Well-Known Member
Thrips in the soil will work their way up the main stem eating a nice big hole out of the middle of it as they travel up the plant I`ve always assumed that it took many generations to tunnel up the plant over the space of veg and flowerThanks alot, i see alot of thirps. Plants grow great untill week 4 of flowering, leaves start to burn and plant not eat as much as before, bud stop developed. My third grow still get same problem, i check Ph,Ppm , ect... I don't know thrips cause this or what. I have used my feeding nut for many years, so i don't think is defiency. Do thrips eat roots and damage leaves like burned.. Thanks alot
Yes leaf that has had thrips eggs hatch and feed on them go white kinda like a burn or a pk deff but it normally starts out patchy
as the 1st step is normally a few flying ones laying eggs on the leaf once they get into the soil its a bitch
Cover your soil to stop them getting in rocks or perlite works
And spinosad kills them
We also spray with a mixture of things to kill them and I like to fumigate every 2 to 8 weeks depending on how bad it gets
There`s also a pill you can get that you put in the root ball
If its getting bad I`ll hit all the veg with something strong and systemic but spinosad normally knocks them back a lot