Brett Brown
Active Member
Yeah, that is exactly what it is. the catepillars don't lay eggs . The butterflies or moths lay them on the leaves and then they hatch when it is time and then they live off what they are hatched on and they are black when born or maybe a little brown and then they turn green as they eat the green leaves and bud materials. So kill those Bastards!!!! I was told to use these moth nets if you grow outside they sell them at the Home Depot , Lowes or any good size nursery. And you leave them out all night and day they are these very small mesh like nets that go over the plants and support them so they hang above the plant and not hang on the plant!!!! I was also told to maybe put some lady bugs and someone told me there are a wasp that kills these catepillars especially. I forget what they were called but you can search for them by putting wasp that hunts and kills catepillars in your garden or something like that and then search it!!! Good luck I am lucky my mother plant was already big enough and the buds were very big by the time I put her in the ground and then when the clones got to about a foot then I put them outside in the ground to grow as fast as possible and they are the only plants that are being affected. I found a catepillar in almost every cola and they are usually on the top of the cola. So if you start to see the white hairs turn red prematurly and there is like an area about a 1/4 inch round that is dead then you open that up and look around and you will probably fiond a catepillar. Some are very small after the just hatch so you will probably need at least a 30X100 magnifying glass to see some of them. Good Luck and use that stuff he mentioned above, that BT, or the other's that were mentioned.. BB2112.