Here is why "gun registration" is a freedom killer...

so you are reduced to "guns don't fire themselves" and obvious lies.

that really speaks to the strength of your position here.


This song is lawls...Plus also, here's a Canadian beer on me.....
good job. way to highlight that you have no legitimate reason to oppose simple gun control measures that an overwhelming majority of americans support.

that's gotta suck when the constitution AND the american people are not on your side, only the nuts at the NRA.

and all those dumb folks clinging to their guns and bibles and antipathy toward those who are different.

I am not against legitimate gun laws. Your idea of simple is not so crafty as you think, I am against the shill nut jobs that wouldn't know the business end of a katana, if it was handed to them.

I have may have a few weapons around the house, but I don't have one of those. Too easy to see your finger on the floor.

IAC, I prefer the silent touch. Mostly dull edged chopper, not even fit for wood, only bone. Then the razor front curve for the very unusual flick stab.


Just picked these up in Damascus steel. But, you know they can't do the job of a smoke wagon, can they?

If you ever went through it, like I have, your house would be littered with weapons.
So, would the Bulbous Boy, have been turned down for a gun? Sure. But, not his Mom. That is your slope. So, the Mom cannot have a gun unless she has a gun safe. Oh, but she did. Oh, if the kid is not sandbagging a bit, and snooping around. Oh but he was.

So, the Mom cannot have a gun at all, because she has this wonder-boy, to care for. But, he hates her so he kills her with a knife and marches down to silence a bunch of kids by setting fires and blocking doors.

I don't care if you piss yourself over the truth of this. He could have easily killed those kids, in any way.

Like that guy in Norway, set up all these diversions and began murdering a camp full of kids. He could have used any weapon. The Weapon does not cause crime.

So, do act like this is caused by the gun or that it can be solved with your slip-slope of "just simple and reasonable controls."

You won't acknowledge the facts.

Mass murder happens in a lot of ways and was before guns and will be after gun. That is why your stance is a farce.

You won't acknowledge reason. The gun saves much more than it harms.

You won't acknowledge reality. There are animals in the shape of humans. They diserve no pity, or chance.

And if you have them on your woman it is already too late. Take that from me. If you had the gun as she is screaming....
You will not even hesitate. So, I hope you can live your dream.

So, none of that is real to me. It is a right of self defense that is much older that the Constitution. Acknowledge this.
but semi automatics with high capacity magazines is by far the preferred and effective method employed by mass murderers.

SO? By comparison, guns don't kill very many people at all compared to many other things that are much easier to prevent.

Magazine limits don't work, Lanza already proved that, all of the magazines he used were limited to 10 rounds.
SO? By comparison, guns don't kill very many people at all compared to many other things that are much easier to prevent.

Magazine limits don't work, Lanza already proved that, all of the magazines he used were limited to 10 rounds.

Only takes 3.4 seconds to reload a clip.
it wasn;t very safe, now was it?

but semi automatics with high capacity magazines is by far the preferred and effective method employed by mass murderers.

So, you do get the point. Good job.

Nothing unsafe about guns and there is NO WAY to make a human safe, without killing him.
And that, by far preferred, is more bullshit.

We are allowed battle rifles. Those have ammo clips. The stats show different. You are just making it up to make me laugh.

Half of mass murder in the USA is NOT EVEN from using a gun, much less high capacity semi-auto. The last few have been shotguns.

So, it is when your lips mutter, that you type these lies. Please fix.

Get a little education on Rampage Killing in the world and see that semi-auto wepons have nothing to do with it.

It has not increased the frequency or deaths in these killing.

It is your fear based handwriting from a bad dream to disarm us.
And that, by far preferred, is more bullshit.

We are allowed battle rifles. Those have ammo clips. The stats show different. You are just making it up to make me laugh.

Half of mass murder in the USA is NOT EVEN from using a gun.

So, it is when your lips mutter, that you type these lies. Please fix.

A clip loads a magazine; a magazine feeds a gun. This is basic terminology.

Please cite your "1/2 of the mass murder in the US doesn't involve a gun" statement.
I already did that. It was a Study by Michigan Dept of Correction. I don't make unvarnished claims.

Just go look it up.. I think it is in this thread. Mass murder is mostly committed out of sight of the press. And it is domestic violence, and often is a fire or an explosion. If might be drowning and suffocation.

The public violence is split up also. Bombs, block exits and fire. A lot of Shotguns, A lot of jambed Autos. And then the trusty revolver comes out.

It is not a problem at all compared to the saves, And if we were set up to save kids, this would be no problem at all.

Here is the MacPaper of America on it. News Flash for the World.

The USA is not getting more murderous. That is the anti-tourism backlash for Buck's stance of crazy.

Good job, ya'll. Scare the world against coming here. Idiots.
I already did that. It was a Study by Michigan Dept of Correction. I don't make unvarnished claims.

Just go look it up.. I think it is in this thread. Mass murder is mostly committed out of sight of the press. And it is domestic violence, and often is a fire or an explosion. If might be drowning and suffocation.

The public violence is split up also. Bombs, block exits and fire. A lot of Shotguns, A lot of jambed Autos. And then the trusty revolver comes out.

It is not a problem at all compared to the saves, And if we were set up to save kids, this would be no problem at all.

Here is the MacPaper of America on it.

The only thing I found on a google search was an article that stated out of 186 mass killings; 146 were performed with firearms. That's around 78% by my math.