Here is why "gun registration" is a freedom killer...

i'd think that you could keep count or just wait until bullets stop coming out.

Yep, you keep count. :P

in the past decades gun ownership has grown tremendously while at the same time gun violence has gone down more and more since the 80s. the more guns and persons who can use responsible the less gun related crimes this has been proven a fact many times over.
i realize for the many persons that are scared to death and believe the cops will save you from all evil even when watching violence go down and cops nowhere in site they will still have hope until you are getting made a statistic yourself.
the truth is you are responsible for your safety and your families. i live out in the country calling the cop is useless they would take an hour. in that time a nasty person can do a lot of damage. i for one will stand up for mine. when the cops finally would arrive they only make thing worse for all involved, i have seen it lots.

our forefathers gave us he right to defend our families and loved ones and if tis is taken away so will freedom s we know it. i believe t was Thomas Jefferson who said to give up freedoms for a little bit of safety in the end we will get neither safety nor freedom. give that some thought and see the correlations between what is going on today.

you must be out of your mind to even think otherwise. regardless of what you may think socialism i not the answer.
Even saying proven fact, over and over, means nothing to this crowd.

We bring boatloads of facts..... and full color glossies with with circles and arrows and a paragraph on back of each one explaining what each one is all about, (Arlo Guthrie, Alice's Restaurant.) NOTHING.

Why? It is an argument of emotion and blind eye to facts, embedded in an Anti-Consitutional, Royalist agenda.

It is sort the opposite side of British Pragmatism. "Sir, the new men, quail at the sight of blood." "Quite right, Lt., you may paint the gun deck red." "very good, SUR!"

Their entire thing, was - show no fear! Have contempt, for the enemy's fear spoils his aim. "At 'em, BOYS!!!!!"

Our entire stance is becoming.....RUN!!!
Oh, Kynes, I has a sad. I own several Glocks and have fired thousands of rounds through them with nary a jam. I am huge fan of Glocks.

That is the same thing folks say about hi-point.
My 2 carbines the 9mm and the 45acp have never not fired a round or jammed as claimed by many.
And my glock has never jammed either! But my sig sure has and often at that.
in the past decades gun ownership has grown tremendously while at the same time gun violence has gone down more and more since the 80s. the more guns and persons who can use responsible the less gun related crimes this has been proven a fact many times over.
i realize for the many persons that are scared to death and believe the cops will save you from all evil even when watching violence go down and cops nowhere in site they will still have hope until you are getting made a statistic yourself.
the truth is you are responsible for your safety and your families. i live out in the country calling the cop is useless they would take an hour. in that time a nasty person can do a lot of damage. i for one will stand up for mine. when the cops finally would arrive they only make thing worse for all involved, i have seen it lots.

our forefathers gave us he right to defend our families and loved ones and if tis is taken away so will freedom s we know it. i believe t was Thomas Jefferson who said to give up freedoms for a little bit of safety in the end we will get neither safety nor freedom. give that some thought and see the correlations between what is going on today.

you must be out of your mind to even think otherwise. regardless of what you may think socialism i not the answer.

Lets not also forget that the police have absolutely no duty to protect you in the first place, Supremes already decided that. You can call the police and tell them you are under duress, but they don't have to come unless they feel laws are being broken and its worth their while.

PS It was Ben Franklin who said that about safety.
But my sig sure has and often at that.

You must have a crappy American made SIG, or perhaps a PoS Mosquito. IMO the best SIGs are West German made ones, followed by German made ones.

Hi Points might shoot fine, but they aren't very accurate, heavy, ergonomics of a brick and UGLY AS SIN. They are super cheap though.
That is the same thing folks say about hi-point.
My 2 carbines the 9mm and the 45acp have never not fired a round or jammed as claimed by many.
And my glock has never jammed either! But my sig sure has and often at that.

I have had a Glock 17 for about twenty years, and I have seen it jam. I took my then 10 year old son to the range and let him shoot it. It failed to eject on every round when he fired it. The problem was "limp wrist" (note to progressives, this is a technical term used by shooters and not a homophobic slur). Because he did not have firm control of the gun, the recoil was being absorbed by hand/arm movement, which caused the Glock to fail to eject the rounds. A little quick instruction and I soon had my son able to patrol and protect the twin lakes condos.
I have had a Glock 17 for about twenty years, and I have seen it jam. I took my then 10 year old son to the range and let him shoot it. It failed to eject on every round when he fired it. The problem was "limp wrist" (note to progressives, this is a technical term used by shooters and not a homophobic slur). Because he did not have firm control of the gun, the recoil was being absorbed by hand/arm movement, which caused the Glock to fail to eject the rounds. A little quick instruction and I soon had my son able to patrol and protect the twin lakes condos.

My old lady has limp wrist problems with semi autos also, so she gets a nice S&W J Frame .38 revolver.
That is the same thing folks say about hi-point.
My 2 carbines the 9mm and the 45acp have never not fired a round or jammed as claimed by many.
And my glock has never jammed either! But my sig sure has and often at that.

my experience demonstrates otherwise.

if your sig is jamming youre probably limp-wristing it, a common problem with glock owners.
Don't you guys know it is illegal to talk about guns like that. To glorify guns is a Hate Crime. It brings fear and un-ease to normal people.

"Anyone who does not chose to use careful and muted language when referring to firearms is guilty of a Class 3 Misdemeanor. Anyone who is openly gleeful in expression or word, whilst holding a firearm either at ready or at port arms is guilty of a Schedule 2 Felony, with Hate Crime enhancement. Anyone who openly shows teeth, or "smiles" when operating a firearm is guilty of Glorifying Firearms, Tier 1 Hate Crime, with mandatory sentencing guidelines. (Sec. 6, C(sub r)2)"

You all are on notice.
Don't you guys know it is illegal to talk about guns like that. To glorify guns is a Hate Crime. It is brings fear and un-ease to normal people.

"Anyone who does not chose to use careful and muted language when referring to fireams is guilty of a Class 3 Misdomenor. Anyone who is openly gleeful in expression or word, whilst holding a firearm either at ready or at port arms is guilty of a Sechedule 2 Felony, with Hate Crime enhancement. Anyone who openly shows teeth, or "smiles" when operating a firearm is guilty of Glorifying Firearms, Tier 1 Hate Crime, with mandatory sentencing guidelines (Sec. 6, C(sub r)2)"

You all are on notice.
Don't you guys know it is illegal to talk about guns like that. To glorify guns is a Hate Crime. It brings fear and un-ease to normal people.

"Anyone who does not chose to use careful and muted language when referring to firearms is guilty of a Class 3 Misdemeanor. Anyone who is openly gleeful in expression or word, whilst holding a firearm either at ready or at port arms is guilty of a Schedule 2 Felony, with Hate Crime enhancement. Anyone who openly shows teeth, or "smiles" when operating a firearm is guilty of Glorifying Firearms, Tier 1 Hate Crime, with mandatory sentencing guidelines. (Sec. 6, C(sub r)2)"

You all are on notice.

That's hogwash, nobody on this sit is normal.:shock:
You must have a crappy American made SIG, or perhaps a PoS Mosquito. IMO the best SIGs are West German made ones, followed by German made ones.

Hi Points might shoot fine, but they aren't very accurate, heavy, ergonomics of a brick and UGLY AS SIN. They are super cheap though.

Could be...
I hit at 50yds all the time.