Here is an Alternative to UFO LED Lighting

ive read this whole thread and i'm still confused..

do these things work?

i just got a 2 light, 500 watt system and put it on a building. It is so bright, it cast huge shawdows in the yard. THe electrical wire supplying the building is old and under sized. When I was adjusting a light a pop and ka-band happened inside its metal box this was followed with a nice puff of smoke. But man it works and its really fucking bright.. and hot, i think i can feel it standing under it. it is 9 feet tall.

i found that standing on the mower mounting it was a little to hard, so i will fix whatever went ka-bang later. and myabe the wire size too.


Here is an alternative to UFO LEDs

th cammo whats ur opinion on cfl vs many u think will take to equal UFO

Hard to say! It's really a matter of "Square Foot" coverage. It takes about 100 watts of CFL light to support a sq.ft. of growth - that's not very efficient. And the jury is still out on how many sq. ft. a UFO will cover.

But something you said earlier is really what this is all about! The bottom line is that some of us are interested in experimenting with LED grow lights! I'm sure that the Wright brothers had a lot of hecklers too ("Hey Wilber, that piece of junk will never get off the ground!"). Well guess what, about a hundred years ago, that "piece of junk" did get off the ground and managed to fly a few feet (baby steps - baby steps!). But in the matter of a few years, real airplanes were making real flights. There was a time when everyone knew that the Earth was flat - they "knew" it because thier eyes were closed to the possibility. I digress!

I don't think anyone, except people like la9, believe that comparing the "state-of-the-art" LED's to HID's is what this is all about. It's not! Comparatively speaking, LED's suck - but they do work! My opinion is that HID's work better for growing cannabis (especially when it comes to flowering) - now, with that being said, that doesn't mean I'm not still very interested to see "what is possible". The difference is, that I don't go around harassing HID growers by saying things like: "About 80% of your electrcity is wasted on excess heat because the PAR ratio is so low" or "Why don't you just wise up and switch your lights?". I view what is going on now as a transition period. Remember that the first flight by the Wright brothers was shorter than the wingspan of a Boeing-747 (baby steps, remember?). A trip is not just about the destination, it's also about the journey! I'm still waiting to see what is possible!
by T.H. CAMMO LED's suck

There we agree, debate's over, see you.

sunshine systems sells the most unreliable problem prone grow lights available.........imo
Why do you want to argue over stuff you have no clue about ?


Let's have the debate that you are so affraid of, then we'll see who doesn't have a clue! What's the matter? No balls!

hey what about these??

This thread still open.

ive read this whole thread and i'm still confused..

do these things work?

i just got a 2 light, 500 watt system and put it on a building. It is so bright, it cast huge shawdows in the yard. THe electrical wire supplying the building is old and under sized. When I was adjusting a light a pop and ka-band happened inside its metal box this was followed with a nice puff of smoke. But man it works and its really fucking bright.. and hot, i think i can feel it standing under it. it is 9 feet tall.

i found that standing on the mower mounting it was a little to hard, so i will fix whatever went ka-bang later. and myabe the wire size too.

There we agree, debate's over, see you.

sunshine systems sells the most unreliable problem prone grow lights available.........imo

No you stupid bitch, you still don't get it! That's not the point and you are still a lying poser who took that quote out of context! Since you are clearly too stupid to understand English why should anyone believe you understand any of the things you claim?
You don't get it, it's over.

LED's suck

sunshine systems sells the most unreliable problem prone grow lights available.........imo
ive read this whole thread and i'm still confused..
do these things work? :mrgreen::peace:bongsmilie
Not really sure what you're asking about! That photo you're showing is a quartz Halogen work light, they put out a lot of lumens but they are just about useless for growing. But that reflector/enclosure could probably be modified to house a 150 watt (or so) HID bulb, and you could "air-cool" it real easy with some off-the-counter parts.
The only reason it's over is because you are terrified to face the fact that you are a poser. I trust that everybody that read that post that you quote (out of context, but you probably don't understand what that means either!) understood exactly what I meant, everybody except you, la9. You're just a poser who plays fast and loose with the truth - "You can't handle the truth!".

Go ahead and play stupid, act sarcastic - you're just showing what you're really made of! It appears that you misinterperate just about evrything that you read, I don't really know if that's because of your lack of grasp on reality, or if you're just straight up brain damaged. Either way, talking to you is like answering a fart - it may be fun but your side of the conversation just doesn't make any sense
Why do you want to argue over stuff you have no clue about ?


I know you have trouble with the concept of common sense, so maybe I should dummy up my vocabulary so we can understand each other. A debate isn't simply an argument - it' a public event that allows two opposing sides to discuss thier points of view openly, it has ground rules, moderators and all that good stuff. This would be a great way for you to prove to everybody how superior your knowledge is - just the way you claim it to be. Of course, that's unless you have something to hide - like the fact that you're a lying poser.

The funny thing is, you don't even deny it - you can't take the chance of making more of a fool of yourself by confronting the accusations head on, so you just hide behind your childish sarcasm. On the other hand, I mean everything I say - I know you're a lying poser who is just affraid to be uncovered in front of everybody, what's more important is the fact that you know it too. I think others are starting to see that you're not standing on any principle - you're just running scared and full of shit! You got nothin'! You're a puke! I can smell the fear in your simple minded repleys. Proove me wrong, please! Borrow a set of balls and proove me wrong!
You don't get it, it's over.

LED's suck

sunshine systems sells the most unreliable problem prone grow lights available.........imo
L.E.D.s suck ballz and buds dont grow dense HAha dont waste your money.
If it sounds to good to be true it usaly is :)
they are still in trial stages and i want 2 try leds because they are sumthing new and there will be new challenges to overcome i can already imagine sum awesome led setups we will b able 2 buy and make in a couple of years. as for me im gonna experiment with a procyon.
and t h cammo i agree wiv u bout la9 but u nvr gonna win he's blatently just a child

cammo- i was just adding to the confusion. i thought this thread was in need of a hijack.

thanks for trying. no i'm not growing with halogen. i'm growing with sunshine system L.E.D.'s. HA!

i hope there aren't too many threads like this one. it really diminishes riu's appeal. this thread sucks! and now I'm a part of it. i gotta go wash my hands.
yeah, i think ppl just jump on the new thing wagon, but that always helps with research and development, from what ive seen as far as text on this, the just cannot produce substantial yields, and doesnt compare to really any hid
yeah, i think ppl just jump on the new thing wagon, but that always helps with research and development, from what ive seen as far as text on this, the just cannot produce substantial yields, and doesnt compare to really any hid

Funny, I always seem to feel that ppl just hold on to old, familiar notions because they can't seem to manage change very well. I mean, look, when we start talking about LEDs, we're telling people that the Lumen is no more (in terms of useful measurement or comparisons). We introduce terms like Photon Flux. Eyes glaze over. What? No way they can make a flat TV! And cameras no longer need film!

Listen to me, I'm growing as acerbic as the obstructionists. What does one care if some one else wastes money on some new-fangled gadget anyway? Doesn't cut into anyone's yield but theirs does it?

"...just cannot produce substantial yields.." To me this indicates that this poster seeks grams at any cost, not potency, or taste at any weight. I'd rather get an ounce per plant of super, kick-your-ass organic than 4 ounces per plant of that chemically "pretty good smoke" you got there....

These pics show some of what I've got going at 4 weeks into flower. Two best colas shown from 6 plants. the middle one is a close-up to show the lovely tricholiciocity.


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