switched to flowering nutes and plants are drooping.

I switched nutes and light schedule today and within two hours my girls were drooping like crazy. I added green shield, aqua shield, and a local brand of root rhizobia, let that set for an hour then added SH bloom nutes, I put the girls in and within two hours they were all wilting and completely flaccid. What should I do? Let them get used to the new nut solution or follow the 8 step recovery?
Many people just switch from Veg nutes to Flower nutes thinking their plant can take it... Many cannot. There is a transition phase designed so the plant can change & you can change its feeding schedule, I usually bump my nutes up over a 2 week period from max veg ppm of 650 to 900 PPM for flower having an immediate change of 250 PPM can send a plant into shock
Weedler is right SHOCK.Typically the plants should recover in a week or so and the fan leaves will lift back up out of shock.I have had a set go all the way through bloom with the large fan leaves staying wilted and shocked, it did affect my harvest.
Best thing you can do is measure your PPM level during veg, then mix up a full strength solution of flower nutes and dilute that some then slowly increase it over the next 2-3 weeks... I have had some plants stay at veg level PPMs all flower... You cannot make a plant drink or eat more than it wants to...
Yea, what Weedler said. My current Fruit Automatic wont take any more than 600ppm w/o showing burn or stress. Currently at week 6.5 flower and even with the low PPM's everything's looking good!
Giving more details would help you more too.

What were your PPM's at the end of veg, prior to switching to bloom ?

What PPM's did end up with after mixing that bloom solution ?

What is your PH ?

What is you rez temp ?
So one entire plant is in shock. All leaves have completely wilted and some are drying. The stems seem fine and the roots look great. The other two plants are healthy and back to normal. Is there any way to save the sick one? My ppm is at 500, res temp is around 70F and the room temp is at 80F. Should I take that plant out or just leave it in with the others?
I had this problem happen during flower on my first grow to one plant and had to harvest way early.
Never figured out exactly what happened.
Are the plants all the same strain? whats your ph?
The warm res and heat in the room might be playing a big roll, come to think of it mine happened after I had some heat problems.
I had this problem check this link....5th grow album...I didn't check my ph regularly. People have asked, what's your ph? I think that's what it is. And pwizzle, it was my 1st hydro grow too.'s a learning curve, leave it in there and learn from her and your mistakes. I was sad everytime I saw my lady, but it it might be alright.