Here is why "gun registration" is a freedom killer...

nobody cares about your opinion.

you know less about guns than you do about drying your weed in sanitary conditions.

ya see, that's the great thing here. i can simply stagger the harvest, rent a u-haul, or any other number of things to prepare for a larger than expected harvest in the future.

whereas for you, it is much more difficult to change the fact that you are overweight, middle aged, making minimum wage, and living with your mother.

to put it simply, i may be drunk, but you are ugly, and i will wake up sober.
I imagine it is hard to understand how a situation can escalate so quickly and how your life may very well be on the line until you have experienced it.

I've been there too, at night in bed asleep. Basically it was a home invasion by a very large burly man and his accomplice, this was in 1986. Just a loud noise as my bedroom door was bashed open, I woke up, rolled off the bed and at the same time grabbed my Glock 17 and stuck it in the face of this huge man. I was buck ass naked and didn't care. I walked them to the front door and they ran, I then called the police and gave the PD the license plate of the vehicle they got into. Unfortunately the vehicle had been stolen and they were never found.

I had to replace my bedroom door and the back sliding glass door that had the lock pryed out.

You practiced that roll out, didn't you. Good job. If guns just "went off on their own" he would be one dead duck.

What did they want anyway? All ya got? I let mine run, also. Basic Sun Tsu.
keep pushing your white persecution narrative, ignore the obvious privilege said position brings you, wonder why everyone calls you a racist, rinse, repeat, cry, whine, etcetera.

You and Cheesy are not everyone. I know that is a bitter pill to swallow, but some on RIU are rational, and most outside RIU are rational.
You and Cheesy are not everyone. I know that is a bitter pill to swallow, but some on RIU are rational, and most outside RIU are rational.

kynes has been called racist by probably a dozen people here with his rants against multiculturalism, defense of philippe rushton (LOfuckingL), and unending line of racist drivel which i will not bother to more thoroughly detail.
kynes has been called racist by probably a dozen people here with his rants against multiculturalism, defense of philippe rushton (LOfuckingL), and unending line of racist drivel which i will not bother to more thoroughly detail.

I just don't get how a guy that defends Adolf Hitler has the moral virtue to call other members racist, it baffles the mind.
I just don't get how a guy that defends Adolf Hitler has the moral virtue to call other members racist, it baffles the mind.

day 8: the sock puppet has still failed to cite where i have defended hitler, despite repeated requests for such. offers to leave RIU forever at the very posting of said defense have been met by childish digressions from the asshurt sock puppet bitch. the search for intelligent life continues.
day 8: the sock puppet has still failed to cite where i have defended hitler, despite repeated requests for such. offers to leave RIU forever at the very posting of said defense have been met by childish digressions from the asshurt sock puppet bitch. the search for intelligent life continues.

Failed to cite my butt, I've already done that on a couple of occasions, not wasting my time playing the fetch it game anymore, just so you can spin your own words and deny it..
Three or four other members witnessed it too.

For a dood that makes a habit of calling everyone else a racist, you sure sound like a cry baby when the shoe is on the other foot.
Well if people were not so obsessed with race they would understand that America is a giving a complete pass to the brilliant coup. We call This the first clearly African and American President. And sure he is getting some. He is suppose to. WE elected him. The People's Clear Choice.

So, is it an obsession or are we trying to stamp out this stupid, inferior thinking of all races.

So, not obsession when we see someone calling him a black booted thug.

There was a guy just convicted, because he shot up a car. Why? He did not like Thug Music. Now, don't try to tell us that is not a racial slur. It doesn't fly. Same with boot black.

It doesn't fly. So who is so obsessed they think nothing is going on? Who is it that wants to say it is all over, but talks and acts like it ain't over?

Obesssed with race? Good one.

And when we get to the Homie bs. condescension, and the fake smiles....same thing.

So, I'm not obsessed, I'm fed up enough to lash out.

This is a great accomplishment for America. Yet, you and others are taking a shit on it, in not so veiled, race hate terms. And you think you hide that in Partisan politics, business as usual. See?

Well, you asked.
I doubt anyone here takes you for your word, except your sock puppets.

you sure do cry a lot about me when all you have to do is produce the quote that you claim exists.

want me to post a link to the thread where you claim this happened to make it easy for you?

i don't want to insult you as some lazy, ignorant nagger, so let me know if you want me to link to thread, replete with post numbers for your pleasure, sistah.

loughner proved that simply having to reload can be the end of a mass murderer's shooting spree.

So the reload is what did him in? Or was it because SOMEONE ELSE Acted?

Know why the teachers couldn't do anything to stop the children from being gunned down by someone who had to reload 4 separate times?

His reloading did nothing to stop people from being killed.

Please find another argument.

A bungled reload cannot be depended upon to save lives Bucky.
Another thing Buckster, If magazine limits are put in place, will the criminals obey those laws? Or will they just choose to get some high capacity magazines since there are hundreds of millions of them in the USA?

I suppose if we make killing people illegal, and have a extreme punishment for it, that would help too.
So the reload is what did him in? Or was it because SOMEONE ELSE Acted?

Know why the teachers couldn't do anything to stop the children from being gunned down by someone who had to reload 4 separate times?

His reloading did nothing to stop people from being killed.

Please find another argument.

A bungled reload cannot be depended upon to save lives Bucky.

I am sure the Turnip, reloaded calmly while some of the kids were bleeding out. So, if the idea was small mags means the pinned down defenders with revolvers get a chance to return fire, that would be one thing.

But with no armed citizens and all too cowardly, to fight back it doesn't matter if you have to reload a smooth bore shotgun with black powder and gravel, does it?

The sheep-people the Royalist want us to raise, would just stand there, maybe begging, while the guy reloads a room full of buck shot.