Here is why "gun registration" is a freedom killer...

I am sure the Turnip, reloaded calmly while some of the kids were bleeding out. So, if the idea was small mags means the pinned down defenders with revolvers get a chance to return fire, that would be one thing.

But with no armed citizens and all too cowardly, to fight back it doesn't matter if you have to reload a smooth bore shotgun with black powder and gravel, does it?

The sheep-people the Royalist want us to raise, would just stand there, maybe begging, while the guy reloads a room full of buck shot.

I love it when Buck mentions that a CCW holder with a Pistol was there on site. What he fails to mention is that the CCW holder didn't appear until AFTER everything had happened. That person had no opportunity to stop anything, but Buck sure likes to make it seem like he was there but did nothing.
So the reload is what did him in? Or was it because SOMEONE ELSE Acted?

someone acted while he was trying to reload. he fired 23 more bullets than he had to before that happened, and several people died including a small child. i hope you think of that small child next time you are so direly inconvenienced by having to take a few moments to reload while at the range.

His reloading did nothing to stop people from being killed.

but it did. you can't just wave a wand at reality and make it disappear, as much as you try.
I love it when Buck mentions that a CCW holder with a Pistol was there on site. What he fails to mention is that the CCW holder didn't appear until AFTER everything had happened. That person had no opportunity to stop anything, but Buck sure likes to make it seem like he was there but did nothing.

This is what Buck does best. He takes some insignificant nugget and then quotes that to give the rest of his propaganda some respectability. His act is old and boring.

Buck is a useless piece of human debris.
This is what Buck does best. He takes some insignificant nugget and then quotes that to give the rest of his propaganda some respectability. His act is old and boring.

Buck is a useless piece of human debris.

what about the good guy with a gun at the DC naval yard shooting? why didn't more guns in the hands of good guys help then?

it sure didn't help gabby giffords either.

interestingly enough, small children with guns killed more people in the US last year than terrorists.

the only thing that stops a bad child with a gun is a good child with a gun. amirite?
he fired 23 more bullets than he had to

I have never heard of a 23 round magazine for a Glock, in fact none exist in this reality. Which reality are you in?

Loughner used a Glock 19. Do you know what that is? Or are you dumbfounded and have to go look it up?
what about the good guy with a gun at the DC naval yard shooting? why didn't more guns in the hands of good guys help then?

it sure didn't help gabby giffords either.

interestingly enough, small children with guns killed more people in the US last year than terrorists.

the only thing that stops a bad child with a gun is a good child with a gun. amirite?

For the exact same reason that you are able to make 50,000+ posts. Sometimes bad things happen. That's life.
what about the good guy with a gun at the DC naval yard shooting? why didn't more guns in the hands of good guys help then?

All Federal Government buildings are gun free zones you dolt. Why didn't the school teachers have guns? Why didn't the college kids have guns? Why didn't the teens at Columbine have the wherewithal to arm themselves?

next time you are so direly inconvenienced by having to take a few moments to reload while at the range.

Anyone with minimal training can reload a pistol in less than a 1/2 second, its so easy to do. Not a few moments, faster than you can react.
Anyone with minimal training can reload a pistol in less than a 1/2 second, its so easy to do. Not a few moments, faster than you can react.

yet kids escaped lanza's massacre when he had to reload and loughner's massacre was ended because he had to reload.

stupid facts, huh? they are so fucking stupid, those pesky goddamn facts.
what about the good guy with a gun at the DC naval yard shooting? why didn't more guns in the hands of good guys help then?

it sure didn't help gabby giffords either.

interestingly enough, small children with guns killed more people in the US last year than terrorists.

the only thing that stops a bad child with a gun is a good child with a gun. amirite?

See again, you have no idea what you are talking about.

The Navy Yard, as all Military Bases are dis-armed. Had Gabby had a little more security...more than none, it could have been different.

But, like you told me, Gabby survived. My girlfriend survived, so why did you even need a gun?

Now, anyone not on alert posture can be walked up to and shot. That's the point. They can't shot anyone else, if there is a wide, and trained, bystander, armed response. And no one will risk it. If we just gunned down, anyone that pulled a gun, guns would not get pulled.

So, don't compare bystanders to cops either. The don't face it day after day, they don't have to save their skin. They are into sacrifice, more often than not. They are the self trained and interupted from their tasks and called to stand to.

Every time this happens it ends well.

And I don't think you can show me a single instance where an armed citizen interfered with the cops. Yet, I have seem plenty where the gun saves the day.

Who in their right minds think guns are harmful in these situations? Hey, crime goes down when the little old guy in the next booth is mature and calmly armed.
yet kids escaped lanza's massacre when he had to reload and loughner's massacre was ended because he had to reload.

stupid facts, huh? they are so fucking stupid, those pesky goddamn facts.

Those aren't facts, mere speculation by you, if they were facts we could look them up.
Those aren't facts, mere speculation by you, if they were facts we could look them up.

Since Lanza's last round went through his own head it seems unlikely anybody "escaped while he reloaded". Because the cops took 15 minutes (yes, 15 eternal minutes) to respond to the Sandy Hook school, Lanza had the luxury of a target rich, completely disarmed environment to shoot at his leisure.

I wonder if he would have had so much time to shoot little kids if several teachers and the principle had been armed? Obviously, the police were useless.
But, if that kid had been accosted before he got to the class room, the kids would have been warned.

He had no business being there, but in this day and age, he just sauntered up. Even one teacher...

We don't care about the kids, really. It is just an excuse to bully society.

Or I tell you, there are plenty of kindergarten hall monitors or even the janitor that could handle this guy.

So, I look at it this way. The war on pot is over, so now you are being fooled by the war on guns.