Here is why "gun registration" is a freedom killer...

I said I posted it.

It was very detailed about, 4.xx killed via gun mass murder, 4.xx per mass killing average for "not gun."

And it was 20.xx killed per incident for Fire related killing. Bucky remembers.

The total was 50 something percent for non-gun vs gun. Almost 1/2.
i still stand by my idea that there would need to be owner/scanner compliant..this is the ONLY way..imo..takes away the "heat of the moment" factor because it limits use to it's owner who 9/10 is not the mass murderer..

EDIT: i know, i know..whine, whine..complain, complain how this infringes upon your "right" to have an unlocked gun on a moments notice..hey! i've got an idea!..the owners whose guns are used in mass murders must stand trial as if they did it themselves..they must be held responsible for what their "right" does when it infringes upon anothers' "right" to live..
i still stand by my idea that there would need to be owner/scanner compliant..this is the ONLY way..imo..takes away the "heat of the moment" factor because it limits use to it's owner who 9/10 is not the mass murderer..

EDIT: i know, i know..whine, whine..complain, complain how this infringes upon your "right" to have an unlocked gun on a moments notice..hey! i've got an idea!..the owners whose guns are used in mass murders must stand trial as if they did it themselves..they must be held responsible for what their "right" does when it infringes upon anothers' "right" to live..

My dear. The heat of the moment is when we need to defend ourselves. So this is not whine and complain this is the reality I have lived.

You don't seem to care about the suddenness, that the need to defend erupts. Surprise will make you pee your pants. You are a bit mixed up about the heat of the moment. I bet you have never had one.

You are only thinking about the emotion agenda side.

How many will not live to tell the tale, of how you disrupted the heat of the moment defense, and got people killed?

Oh no, see? They are conveniently dead. I fumble the lock and get killed and you don't care. The recognition software fails and I am done.

Simple. You only care about your agenda that gun locks somehow defeat a spur of the moment killing, That is so wrong. It defeats the spur of the moment save.

You need to read about women and gun saves. It is chilling the lack of time one has, to even think, much less, get passed a permission lock.

I could tell you stories. But, you should look it up.

Gun locks and other permissions are only a stupid rule that has already gotten people killed. But, your side doesn't care about that. And the press will not report it, and the cops aren't going to make a big deal about she could get her gun lock open, poor thing. Many buy into this crazy.

Gun locks are a primitive idea to keep guns away from kids. But tech is no better.

Now, if you were to back the real stuff that is not being looked at, I would really appreciate that.

My Colt 45 had 3 safes. The hammer, the slide lock and a grip lock. If you supported passive instant ID and permission, I would back your play.

But, even that has to depend on electronic tech and software.

So go ahead and tell this old Computer Geek, software can be made, so it cannot fail.

Other than that, I like you just fine. :) So, Missy, no theory here, just facts you have not considered.
My dear. The heat of the moment is when we need to defend ourselves. So this not whine and complain this is the reality I have lived.

You don't seem to care about the suddenness, that the need to defend erupts. Surprise will make you pee your pants. You are a bit mixed up about the heat of the moment.

You are only thinking about the emotion agenda side.

How many will not live to tell the tale of how you disrupted the heat of the moment defense and go people killed.

Oh no, see? They are conveniently dead. I fumble the lock and get killed and you don't care.

Simple. You only care about your agenda that gun lock somehow defeat a spur of the moment killing, That is so wrong,\

Gun locks and other persmission are only stupid rule that has already gotten people. But, your side doesn't care about that.

Gun locks are a primitive idea to keep guns away from kids.

Now, if you were to back the real stuff that is not being looked at, I would really appraciate that.

My Colt 45 had 3 safes. The hammer, the slide lock and a grip lock. If you spported passive instant ID and permission, I would back your play.

But, even that has to depend on electronic tech and software.

So go ahead and tell this old Computer Geek, software can be made so it cannot fail.

Other than that, I like you just fine. :)

If i was as smart as Doer, I would have that there same thing.
i still stand by my idea that there would need to be owner/scanner compliant..this is the ONLY way..imo..takes away the "heat of the moment" factor because it limits use to it's owner who 9/10 is not the mass murderer..

EDIT: i know, i know..whine, whine..complain, complain how this infringes upon your "right" to have an unlocked gun on a moments notice..hey! i've got an idea!..the owners whose guns are used in mass murders must stand trial as if they did it themselves..they must be held responsible for what their "right" does when it infringes upon anothers' "right" to live..

