Help with using a phototron

There's a guy on the overgrow forums that uses them. Best bets to check there.
Phil Cuisine
This is why I'm here because someone in Overgrow said someone in RIU needs help with their Phototron..growers no matter how they grow should help each and support each other...not put them down..Dr. G needed help and look at the replies/comments he received..its not right people.

Sad part is Dr.G is one of your own RIU members..
Here's a makeshift bonsai mother tron I made for my clone only worked folks for keeping bonsai mothers..its nothing fancy and I used just aluminum foil.

I didn't want to use any of my Phototrons to keep mothers because they will grow too big and rapidly fast.

Why is everybody so down on the Phototron? I have one, and the first/last time I used it, it worked awesome and I got about a lb. out of a couple plants. I had to shut it down early because it smelled the house up so bad. I loved the smell, but just couldn't have it. This week I built a little grow room in my garage, and am resurrecting the old Phototron. With the automatic feed system, I pretty much don't have to do anything after transplanting the seedlings. Just check the nutrients once in a while.
I grew 2 Oz in one in the early 80s. Sold them and bought better pot. Lol winning!
You actually are bragging about this?

Apparently they are. :roll:

But it has absolutely nothing to do with those crappy Phototrons that were sold for over $600. They are doing the same thing as a Phototron with $50 worth of lights. They pretty much just confirmed that a Phototron is an overpriced piece of garbage. Which is what everyone has been trying to say.

Next they'll be telling us how these $400 Aerogardens grow fire and ZZXY will like their post.

All I can say is this. All you soft cocks ignoring and reporting people need to flush your gaping vaginas. I don't think there is a single thing in the world a person could say that would make me want to ignore them or report them. They still have a right to feed me shit.

Just because you don't like what someone has to say doesn't mean you have to be a 5 year old and block people.
@xtsho 18,500 messages and most of them are you projecting your poor attitude onto other people you don't know and will never meet. Make some friends and maybe spend some time outside! You probably suffer from depression and there's nothing wrong with that but taking it out on others isn't cool.
All I can say is this. All you soft cocks ignoring and reporting people need to flush your gaping vaginas. I don't think there is a single thing in the world a person could say that would make me want to ignore them or report them. They still have a right to feed me shit.

Just because you don't like what someone has to say doesn't mean you have to be a 5 year old and block people.

Well said...I've already got Dr. Gonzo13 at Overgrow and was welcomed with open arms and members there know he grows in a Phototron..
@xtsho 18,500 messages and most of them are you projecting your poor attitude onto other people you don't know and will never meet. Make some friends and maybe spend some time outside! You probably suffer from depression and there's nothing wrong with that but taking it out on others isn't cool.

Well said again...theres plenty of former RIU members that don't like the attitudes here that's why they are in Overgrow ..
This is why I'm here because someone in Overgrow said someone in RIU needs help with their Phototron..growers no matter how they grow should help each and support each other...not put them down..Dr. G needed help and look at the replies/comments he received..its not right people.

Sad part is Dr.G is one of your own RIU members..

Dr. G's 1st. Post on Overgrow

This is the first time DrGonzo13 has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!


Through PhilCuisine and I am glad that I am able to find a good place to talk about anything growing cannabis and how much more of a community it is for us all to succeed in the future is the ultimate goal in my thoughts
@xtsho 18,500 messages and most of them are you projecting your poor attitude onto other people you don't know and will never meet. Make some friends and maybe spend some time outside! You probably suffer from depression and there's nothing wrong with that but taking it out on others isn't cool.

Hey there, Merry Christmas. Sorry I didn't send you a card.

If being realistic is having a poor attitude then I have the worst attitude a person can have. I'm not naive enough to think that the world is nothing but unicorns and rainbows or that the Phototron is an excellent piece of equipment and well worth the money.

This thread is 179 posts long and this is your first post in it. You chose to direct it at me merely because you don't think I'm being nice. Nothing to do with the Phototron which is the topic of this thread. My posts have some relevance as they're about my complete dislike of the Phototron and why. My dislike is not just due to the fact that it's a piece of junk but also because it was a complete rip off that many naive individuals spent hundreds of dollars on. It was a marketing scam from the beginning and I hate scams. Maybe someone will read my posts and not waste their money on some used Phototron or a similar worthless "Grow System" costing close to $1000.

I'm trying to prevent people from wasting their money. I don't know what you're trying to do other than try to psychoanalyze me which you failed at miserably.

You have a few options here.

A: Jump on the Phototron fanboy wagon
B: Jump on the Phototron sucks wagon
C: Make one post in this thread and direct it at me
D: Keep your mouth shut

You chose "C"
