My dear. The heat of the moment is when we need to defend ourselves. So this is not whine and complain this is the reality I have lived.
You don't seem to care about the suddenness, that the
need to defend erupts. Surprise will make you pee your pants. You are a bit mixed up about the heat of the moment. I bet you have never had one.
You are only thinking about the emotion agenda side.
How many will not live to tell the tale, of how you disrupted the heat of the moment defense, and got people killed?
Oh no, see? They are conveniently dead. I fumble the lock and get killed and you don't care. The recognition software fails and I am done.
Simple. You only care about your agenda that gun locks somehow defeat a spur of the moment killing, That is so wrong. It defeats the spur of the moment save.
You need to read about women and gun saves. It is chilling the lack of time one has, to even think, much less, get passed a permission lock.
I could tell you stories. But, you should look it up.
Gun locks and other permissions are only a stupid rule that has already gotten people killed. But, your side doesn't care about that. And the press will not report it, and the cops aren't going to make a big deal about she could get her gun lock open, poor thing. Many buy into this crazy.
Gun locks are a primitive idea to keep guns away from kids. But tech is no better.
Now, if you were to back the real stuff that is not being looked at, I would really appreciate that.
My Colt 45 had 3 safes. The hammer, the slide lock and a grip lock. If you supported passive instant ID and permission, I would back your play.
But, even that has to depend on electronic tech and software.
So go ahead and tell this old Computer Geek, software can be made, so it cannot fail.
Other than that, I like you just fine.

So, Missy, no theory here, just facts you have not considered.