Suppose one of your girlfriends steals your favorite pair of stiletto heeled pumps and then goes out to have a drink and show off her shapely legs? She takes a seat at the bar next to a member of the Westboro baptist church, who is in town for the latest "God hates fags" conference. She overhears hears the Westboro guy say that he thinks abortion should not be allowed and that a fetus is a baby. In a drunken, self-righteous rage she takes off one of her purloined stilettos and drives it into the right eye socket, and deep into the brain of the Westboro guy, killing him on the spot.

Should you be tried for manslaughter because someone stole your shoes, or should your thieving friend?

Bonus question: Is it appropriate to drive a stiletto heel into the brain of someone who has a different opinion than you?
If i was as smart as Doer, I would have that there same thing.

I am sure everyone is a smart as me. This is an exercise in reason and common sense.

It is not being "so reasonable" and kow-towing to fear.

The sheer fantasy of non-gun owners thinking that killing occurs because someone just grabs a gun an opens fire is true.

But, the idea that the maddened killer person will be dissuaded from opening the lock first, is STUPID.She maintains the element of surprise until she pulls the trigger. Of course, she can unlock first. Probably had it unlocked before her abuser got there.

But, when the perp has the element, you don't have time and your balls a swimming down there in your watery legs....if you have any.
I am sure everyone is a smart as me. This is an exercise in reason and common sense.

It is not being "so reasonable" and kow-towing to fear.

The sheer fantasy of non-gun owners thinking that killing occurs because someone just grabs a gun an opens fire is true.

But, the idea that the madden killer person will be dissuaded from opening the lock first, is STUPID. He maintains the element of surprise until he pulls the trigger. Of course, she can unlock first. Probably had it unlocked before her abuser got there.

But, when the perp has the element, you don't have time and your balls a swimming down there in your watery legs.

I whole heartedly Agree.

But why doesn't common sense prevail in this or most other political arguments, very frustrating.
Oh, well. It is simple to me. I am not sure many will understand how broad and deep the "don't care, don't say" crowd is.

It is by far most of WE. Most of us don't care at all. I am that. But, I am rare. That is because I drink it like tepid soup from the middle. It sustains my Che-ist vision of, all struggle, all the time.

So, here is the formula I use. 50% of all adults will not vote, ever. And more than that can't pick the VP out of line up. They don't watch it and they tune it out, in thought, word and deed.

So, less than 50%, far less, are in the voting thing, at all. They blindly vote, party and that is usually family. No thinking required. Or they don't bother.

So, of the ones that care to register, 1/3, like me, are Independent. But, of those, only 1/3, like me, are truly independent to vote against.

So, more than 2/3 of 1/2 of people are Partisan. And those miss all the facts and stampede back and forth in self rule, on agenda basis. But, that vote result, vector calls the shots. And it is always quite thoughtless in detail, and does keep down the blood in the streets.

And the PARTs can try to over turn all the deck chairs, burn oily rags and run about. They claim we are sinking, but we are not. These few, and the Media, try to convince us these are dire problems, but they are not.

When we hit dire problems like the South rising again, we get a new set of civil rights laws.

Everyone should understand, we all don't have to care, all the time. Govt is suppose to slow it down, for consideration. But, when we need to we can change the mix. New mix every 2-4-6-8 years. And we are lead by a CnC with the doom keys. He can kill anyone he wants, secretly. Congress can send troops and set martial law. FAA will ground all planes.

So the fast stuff is fast, the slow stuff is slow. Good to go. Trust the process, but don't throw popcorn in a theater altercation and get yourself killed.

That is my formula.

But, without TV and Media Bias we would have nothing to talk about. :) It would all seem as boring as it actually is.
My dear. The heat of the moment is when we need to defend ourselves. So this is not whine and complain this is the reality I have lived.

You don't seem to care about the suddenness, that the need to defend erupts. Surprise will make you pee your pants. You are a bit mixed up about the heat of the moment. I bet you have never had one.

You are only thinking about the emotion agenda side.

How many will not live to tell the tale, of how you disrupted the heat of the moment defense, and got people killed?

Oh no, see? They are conveniently dead. I fumble the lock and get killed and you don't care. The recognition software fails and I am done.

Simple. You only care about your agenda that gun locks somehow defeat a spur of the moment killing, That is so wrong. It defeats the spur of the moment save.

You need to read about women and gun saves. It is chilling the lack of time one has, to even think, much less, get passed a permission lock.

I could tell you stories. But, you should look it up.

Gun locks and other permissions are only a stupid rule that has already gotten people killed. But, your side doesn't care about that. And the press will not report it, and the cops aren't going to make a big deal about she could get her gun lock open, poor thing. Many buy into this crazy.

