HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..


Well-Known Member
Man tell her "one small plant",a lowryder or sumtin,dont leave her,man i know the feeling,if shes a casual smoker,then im sure youv had pot around the house,so maybe an ounce of a lowryder-or so wouldnt hurt too much,one plant would be alot more personal,


Well-Known Member
Dude, don't listen and just order your shit and build it. She will get over it if she loves you. Tell her you will be careful..


Well-Known Member
I've seen several posts in this thread telling you to "give her money for shoes and purses" if you get the money to grow. You cannot compare the two - last I checked, buying shoes and purses will not land you in jail or lose you everything you own.

If you wanted, say, a membership to a golf club, and your wife was against it - I could see you bitching, and maybe doing it anyway. But - again - you cannot compare the two. Growing is ILLEGAL - and if you get busted, it affects your wife, and her life, as well! She (just like any man, woman or child) has a right to feel safe and comfortable in her own home! Therefore - if she does not want you to do this, then leave it alone! If you don't think that's fair - then maybe you shouldn't be married.

The only alternative, is to try a grow somewhere else, and if you do well and don't get caught, then maybe your wife will change her mind down the road.

Whatever you do - your marriage should come before any "hobby".

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I've seen several posts in this thread telling you to "give her money for shoes and purses" if you get the money to grow. You cannot compare the two - last I checked, buying shoes and purses will not land you in jail or lose you everything you own.

If you wanted, say, a membership to a golf club, and your wife was against it - I could see you bitching, and maybe doing it anyway. But - again - you cannot compare the two. Growing is ILLEGAL - and if you get busted, it affects your wife, and her life, as well! She (just like any man, woman or child) has a right to feel safe and comfortable in her own home! Therefore - if she does not want you to do this, then leave it alone! If you don't think that's fair - then maybe you shouldn't be married.

The only alternative, is to try a grow somewhere else, and if you do well and don't get caught, then maybe your wife will change her mind down the road.
I must have missed the post explaining the wife's reasoning?

And did you miss the fact that the wife tokes? I doubt she's worried about the legalities of a closet grow.


Well-Known Member
I must have missed the post explaining the wife's reasoning?
Nope - but she isn't here to defend herself, and as a wife, I'm more than a little irritated after 8 pages of primarily MALES telling this guy to "ditch the bitch" and "fuck her do it anyways", to ruin his marriage over some PLANTS for god's sake. :wall:

And did you miss the fact that the wife tokes? I doubt she's worried about the legalities of a closet grow.
Nope I sure didn't - however - smoking is a far cry from growing.


do what you want and give her the big rocket when she complains, thats what i do i never had a probem, my colas are ARM SIZED:D


Well-Known Member
Man you really should have thought about the word "Marriage" before you went there.
If you would leave your wife over weed then you might as well do it now before you
you get to a real reason and you wasted more time.
Marriage isnt about getting what YOU want all the time.

If your partner isn't cool with it then you shouldn't they have to deal with it if it all goes wrong,
think about it, would you want her getting you busted for her hobby?


Well-Known Member
A question very similar came up in the forum many months ago and I'll give the the same advice now I did then. Build your grow space, but do not grow cannabis in it. Grow tomatoes. Grow basil. Grow flowers. Once you get a working cabinet in the house, you can lobby for a small cannabis grow.

You might also remind her that constantly acquiring cannabis from outside sources is much more risky that producing it yourself.

Having said that, if the wife continues to refuse then you you have a decision to make. But is weed so important that you would end your marriage over it?

Remember: Happy wife; happy life.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
My lifelong dreams outweigh my desire to be with a companion/mate..... so if I had to choose, it's a no brainer. My woman would get left in the mutha TRUCKIN dust.

My girl knows that. If you decide to leave your girl over the issue, she may resent it and rat you out. "If I can't have him, nobody can" kinda thing. If you leave her, make sure she thinks it's over another issue.


Well-Known Member
You need to point out all the positive aspects of growing your own, but more importantly, you need to remove the consequences to her if it goes wrong. In other words, PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY.

I suggest you discuss building a lockable cabinet, and tell her that if you ever get caught, she can deny all knowledge and you will take all the rap. Make sure that she knows that you will say nothing to anybody about it, and that you will be able to remove all smells etc.

Give her some time to think it over, and see how it goes from there.


Well-Known Member
bigdog were are you located .. shit
i am a legal grower and i am going to need a place to stay at for the winter
Everyone flaming the OP for "not loving his wife" needs to chill.. The statement he made about leaving her may have/prolly was in at least "semi jest".. But even if he meant it, do you REALLY think he would leave his wife JUST because of growing weed? I mean really.. come on.. I SERIOUSLY doubt a sane person would end a "happy" marriage JUST over growing weed.. What I mean is, I am POSITIVE that if its to the point that he is considering leaving, then most likely there are many more problems other than the argument about growing... Hell, I think about leaving my wife every other gd Sometimes ppl just grow apart..


i think you need to just try a lil harder to persuade her!
but don't get divorced over sum bs

all that means is yu have to be even stealthier!!!


Active Member
Only suggestion possible that I can make with women matters:

Explain to her that if she is a casual smoker, she can damage her lungs more than with homegrown, since the one found on the streets are often imporperly dryed and cured.
You can also benefit from the money it'll make you save. Here's an example:

Where I'm from, 1g = about 10$CAN usually. (let's say 1 an ounce (14g) is about, usually 90-120$CAN)
Just from one indoor plant, you could get an approx 1/2 ounce dry, if you grow properly.
And since seeds over the internet can be found at around... 40$ (for a pack of 10) the diference of money is quite significant.
That's pretty much why I decided to grow a little. I'm not much of a smoker myself, quite the contrairy, but I see the benefit of self-supply.

If worse comes to worse, it's just for the pleasure of taking care of a plant.

(Although, if you're talking about something like a 30 plant growroom, then I aggree with your wife. Anything smaller than 10, I'm for it)

Oh, and don't leave your wife over such a trivial matter. Sure, it'll maybe put a small cold in your relation, but what do you prefer: the temporary high of weed, and of self supply, or the almost permanent high of love with your wife?


Active Member
I've been lurking on RIU for quite some time now. Learning, watching, listening, getting expierence with grows and I almost never post but this caught my eye and I had to say somthing. Shame on you for not loving the woman you took an oath to love. AND SHAME ON YOU FOR NOT LOVING HER BECAUSE SHE WONT LET U GROW POT IN HER FUCKING HOUSE. you make me want to vomit. I hope your woman can find true happiness.
I've been lurking on RIU for quite some time now. Learning, watching, listening, getting expierence with grows and I almost never post but this caught my eye and I had to say somthing. Shame on you for not loving the woman you took an oath to love. AND SHAME ON YOU FOR NOT LOVING HER BECAUSE SHE WONT LET U GROW POT IN HER FUCKING HOUSE. you make me want to vomit. I hope your woman can find true happiness.

LOL... OK, I got 10.00 that says this person is a female , LOLOL.. Anyone wanna bet?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
I would leave my wife if she tried to restrict me from growing, but then again growing is like my whole life, and im not stupid enough to ever get married.