Here is an Alternative to UFO LED Lighting

well for the last 4 years ive been using different forums (been growing longer than that ) everytime ive seen a led grow its ended up a disaster or really pathetic yeild , go look on the icmag forums theres a very respected grower on there doing a led grow now and it sucks .
nassa only used them in space because of technical reasons , not because they were the best thing to use for growing .its called clever advertising by the ufo boys , but very misleading ( as it seems to of mislead you )
anyone who has been about a bit will tell you leds are not very good for growing ,I WISH THEY WHERE ID BE FIRST TO BUY ONE , but take a look around and you will see why there isnt one in my grow tent right now .maybe in the future but definately not yet.

Ok, I have to agree with just about everything you said. LED's just don't perform the way that they're advertised - I admit that. That's not my point! My interest in LED's, at this point, is to find out why they don't deliver the goods (as promised)!

I have done a fair amount of research on the theory of LED grow lights in the past, but the results were always so disappointing that I became disillusioned. However, LED's do show some promising charactoristics (at least on paper). LED's seem to work better on non-cannabis crops, especially in the flowering stage. I have followed LED grow journals that showed very decent vegging, followed by disasterous flowering, time and again. Why is that? That's what I'm trying to figure out! Believe me, I'm well aware of their shortcommings - I just want to know why! Like I've said before "In theory they should work better. In fact, they don't!".

The only one I have an ax to grind with is la9. He claims to be an expert at just about everything pertaining to growing but refuses to back up his cheap shots with anything but accusations and lies. I even laid down a challange to him on another thread - "explain what you're talking about or shut the fuck up". He just responded with a bunch of psycho-bable because he hasn't got a clue!

The curious nerd inside me wants to know - come on la9, show your superior wisdom and explain it to me. You claim to know why, so why don't you just come out and explain it?
Just keep posting your crap over and over again.

I'm just dealing with you in a way that you will feel comfortable with. What's the matter,liar, does this hit a little too close to home?
Lets just end this right here.

LEDs DO work for growing, yeah they grow the plants.

EVERY single LED grow that I have seen have grown lanky plants with small, fluffy buds.

LEDs are just not advanced enough to grow weed to the point where the buds are good..

It was the same thing when people first started using CFLS about 4/5 years ago.
CFLS back then were so shit.

Now look at them, you can get a brilliant yield from them.

The same thing applies for LEDs, give it 2-5 years and THEN YOU GUYS CAN SAY LEDS REALLY ARE WORTH GETTING.

It angers me to think the LED guys go around telling newbies to buy an LED SYSTEM OVER A HPS SYSTEM!

Watt for watt a HPS performs a million times better than an LED. THAT IS FACT.

Stop with this silly charades...LEDs are not cut out to produce decent buds YET.
The only one I have an ax to grind with is la9. He claims to be an expert at just about everything pertaining to growing but refuses to back up his cheap shots with anything but accusations and lies. I even laid down a challange to him on another thread - "explain what you're talking about or shut the fuck up". He just responded with a bunch of psycho-bable because he hasn't got a clue!

The curious nerd inside me wants to know - come on la9, show your superior wisdom and explain it to me. You claim to know why, so why don't you just come out and explain it? [/QUOTE]

jesus christ will you leave it. ive seen you on other threads attackng la9 for little or no reason. ive had a very succesfull grow with leds recently but you know what. im not going to divulge in details because i dont have to. stop harassing people and let us enjoy the forum.
dannyking, i think THCammo is correct about that asshole la9. he is a fucking liar. i caught him in a lie just the other day, in a thread where he claimed that "a man is only as good as his word" no less!! check it out here...look at his all his responses and then the one where i call him out. he just claims that in the thread where i caught him in a huge lie, he was only "joking" and "everyone except you(bagelthief) knew it was a joke"...yea, that was bullshit too...the only threads i see this guy make are about LED's, and how sucky they are (yea, la9, we got that long before you started making your weak ass threads about it, but thanks a lot for regurgitating that fact several times over, it makes you sound SO SMART and GROWN UP!!). i havent seen this guy make a real contribution to this site as of yet...he is just a huge (dumb) asshole in my eyes...
i dont know of any lies or whats going on but i think the best solution is to just ignore it.
let him have his opinion and everyone else can have theirs. im not taking sides just want rollitup to be a happier place. everyone should calm down and relax.
by T.H.Cammo My interest in LED's, at this point, is to find out why they don't deliver the goods (as promised)!