Gun locks are a primitive idea to keep guns away from kids. But tech is no better.

Now, if you were to back the real stuff that is not being looked at, I would really appreciate that.

My Colt 45 had 3 safes. The hammer, the slide lock and a grip lock. If you supported passive instant ID and permission, I would back your play.

But, even that has to depend on electronic tech and software.

So go ahead and tell this old Computer Geek, software can be made, so it cannot fail.

Other than that, I like you just fine. :) So, Missy, no theory here, just facts you have not considered.

I imagine it is hard to understand how a situation can escalate so quickly and how your life may very well be on the line until you have experienced it.

I've been there too, at night in bed asleep. Basically it was a home invasion by a very large burly man and his accomplice, this was in 1986. Just a loud noise as my bedroom door was bashed open, I woke up, rolled off the bed and at the same time grabbed my Glock 17 and stuck it in the face of this huge man. I was buck ass naked and didn't care. I walked them to the front door and they ran, I then called the police and gave the PD the license plate of the vehicle they got into. Unfortunately the vehicle had been stolen and they were never found.

I had to replace my bedroom door and the back sliding glass door that had the lock pryed out.
My dear. The heat of the moment is when we need to defend ourselves. So this is not whine and complain this is the reality I have lived.

You don't seem to care about the suddenness, that the need to defend erupts. Surprise will make you pee your pants. You are a bit mixed up about the heat of the moment. I bet you have never had one.

You are only thinking about the emotion agenda side.

How many will not live to tell the tale, of how you disrupted the heat of the moment defense, and got people killed?

Oh no, see? They are conveniently dead. I fumble the lock and get killed and you don't care. The recognition software fails and I am done.

Simple. You only care about your agenda that gun locks somehow defeat a spur of the moment killing, That is so wrong. It defeats the spur of the moment save.

You need to read about women and gun saves. It is chilling the lack of time one has, to even think, much less, get passed a permission lock.

I could tell you stories. But, you should look it up.

Gun locks and other permissions are only a stupid rule that has already gotten people killed. But, your side doesn't care about that. And the press will not report it, and the cops aren't going to make a big deal about she could get her gun lock open, poor thing. Many buy into this crazy.

Gun locks are a primitive idea to keep guns away from kids. But tech is no better.

Now, if you were to back the real stuff that is not being looked at, I would really appreciate that.

My Colt 45 had 3 safes. The hammer, the slide lock and a grip lock. If you supported passive instant ID and permission, I would back your play.

But, even that has to depend on electronic tech and software.

So go ahead and tell this old Computer Geek, software can be made, so it cannot fail.

Other than that, I like you just fine. :) So, Missy, no theory here, just facts you have not considered.

I have trouble reading your writing style sometimes.

But, I have to say gun safes and locks are fantastic for when you're not home. There's absolutely no question they are a theft deterrent.
I imagine it is hard to understand how a situation can escalate so quickly and how your life may very well be on the line until you have experienced it.

I've been there too, at night in bed asleep. Basically it was a home invasion by a very large burly man and his accomplice, this was in 1986. Just a loud noise as my bedroom door was bashed open, I woke up, rolled off the bed and at the same time grabbed my Glock 17 and stuck it in the face of this huge man. I was buck ass naked and didn't care. I walked them to the front door and they ran, I then called the police and gave the PD the license plate of the vehicle they got into. Unfortunately the vehicle had been stolen and they were never found.

I had to replace my bedroom door and the back sliding glass door that had the lock pryed out.

Dood, it would have taken all I could muster not to leave them with a 9mm memento in the leg.
Cudos to you.
Suppose one of your girlfriends steals your favorite pair of stiletto heeled pumps and then goes out to have a drink and show off her shapely legs? She takes a seat at the bar next to a member of the Westboro baptist church, who is in town for the latest "God hates fags" conference. She overhears hears the Westboro guy say that he thinks abortion should not be allowed and that a fetus is a baby. In a drunken, self-righteous rage she takes off one of her purloined stilettos and drives it into the right eye socket, and deep into the brain of the Westboro guy, killing him on the spot.

Should you be tried for manslaughter because someone stole your shoes, or should your thieving friend?

Bonus question: Is it appropriate to drive a stiletto heel into the brain of someone who has a different opinion than you?

yes yes and yes.

everybody should be tried for murder for everything they do, fail to do, or allow to happen because they didnt hurl their bodies at the barricades.

only by being a radicalized activist can you assuage your guilt and ease the burden of your Original Sin of being white, western and american.