So, would the Bulbous Boy, have been turned down for a gun? Sure. But, not his Mom. That is your slope. So, the Mom cannot have a gun unless she has a gun safe. Oh, but she did. Oh, if the kid is not sandbagging a bit, and snooping around. Oh but he was.
So, the Mom cannot have a gun at all, because she has this wonder-boy, to care for. But, he hates her so he kills her with a knife and marches down to silence a bunch of kids by setting fires and blocking doors.
I don't care if you piss yourself over the truth of this. He could have easily killed those kids, in any way.
Like that guy in Norway, set up all these diversions and began murdering a camp full of kids. He could have used any weapon. The Weapon does not cause crime.
So, do act like this is caused by the gun or that it can be solved with your slip-slope of "just simple and reasonable controls."
You won't acknowledge the facts.
Mass murder happens in a lot of ways and was before guns and will be after gun. That is why your stance is a farce.
You won't acknowledge reason. The gun saves much more than it harms.
You won't acknowledge reality. There are animals in the shape of humans. They diserve no pity, or chance.
And if you have them on your woman it is already too late. Take that from me. If you had the gun as she is screaming....
You will not even hesitate. So, I hope you can live your dream.
So, none of that is real to me. It is a right of self defense that is much older that the Constitution. Acknowledge this.