LED's don't perform as advertised because they aren't bright enough, anyone with a 2nd grade education can figure that one out. Now you have your answer, piss off.

actually la9 ur a dumbass and they are just as bright if not brighter then hps they just dont work for some reason that u and i both dont know..u have no idea about these lights in person so dont just spout off what u think is right
actually la9 ur a dumbass and they are just as bright if not brighter then hps they just dont work for some reason that u and i both dont know..u have no idea about these lights in person so dont just spout off what u think is right

You are so smart that is why they aren't using led's on car headlights because of their blinding brightness. Why you go read some information out of a college book instead of advertising for an LED light. LED's are not brighter than HPS and how you come up with that is far from me to imagine.

Besides aren't you on my thread, go away.

u made a thread to contradict urself...first u say led sucks then u come up with a alternative to the UFO then we all say it sucks then u agree with ur real smart..and they do use them for cars jaskass
You are so cool !!!

LED's don't perform as advertised because they aren't bright enough, anyone with a 2nd grade education can figure that one out. Now you have your answer, piss off.


Well as far as your answer goes you are probably right! But your 2nd grade thinking is what keeps you in the dark. Brightness is just a function of lumens and "lumens are for humans", not for plants. Plants take in light energy in units of micro-einstiens, any post graduate student knows that - you should even be able to figure it out with your vast store of knowledge. You, la9, are a liar and a hack! You are full of shit and you don't know what you are talking about! I'm sure by now you are realizing that you are in way over your head and you wish there was some way to get out of it.

Actually there are two ways:
1. You can borrow a pair of balls from one of your "loving" cohorts and discuss this out in the open - without all your sarcastic bullshit.
2. You can shut the fuck up and crawl back into the hole you came from.

Either way suites me fine! I'm not going to piss off - I'm going to expose you for what you are - worthless!
What, no witless comeback! Just as I thought - you really don't know what to say!

He's probably checking to see what the hell a micro-einstien is, ROFLMAO!
Maybe he picked option number 2.

"Actually there are two ways:
1. You can borrow a pair of balls from one of your "loving" cohorts and discuss this out in the open - without all your sarcastic bullshit.
2. You can shut the fuck up and crawl back into the hole you came from."

I hope so! But that wouldn't be nearly as much fun! I would like to see how stupid this asshole really is! Come on out and play la9 - what's the matter - no balls? I guess, since he's a liar and full of shit, that hiding is really the only option he has left.

That's what happens when your mouth writes checks that your brain can't cash! That last comment was a personal opinion because you are a bad joke; that came home to roost!
Come on out and play la9 - what's the matter - no balls?

Where you want to meet up at Pussy ? I would love to meet you in person it would make my day. Hide behind the computer and spout bullshit is all you can do. I have a life and can't be on here 24 hours a day like you. You wait till I leave and start running your trap, just like must pussies I know.

Guess that finally shut your pussy ass up, go hide some where and cry.

has anyone ever seen pics of an grow where someone has only used a UFO / LEDs?

I cannot see the results being that good.
has anyone ever seen pics of an grow where someone has only used a UFO / LEDs?

I cannot see the results being that good.

The results are not that good but the company that sells led lights posts several times a day to make it look like they are being used by everyone.

If you dare attck their ads with facts they will start name calling and trying to run your name thru the mud. They are really vicous for some reason.

Just stick with lighting that works CFL/MH/HPS if you want to be threatened and called names just say somthing negative about LED's
